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Want to know more about Rudra

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I want to know


whether Really Lord Rudra incarnated as "Pandya king - Sundershwara" , parvathi devi (maya devi) incarnated as "Sri Meenakshi Devi" & ruled Madurai (in Tamilnadu) ?.


Is the above avatar supported by any puranas or ithihasas ?


Of course, i know the story of Goddess Menakshi devi & her rule in Madurai. But i wanna know how authentic it is ?


Out of curiousity i am asking. No offence intended.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMAH SIVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO VENKATESAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO BAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif JAI SHRI KRISHNA

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(HinduDharma: Puranas)


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We ought to have implicit faith in the Vedas, so too in the statements made in the Tamil Vedas of Saivas and Vaisnavas- the Tevaram and the Divyaprabandham. There are places whose glory has been sung in the Tevaram of the Nayanmars and in the pasurams of the Azhvars. These songs allude to what is said about such places in the Sthala Puranas. That there are such references in these Tamil devotional works, which are 1, 500 years old, is proof of the antiquity of these Puranas.


For instance, take the Perumal of the Srirangam temple (Tamil Nadu). The idol is unique in the sense that it faces south. There is an explanation for this in the Sthala Purana pertaining to the temple. When Vibhisana was returning to Lanka after attending the coronation of Sri Ramacandra, Rama gave him the idol of Ranganatha that he himself had been worshipping. On his way the idol somehow got installed on the island skirted by the two arms of the Kaveri. Vibhisana was sad that he could not take it with him to his capital Lankapuri. So, out of compassion for him, Sri Ranganatha lay facing south. This incident is described in detail in the Sthala Purana of Srirangam. It is also mentioned in the songs of the Azhvars.


If the reason for Vishnu facing south in Srirangam was known during the time of the Azhvars, the Sthala Purana of that place must surely predate the work of these Vaisnava saint-poets.


The linga in the Ekamranatha temple in Kancipuram was shaped by Amba herself. At the time she was worshipping it the Lord created a flood, but she kept embracing the linga and it was thus saved from being carried away in the flood. The Lord then appeared from the linga. This Sthala Purana episode is told in the Tevaram also. Sundaramurtisvamin's poems sing the glory of Amba performing puja here.


In Jambukesvaram (Tiruvanaikka), near Srirangam, a great sage called Jambu was transformed into a jambu tree. Siva enshrined himself under it in his linga form. There a spider wove a conopy of web over the linga and worshipped the Lord. An elephant destroyed this canopy and performed abhiseka to the linga. The spider, naturally enraged, crept into the elephant's trunk, ascended up and bore into its head. The animal then dashed against the jambu tree and it was killed along with the spider. The spider was reborn as KoccenkotCola who built the Jambukesvaram temple. This story occurs in the Sthala Purana- and it is referred to in the Tevaram also. In the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, the Kaveri wells up all the time. This wonderful phenomenon is mentioned in the Tevaram of Appar and in the Patttupattu.


At midday, in Tirukkazhukunram, two eagles descend on the hill and receive sweet rice offered by the temple priest. After consuming the rice the birds fly away. Some people have doubts about the antiquity of this phenomenon. From the time of the Tevaram itself the place is known as (Tiru)kazhukkunram. What better evidence is needed?


In Tiruvidaimarudur (in Tanjavurdistrict) bathing on the occasion of Taippusam is specially auspicious according to the Ksetra-mahatmyam. Appar and Sambandhar have spoken about the festival in their songs dating back to 1, 500 years ago.


Srirangam, Jambukesvaram, Kancipuram, Tirukkazhukunram and Tiruvidaimarudur are great holy places. So it may be argued, there is nothing remarkable about their being mentioned in the old Tamil texts. But it is noteworthy that puranic stories associated even with smaller places are referred to in old Tamil religious works.


The Sthala Puranas have it that in certain places that are not so famous sages and celestials appeared as bees to worship the deities there. Even today we see huge honeycombs before the sanctum itself. One such place is Nannilam. It is also called "Madhuvanam". Sittambur, near Tirutturaippundi, is called Tiruccirremam in the Tevaram. Here too there is a honeycomb before the sanctum. The story goes that siddhas come here as honeybees to worship the Lord. Puja is performed to the honeycomb also everyday. Similarly, there is a honeycomb in the Vaisnava temple of Tirukkannamangai. There are references to such places in both the Tevaram and the Divyaprabandham.


