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When historical(eg harappa civilisation) facts proved aryans came to india from outside,most disputed it.Now its scientifically proved by DNA test.Then why do you still argue.Its 100 % true aryans came to india like the muslim rulers invaded india from the north.Original natives of india are dravidians by no doubt.

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While I don't deny there's a strong possibility aryans came from outside India, the DNA evidence does NOT prove this. It only proves that Indians have a link with Europeans. Not much more. And that too, could have been due to any number of OTHER invasions into India.

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hinduism does not encourage one to mess with nature's work by tempering DNA.


however this situation - claim that DNA proves something -

is like the blame krishna received for stealing syamantak jewel.


now, to see what really is the truth in DNA tests and the conclusions from it, the hindu aacharyas and swamis and sanyasis and preachers need to know DNA science, how scientifically the DNA data was taken and processed, and how the conclusons were made. if they do not do it, then those who claim they know DNA will claim something that may not be true.


some scientists could be great DNA scientists/testers, but they may not be great ethically or morally. for material gain, they would say anything, regardless of what the truth is.


if DSN test can only show if indians have DNA of europeans.

it cannot show wether they came as guests/friends or as invaders. it cannot show where the aryan (vedic) culture grew. note that aryan is not a race. an aryan can be of any race.


some 10K years from now some DNA test may show that there were indians in USA. that does not mean indians invaded USA.


a shudra historian or a characterless DNS scientist or tester would concoct anything for money or power etc, and pass it on as truth.


so, dear hindu preachers (HK's included), please get smart in scientific DNA test methods and conclusion/data evaluaton process.



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