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never allow aggressors/invaders

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Jai Ganesh



(to reap the benefit of invasions and aggressions.)


This is what the inveders do.



(isalm has invaded india.

the aggresor invaders and their generations are reaping the benefits. we hindus have lost a lot over 1000 years.

the agend of islam has not changed.)


We can not blame the new generations of muslim for their aggression. also do not forget most of the muslims would be converted hindus, their ancesters would have been hindus. so it would be nice if we can bring them back to the family.their is no need to further alienate them.


I do not think you are a fanatic, as others might want us to believe. you see a problem which needs addressing, otherwise we might become minority in this devabhumi.


You are right agenda of islam as praticed,by the fanatics is not good for Hindus.


Jai Shree Krishna







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dear Ganeshprasad ji,


you have understood me correctly. thanks.

please help others understand what we understand.


<< We can not blame the new generations of muslim for their aggression. >>


the balme is that they follow islam even when they are the decendents of the hindus who were forcibly converted. now that they have freedom to come back to hinduism, they are adamently following islam, and islam is not compatible, in principle, with hinduism.


the same decendents are acting as our etrenal enemies, and have taken away a large part of devabhoomi. the enemity can stop when either they give up islam.

if they go to live in pak, then they ususlly engage in activities hostile to india. and we cannot check their activies.


<< also do not forget most of the muslims would be converted hindus, their ancesters would have been hindus. so it would be nice if we can bring them back to the family. their is no need to further alienate them. >>


it is not just nice, it is very essential.


if their ancestors were converted by force to accept a barbaric ideology (a negative chagne), then, if civil persuation cannot make them give up islam, there is nothing wrong to force them to give up islam. that change is in positive direction. they can pick up any vedic religion except xianity if they choose to live in india. even no religion is fine too, but no islam.


and there are non violent ways to achieve this end.

economic bycott is a verys strong weapon.



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