The antiquity and authenticity of the Sthala Puranas are supported by such stories (stories relating even to minor incidents associated with not so big places) occuring in the Tevaram, Tiruvacakam and the Nalayira-Divyaprabandham.



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Sri Meenakshi Devi is the incarnation of Parashakti. The sthala purana has it that the King Malaya Dhwaja, a great devotee of Lord Shiva was childless and hence conducted Puthra Kameshti yagna. Goddess Parvathi was born and named as Meenakshi (Her eyes+ being in the shape of fish).


Meenakshi was a great devotee of Lord Sundareswara (Shiva) and the Lord comes in disguise followed by many thrilling episodes known as (sixty four tiruvilayadals), before marrying the goddess Meenakshi. Many poets adorned the court of Pandya Kings and Madurai was the seat of Tamil literature. It was also popularly known as the birthplace of Tamil Sangam.

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Who is the real God of gods? In whom are all these existences established? By worshipping whom, can I please the Devas in whole?


Hearing these words, Sri Veda Vyasa replied thus:


Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely different manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra, there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and then three Agnis (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu and Soma (moon).


Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva Himself. And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality. Those who envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those who decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.


Rudra is the generator of the seed. Vishnu is the embryo of the seed. Siva Himself is Brahma and Brahma Himself is Agni. Rudra is full of Brahma and Vishnu. The whole world is full of Agni and Soma. The masculine gender is Lord Siva. The feminine gender is Sri Bhavani Devi. All the mobile and immobile creation of this universe, is filled up with Uma and Rudra. The Vyakta is Sri Uma, and the Avyakta is Lord Siva. The combination of Uma and Sankara is Vishnu.


Hence everybody should prostrate to Sri Maha Vishnu with great devotion. He is the Atman. He is the Paramatman. He is the Antaratman. Brahma is the Antaratman. Siva is the Paramatman. Vishnu is the Eternal Atman of all this universe. This whole creation of Svarga, Martya and Patala Lokas is a big tree. Vishnu is the top portion (branches) of this tree. Brahma is the stem. The root is Lord Siva.


The effect is Vishnu. The action is Brahma. The cause is Siva. For the benefit of the worlds. Rudra has taken these three forms.


Rudra is Dharma. Vishnu is the world. Brahma is Knowledge. Therefore, do Kirtan of His name, ‘Rudra’, ‘Rudra’. By singing like this, the hallowed name of this great Lord, all your sins will be destroyed.


Rudra is man. Uma is woman. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Brahma. Uma is Sarasvati. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Vishnu. Uma is Lakshmi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Sun. Uma is shadow. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is moon. Uma is star. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is day. Uma is night. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Yajna. Uma is Vedi. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Agni, Uma is Svaha. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Veda. Uma is Sastra. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is tree. Uma is creeper. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is scent. Uma is flower. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is meaning. Uma is word. Prostrations to Him and Her. Rudra is Linga. Uma is Pitha. Prostrations to Him and Her.


The devotee should worship Sri Rudra and Uma with these Mantras referred to above. O my son, Suka! With these hymns, you should meditate on the Eternal Para-Brahman, which is beyond the reach of the senses, which is pure Existence, knowledge and Bliss and which cannot be understood either by the speech or by the mind. After knowing this, there is nothing more to be known, because everything is the form of That, and there is nothing separate from That.


There are two Vidyas to be known. They are Para and Apara. Apara Vidya is the embodiment of the four Vedas and their six Angas. They do not deal with the Nature of the Atman. But the Para Vidya is called the Moksha-Sastra. It deals with that supreme philosophy of the Absolute Truth, ununderstandable, impersonal, Nirguna, Nirakara, without ears, without eyes, without hands, without feet, eternal, omnipresent, imperishable, and knowable by the intelligent daring sages.


From that Lord Siva who performs a terrible penance in the form of Supreme Jnana-Marga, this whole world is created which is the food of the mortals. This world is Maya. It seems to appear just like a dream. It is superimposed on the Lord just like a rope on a serpent. This is the eternal Truth. There is no creation in reality. All is absolute. All is Truth. Knowing this, one is liberated at once.


