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Best anwser to your personal end?

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U must start to open your eyes and see that there is many "gods" in hindusim, cause people claiming to be hindusts are also fighting about this, eaven in this forum. Most people think that Krishna is the god and some thing it's someone else and someone think it's a way to god.. Who is god then? Cause u have NO IDEA, do you? I know that u are a person wich makes you far more real then ANY god on this earth, but we silly people don't see that, so we drown ourself in illusions like religions and material wantings (dreaming about money and so on..). A person beliving in some god is doing it for itself and not for me or the people coming after you and lotes of.. You belive cause you are scared, so scared that u forget to eaven care about what u allready have. You're scared to die!


I'll tell you the closest u will ever get to know what it's like to be dead: When you die, every part of you will nuture the nature. You will actually be a part of flowers, grass, dirt, into some eternal circle.. That's the closest a human being will ever get to know what's gonna happen and THAT's an anwser my friend. What's so bad about being totaly part of nature? It's been said that human are far more usefull to nature being dead then alive...


I personaly think that if I can be a part of nature, be a part of some flowers, a part of a tree, I know then that all part of me will keep on living, and THAT makes me smile =) Is the some people who actually "know" that there is something more real then this after you're dead? You're all welcome to anwser me, but please make it on a human level and not a epic or from a poem or some illusion. Illusions beyond the reality is and has allways been crushing our way to take care of and love what we allready have. THIS has created ALL wars and will keep on doing it as long as we strive for something we don't have, weather it being material or something we can't see, some god.

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<< Illusions beyond the reality is and has allways been crushing our way to take care of and love what we allready have. THIS has created ALL wars and will keep on doing it as long as we strive for something we don't have, >>


this show you do not like wars, and that is not bad.


now, who are the aggressors or which is (are) the aggresive ideology(ies)? when you know it, then please focus your effort on them. hindus are not warmongers and are most tolerant. so do not worry about them. they are the victims of the aggresors and invaders.


at some time you would come to realize that wars in this matirial world cannot be avoided. so, the choice you have is on which side you want to fight. if you think both sides are bad guys, then you need to make a party that is around you to be good first. when you succeed, then you think of making teh other side good. if you fail, a bad guy will rule over you.



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I do not know what it's like to be a tree, but it is actually the closest I can get to know about what will happen to me when I die. I KNOW that all of my body will be a part of the nature, rottien up and the nature will use me to grow more. You all know too that nature will use your body and that ur cells and parts and all will grow into something new, from what nature takes to become more dirt where the flower can grow. I didn't say that as a human being I would be a flower. I don't know what a flower really is, if it can eaven think.. al I know is that it's growing and that it will grow from a dead body =)


I don't think being dead is so bad at all. No one has ever come back from death and told us that "it was sooo bad, so you should be scared and belive in something so that u wount be scared anymore" =)


I don't have to belive, cause I KNOW that you and me will be a part of nature. Why does it have to be more complicated then what we allready know for sure? Isn't that cool and selfishly good enough for you? =(

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Its actually the question of an infinite intelligence, getting modified itself and constraining itself in finite forms.


YOur post came as a relief and an eye opener.

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