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Lets please stop the Vishnava and Shaiva arguements

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Some arguements really look childish to me.

When barney produces some solid evidence, and is talking practically, some in particular post offensive comments.


Look at the way Barney or Maadhav approaches the issue- it looks well organised, to the point and does not hurt the sentiments.


Some, were bhakthas of Raghavendra to start with, then they became Balaji devotees, and they have forgotten that, they have started arguement on advaita by calling Advaitins " Idiots".


But practically, I find that Vaishnavas are less tolerant.

There is a fight even between Vadakalai and Thenkalai Iyengars as to How shold the Seerangam temple elephant should have the Naamam. Lets not deny this fact, as it has happened.


But Smarthas are not sectarian, they worship all gods of hinduism including the Village gods and godesses.


I know there are veerasaivas and lingayats, who are ardent saivaites, but they are on their own way and do not interfere at all.


Lets not forget that Hiduism accepts all paths as valid paths, and there is NO ONE RIGHT PATH.


And Yes, there is much more to Hinduism apart from Gita. Let us face the facts. No doubt Gita is a great book, but there is more.


So let us not be narrow minded.


Arguement is fine, but some posts look so immature and childish and spoil the spirit of the forum. Let us not make fools of ourselves to others who visit the website to learn about hinduism.

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Jai Ganesh

I second that

It is really hurtful when some one insults Vishnu or Shiva or that matter any other Devas.

let us respect all

Pray in peace

How can the Lord be pleased with me if i insult others and forget that we are all part of his big family.

Jai Shree Krishna

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i see a trend.

a couple of times you started a thread,

and then regreted you did.


internet is kurukshetra of the intellects.


we hindus do fight here,

in gentelman's ways,

with due respect for all.


to insult or call names or use bad wods is not a hindu character. all however cannot fight, but they certainly can support frontline fighters, intellectuals or others.


so you may choose correctly

how you will support a fight with the asuras.


dont cry. chant.


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only once i started a thread which caused havoc. i regretted for it. i didnt repeated it again.


but many people didnt notice other good threads which i have posted.


thats the drawback of human phsyscology. they see bad first rather than good.


rather than appreciating me for posting many good threads many still blame for posting one single bad thread. but i had regreeted for it in the thread itself.


its too bad to blame me repeatedly again & again for one mistake committed.


am i right ?


in both -> audarya & this forum i had posted many good threads. regular visitors know this.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

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