Only through Jnana, you can get rid of this Samsara. Only through Jnana, you can understand this existence and never through Karma. Understand this through the guidance of a Brahmanishtha-Srotriya Guru. The Guru will give the disciple all the necessary knowledge of Brahman, the Absolute. By cutting off the bondage of Ajnana or Avidya, one should take refuge in Lord Sadasiva. This is the real wisdom to be understood by an aspirant seeking after Truth.


The Pranava is the bow. The Atman is the arrow. The Para-Brahman is the target. Just like the arrow, the Atman will become one with Brahman.


But all these three, the bow, the arrow and the target are not different from that Sadasiva. There do not shine the bodies of the sun, moon or the stars. There does not blow the wind, there do not exist many Devatas. He, the One Lord only exists. He only, the Purity of purities, shines for ever and ever.


There are two birds in this body, the Jiva and the Paramatman. The Jiva eats the fruit of his Karmas, but the Paramatman is untouched by anything. The Paramatman is only the Sakshi. He does not do anything. He only assumes the form of the Jiva through His Maya, just as the Akasa inside a pot seems to be different from the Akasa outside and assumes the form of the pot. In reality all is Siva, Advaita, the One Absolute. There is no difference of whatever kind.


When all is understood to be One, Omkara, the Absolute, there is no sorrow, there is no Maya. Then the attainment of the Advaita-Paramananda is very easy. Think that you are the basis of all this universe, you are the One, Kevala, Sat-Chit-Ghana. All people cannot understand this Truth. Those devoid of Maya can know this secret. After knowing this, the Atman does not move towards any place at any time. It becomes one with the Absolute, just like Ghatakasa with Paramakasa. Just as Akasa does not move anywhere, similarly this Atman does not have any movement. It becomes one with OM.


One who knows this great secret Truth is the real Muni. He becomes the Para-Brahman Itself. He becomes Satchidananda. He attains permanent peace.


Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;


May we work conjointly with great energy,


May our study be vigorous and effective;


May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).


Om ! Let there be Peace in me !


Let there be Peace in my environment !


Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !




Here ends the Rudra-Hridayopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.



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Dear Barneyji,


I am a sourashtra. Many of my people live in madurai. so thats why i asked.


Theres heavy authentication of Rama ruled Ayodhya & Krishna ruled Mathura, Dwaraka.


But i dont find such heavy authentication to Meenakshi devi ruling madurai.


I just asked only authenticity of Madurai Meenakshi story . But you seem to spill out all saiva sthala puranas & saiva siddhantham.


Please dont bring any comparison of vaishnava sthalams here.


It will be better to tell whether Meenakshi devi story is supported authentically.


I am not intrested in other Saiva purana stories or its siddhantham.


Please forgive me if i sounded harsh to you. No offence intended.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMAH SIVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO VENKATESAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif JAI SHRI KRISHNA

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The majestic temple that stands eternal itself is authentic.


It like you going to Hyundai Car factory in Madras and asking them the authenticity of the cars, and trying to find out if they are original or not. ( Sorry I do not know any big industry in Madurai)


While Rama's birth place is disputed and Krisna's place is under the ocean ( and you know how authentic it is) what more proof you need for the madurai temple that is alive, and praised by Sangam poets, and the Place of Thiruvilayadal of Siva?

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What do you believe in?

You dont believe in Stala Puranas, but still want the proof.

Have you seen Rama living in Ayodhya? How do you know this alone is authentic?


Do you knwo how many versions of Ramayana are there? And you know the subtle differences between them?


If somebody quotes from Vedas, and if it is pro Siva you will say it is Tamasic, whereas pro vishnu is saatvic. Cmon buddy apply the same standards to everything.

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Jai Ganesh


Re(I am not intrested in other Saiva purana stories or its siddhantham.)

Have a look at your Title of the thread.



(I am a sourashtra. Many of my people live in madurai. so thats why i asked.)

Are you a Kathiyavadi? some where near Porbandar?


Jai Shree Krishna







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Yes, i have seen Lord Rama living in Ayodhya. Ayodhya is my body. Lord Rama is paramatma residing in my soul.


Yes, i have seen Lord Krishna living in Mathura. Mathura is my Body. Lord Krishna is paramatma residing in my soul.


Lord Rudra, Sri Sri Guru raghavendraswamy & Sri Sri Ramanujacharya is helping me to realise the above.


