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Religion has been defined as a particular system of belief in the Supreme Being whom we call God by various names and in languages that befit each culture and race. From the day man realized that there is a power above us that controls this universe, religion was born. Today some eighty five percent of the world population believes in the doctrine of divine establishments. But the competition of establishing whose is the true faith has led man to fighting and squabbling among the believers to the extent of killing each other. We are made to believe that prophets and messengers were chosen by the Supreme Being to transmit messages to mankind so that people would lead a righteous life, which would assure us a place in heaven hereafter. So much so some of these establishments emphasize more on the life hereafter than what needs to be done here and now. We are not blind that we cannot see what is happening to us and around the world. Some of us do not even worry what is happening around our own neighbourhood, but try to preach to others about religious obligations. Why? It is because we only read and memorize whatever is written in the divine scriptures of our religion, but fail to practice or even understand what they actually meant. There are some overzealous defenders of some religion who would go to the extend of taking the lives of others for the sake of imposing their belief on others and there are those who believe that speaking or converging with those of different faith is a sin. Why is there such indifferences among these followers is not a mystery. I believe those in authority of their religion have either misinterpreted their doctrines or misguided their followers for selfish reasons.


Prophets and divine persons do not see any difference in the their approach except that some of them may have immersed themselves too deep in their faith and the life hereafter that they failed to see the sensitivity of people at large, which is why we are always at war. We are neither the first nor the last of our species. We are the link from the past the present and the future and if we do not want to destroy what we have built this far, than we ought to change our mindset to live and let live so that the future will be a better place for all living beings. The action of the past is the product of today and ours will determine the future as to how our species will survive. We are so engrossed in each other’s faith and believe, that we fail to see the real issue here. God did not create this universe to be destroyed by his own creation but to preserve it for the future generation, which we would not live to see. Our action would determine the future destination of mankind on earth. For centuries mankind has seen wars of religion, wars of territories and wars of terrorism, which result is indeterminable devastation of tranquillity to the living species of this planet. We can see the adverse effect that is causing this world to slowly escalate into a world of terror where none is safe to dwell. There are, I believe persons of divine quality in the present world who are emphasizing on unity in diversity of mankind and the wonders it will bring, but some religions do not see the wisdom in them. The followers of these religions are not to be blamed but the institution they belong to, which only cares for their own breed of people and not the whole of mankind. Did God divide the human race into divisions, of course not but than why are we divided?


This, we will have to look into the anthropology of the human race. In evolution the human race moved out from a single area of the globe to other parts of the world to seek better environment for survival and that caused the changes in pigmentation of skin colour, mannerism, behavioural pattern, development of language and consumption of food intake. Apart from this nothing else has changed. A human is a human no matter what language, race, colour or creed he belongs to. The worst thing could happen to mankind is religion, which had divided man apart from each other. All this could have been due to misinterpretations and misguided doctrines of the so-called messengers of God who could not have foreseen the problems they had created for the future world. During their era it was easy to contain, as the population was small and illiteracy was high where the messengers although would have encountered some resistance due to change in the method of approach but eventually were able to convert them by way of force, war and control of territory. Today the human race is well informed and due to the developing capacity of reasoning power of the human brain, men have emerged in finding the truth according to ones own understanding of the Supreme Being. To save the world from self-destruction, all institution of divine doctrines should collectively agree to speak as one mind to convince the human race that the Supreme Being is one and is called by many names, and is approached in ways that one finds comfort and peace at heart. Only than can mankind live in peace with each other without hurting or mocking one’s faith. Before any worst could happen I feel this would be the best approach towards peace on earth. May the human race live as one nation and help to carve a better future for the generation to come so that this planet would be a better place for all living entity.



2nd. January. 2003


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