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So, all of you please do not become fanatical in your personal God. Hinduism is a beautiful religion and please do not break it into smithereens. Although they had such divisions centuries ago but divine gurus were born to make us understand that whatever form you think of is of the Supreme Being and to say that Vishnu is superior or Shiva is the greatest is all rubbish. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are all one with different fuctions to play and we are not in par with God to understand God's work. So, I beg of you please do not start separate thread on your personal God.

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you are right asking to avoid fanaticism, but there's no need to introduce another fanaticism: "all personalities are the same", "divine gurus say that whatever form is Supreme Being"


this is another theory, it does not reunite anyone, i as a vaishnava, prefere many times more to hear that siva is supreme than your "supreme mix"


so no fanaticism also from the "antifanatics", there's no harm in being different

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Vishnu is Superior! Shiva is also Superior! Shakti is Superior too! How is this? Because they are all the same, different sides of the one and only God we term by the name of our Ishta-Devta.


God is much more superior than our petty man-made differences.

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