Maybe for people like you, Madurai is the body & Shiva is the paratma.


Anyway, whatver god we pray ultimately leads to Lotus feet of krishna only. Since in Bhagavath gita, Lord krishna clearly tells that whatever God we pray it ultimately reaches him only.




[ Note : But if we pray him directly, Lord krishna will take me to Vaikunda, where there is no return ]


/images/graemlins/smile.gif JAI SHRI KRISHNA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMAH SIVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO VENKATESAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA

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Wel, you keep praying while we keep dicovering there is more to all this. May be we'll meet each other when crossing path and say hi!. Avathars will come from time to time Sri Krishna was an avathar in his time and died just like a mortal but the true form of God has no death. "GURUR BRAHMA, GURUR VISHNU, GURUR THEVO MAHESWARAHA, GURUR SATCHAT PARAM BRAHMA TASMEHE SRI GURVEY NAMAHA.

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<----krishna died just like a mortal but the true form of God has no death. --->


Your words clearly prove that you dont have any knowledge of krishna.


Paramatma is understood by panch tatva.


The Panch tatvas are displayed by god in his five krishna ruupas.


First Rupa is Anirudha -> Gopi krishna -> God manifesting himself with his internal energy.

Second Rupa is -> Sankarsana -> Dancing Krishna -> God transcends time & also does his destruction as Sankarsana

Third Rupa is -> Prathyumna -> Mathura Krishna -> God who rules the souls & sustains them.

Fouth Rupa is -> Vasudeva -> Gitaopadesha Krishna -> God who responsible for salvation. (Here Krishna preaches Gita to attain Salvation & also shows his virata form)

Fifth Rupa is -> Kainkalya -> This form is responsible for taking a soul to paramatma. Here Krishna at time of departure want to act as a ordinary human being and used his kainkalya form to return to his abode.


The above panch tattvas Lord krishna is "Pure God".


Of course, ignorant people like you dont understand krishna lila and tell people that you are studying god at different angles (???)


God is not a thing to be studied at different angles. God should be understood by "Genuine" Acharyas. I fall under Rudra Sampradaya (shuddha- advaita) "Pure Monoism" . Here "Rudra" itself is my Acharya. Rudra through his sampradaya had clearly told that "Lord krishna" is parabrahma.


Moreover, Barneyji Dont think that "Advaitham" alone is a sampradaya that should be followed. You can also explore other four sampradayas -> Rudra sampradaya, Sri Vaishnavam, Madhvam & Nimbarkam. Only if you study god through all the sampradayas you can tell that you are discovering God & you are studying at "different angles".


But all of your quotes come from "Advaitham" alone. So you dont respect & explore other sampradayas. But you are telling yourself as a respecter of all gods & philosophies. you are just a controversial man.


Moreover, i respect all "genuine" sampradayas and i had quoted my findings on my enclyopedia threads on "audarya-fellowship" forum. This is enough to prove that i am studying God at diffrent angles more than you.


But you cling only at your saiva siddhantam & advaitham and refuse to come out from it and tell people like me as ignorant.


I had discovered about Rudra more than you had discovered about Krishna.


Hereafter dont expose your ignorance too much.

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Jai Ganesh



(Avathars will come from time to time Sri Krishna was an avathar in his time and died just like a mortal but the true form of God has no death)



janma karma ca me divyam

evam yo vetti tattvatah

tyaktva deham punar janma

naiti mam eti so Arjun

One who knows the transcendental nature of my appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body,take birth again but attains my eternal abode, O Arjun.


naham prakasah sarvasya


mudho yam nabhijanati

loko mam ajam avyayam

I never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them i am covered by my internal potency, and therefore they do not know that i am unborn and infallible.


Sorry i thought you ought to know this.


Jai Shree Krishna

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You can study all you want but it will be a waste if you are showing anger and disrespect for fellow human. All I said was Krishna was born a mortal and dies a mortal. Was I right or wrong? You wnat to built a temple at his birth place but where is the temple at his death place? Can you tell me where he died? Is there a temple to show that Krishna died here or he was shot in the feet [mistaken for a deer] by a hunter at this spot. There seem to be nothing but praise to Krishna but how many of you are living according to his scripture? Krishna is not only the avathar of God there are many others and yet you do not care for any of them. Do not just lip talk. Hinduism does not base only on Gita. Gita is part of Hinduism and there are other puranas too. Have you been fare to others. I see only hypocrisy among followers of HK. They are not interested in any other scriptures of Hinsuism but Gita alone while we accept all and speak of all forms of God. There were mahans [saints] who were servants of Lord Shiva, Mother Durga, Lord Murugan, Maha Vishnu and Maha Ganapathy who have preached peace among all and have been recorded in history of Hindu puranas. Why do you think only Krishna is the ultimate path? Didn't Arnagirinathar reach the abode of Lord Murugan? What about Appar and Manikavasagam and not forgetting the great Adthi Sankhara who is believed to be the avathar of Lord Shiva. Do you wnat me to post all thier great teachings? Do not be bias, open your eyes not the one you are seeing in but your inner eyes only than you wil realize the real truth behind Hinduism.










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i had already told you that "dont expose your ignorance too much".


Again your words prove that you dont know anything about krishna.


If my post sounds angry to you, i cant help it, because u are just seeing your refelction.


Yes, thats what i too am saying. Hinduism is not just based on "Saivam" & "Advaitham". You should come out of it and study other sampradayas. Then only you can proclaim that you are studying at different angles.


Without coming out of "advaitham" you dont have any right to tell others as "narrow minded". i think atleast you understand this point.


By blaming a vaishnava by telling that i am angry with fellow man shows ure reflection of ignorance itself.


Yes i can show the place where krishna left his mortal body.

All the places related to krishna lila are called "Baithaks".


So if you wanna visit baithaks, contact me, i will help you.


Anyway, it is another evidence of your ignorance.


Of course, as per in Gita, ignorant people like you will never understand lila of any avatars (not only krishna).


i didnt told only krishna alone is a avatar. you words just prove your ignorance only.


Anyway dont expose your ignorance too much buddy.


Again this post appears angry to you, that means you are just seeing your reflection.


Explaining something is not angry mode.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMAH SIVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO VENKATESAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif JAI SHRI KRISHNA

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We all understand the reason why Maha Vishnu reincarnated to be Krishna on earth in Dvapara-yuga. Unlike Ramayan, Mahabharata deals with more down to earth issues like politics, human nature, human weaknesses, and does not attempt to idealise the characters as in Ramayan. But the contradictory issue here is his tenth avatar at the end of Kali yuga as described in the Kalki purana is yet to come because we have still a few thousand years to go before the world to changes into tyranny. This part of the yuga will see rulers of nations having demonic qualities who have no fear for God and we can understand why God has to take a form of a worrier to free the people from this demonic rulers. What puzzles me is his incarnation as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. As composed by Sri Rupa Goswami:


In other ages the Lord incarnates along with His weapons for destroying the demons, but in Kali yuga He shows special mercy to the demons by delivering them with nama-sankirtana. In the Kali-yuga there are practically only demons on this earth, so if the Lord were to kill the demons there would be nobody left. Instead He chose to kill the demoniac tendency within the heart of the demons by giving them Krishna bhakti. Lord Chaitanya's incarnation is mentioned and predicted in numerous scriptures. The following are some of the important references.


In the Atharva Veda (Purusha-bodini Upanishad) it is said:


saptame gaura-varna-vishnor ity anena sva-shaktya caikyam etya prante pratar avatirya saha svaih sva-manum shikshayati


"In the seventh manvantara, the Supreme Lord will, accompanied by His own associates, descend in a golden form. He will teach the chanting of His own holy names."


If the above is acceptable than why we cannot accept Sri Satya Sai Baba as an incarnation of Sri Krishna? Is it because he is not from a Brahmin family? Or is it because he is not form the north? Why are the followers of Krishna especially HK movement does not recognize his service to mankind. He is doing the service as what Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did. Except during CM’s time the world was not developed as it is now and sorry to say this but CM could not be chauffeur driven in Mercedes cars coz during his time there were no motor vehicles. But that should not be a reason for not accepting Sri Satya Sai as another incarnation of Krishna. He is spreading spiritual love and respect for all in this world by uniting all walks of life. Please do not think that I am propagating the Sai cult here. I’m merely pointing out the hypocrisy of HK people who have accepted CM but refuse to believe the teaching of Sri Sai Baba. As far as I can see he has not invented any new scripture or doctrine. He is reviving the Vedas and spreading the love for God in everybody and this is not in any way hurting the Hindu religion or the Vedas. When we talk about divine birth we should not forget Swami Ramalingam [Vallalar of Valadur], Swami Ragaventhra and Sri Ramakrishna Paramamsa. They are all persons of divine quality and they played a great part in developing the Hindu religion whereby the westerners are now drawn to Hinduism in Yoga and other spiritual development.



4th. 03. 04


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Dear Barneyji,


i havent told anything about baba. so why are u bringing baba unnecessarily here ? This thread is started to discuss about Rudra & Meenakshi devi. since i had found the answer better stop the discussion.


I have already told amny times in this forum that i come under "Rudra SAmpradaya". "Rudra" is my acharya.


But still i cling to lotus feet of "Sri Rayaru".


I have also told that im happy with "Lord Venkateswara" & "Sri Rayaru".


Moreover, im a born vaishnava. so i dont need any babas to drive me to spiritualism. For me theres Ramanuja & Raghavendra. Im happy with them & they come to me whenever i need them.


You only told that you were once as a atheist & was driven to spiritualism by baba. So baba is for ignorant people like you, not for us (vaishnavas).


Barneyji, its better to close this baba topic since i think its outof topic for this thread. If you wanna discuss about krishna & rudra im ready. otherwise close this topic.

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Jai Ganesh


(You wnat to built a temple at his birth place but where is the temple at his death place? Can you tell me where he died? Is there a temple to show that Krishna died here or he was shot in the feet [mistaken for a deer] by a hunter at this spot. )


Go to Somnath nice Jotir Lina,Near that is Prabhas Kshtra,There is a temple where Lord Krishna is resting under a tree here is this temple, where the Lord fulfiled Valis desire (The hunter)this is how he left the material world.Prabhu ki lila prabhu hi jane.

Just remember supreme Lord can never die.


Re(There seem to be nothing but praise to Krishna but how many of you are living according to his scripture?)


I hope you not jealous of Krishna?


Jai Shree Krishna

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That much some of you understand about me. Without Krishna there is no Bagavatam. The mahabaratham and Gita upanisham is soly based on Lord Krishna's wonders and his lesson to mankind. But some of you do not know the crux of the matter here that is all. Krishna is only the Avathar of the Supreme Brahman and calling him by other names does not kame krishna lower or undignified. Some of them here do not understand the real concept of Sanadhana Dharma. They are no different from the Muslim saying Allah is h the true God and none other while Allah has 99 names which they refuse to use. But we the Hindus have 1008 names for the Supreme Brahman and among them is Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and so on. Gee! When will you all learn?

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Jai Ganesh


These are some of the statements you made

&#8220;All I said was Krishna was born a mortal and dies a mortal. Was I right or wrong?

Why no temple built where he died? Your words not mine.&#8221;



My simple answer was. Wrong God does not take birth nor does he die, unless ofcourse if you think Krishna is not God.

Near Somnath in prabhas kshetra is where the temple is, least you could have done is acknowledge this information


I did not say you were jealous of Krishna.

I had said, hope you are not jealous, that is because it seems to bother you that there is so many Krishna Bhakta here.





(Krishna is only the Avathar of the Supreme Brahman and calling him by other names does not kame krishna lower or undignified. Some of them here do not understand the real concept of Sanadhana Dharma. They are no different from the Muslim saying Allah is h the true God and none other while Allah has 99 names which they refuse to use. But we the Hindus have 1008 names for the Supreme Brahman and among them is Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and so on. Gee!

When will you all learn?)


Perhaps when we all learn to be more humble


If you cared to read my post which begins with Jai Ganesh and ends in Jai Shree Krishna, you would have noticed I have not once said anything against Hindu practice of Devta worship. I have always maintained Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva as part of same supreme Brahman, who plays two different roles. They are eternally one and different

Radharani is eternally Krishnas love, Ram is eternally Sita Pati and Lord Shiva is eternally Uma Pati. In this way they are different.


I am happy to chant all the names of supreme father/mother


Since you were answering to my post I had to respond, I am sorry if I hurt your feeling in anyway


Jai Shree Krishna


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" Krishna is only the Avathar of the Supreme Brahman"


this is your concept.. demonstrate it


not everyone accepts your theories as sanatana dharma or even dharma, do not be dogmatic and fanatic

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