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I have nothing against ADVAITAM

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bhāvādvaitaṃ kriyādvaitaṃ

dravyādvaitaṃ tathātmanaḥ

vartayan svānubhūtyeha

trīn svapnān dhunute muniḥ




After considering the oneness of existence, activity and paraphernalia and after realizing the self to be different from all actions and reactions, the mental speculator [muni], according to his own realization, gives up the three states of wakefulness, dreaming and sleep.


The three words bhāvādvaita, kriyādvaita and dravyādvaita are explained in the following verses. However, one has to give up all the nonduality of philosophical life in the material world and come to the actual life of reality in the spiritual world in order to attain perfection.



We are told to give up everything and follow the Guru. Let me ask you who is going to attend to all other matters if the whole world follows the above guidence. Just planting vegetables and attending to cows can solve everybodies problems? Do they really know what is being oneness with God? What is a muni? A person who had given up everything and only considers himself alone in this universe. For what? Does he not realize that life is a cycle and that birth and death will continue for ever till end of time. There must be some logic to their claim but looks like it does not carry any weight. May be the Guru had a point but like followers of Mohammed this ADVAITAM believers had misunderstood his teachings and trying to change this whole world. Do they know what was the purpose of creation and what each individual life has stored for them? This happens to all who intend to follow a narrow track and end up in no man's land. Sorry to say this but this is what ADAITAM is all about. Just give up everything and you will be saved. Good God! Please copme down to earth do not float coz you must realize that there is something know as gravity and you will have to come down sooner or later.


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I don't know if Advaita is supported by the Vedas or if it is the later development in the Upanishads. I think that the original Sanatan Dharma was more closer to Visishtadvaita Vedanta than any other. The thing is I noticed alot of people on this boards who worship a personal God, believe Advaita is atheist. This is not the case, Advaita is not Buddhism, but believes that God (Brahman) is impersonal and is the unity of all things. God is working through the universe and everything is a manifestation of God. The aim is for spiritual experince culminationg into self-realisation. Spiritual experience whether with form or not is proof of God's existence.

I agree that some Advaitist gurus try to push their own interpretation onto other religions such as Christianity and Islam, and this misleads their followers and puts them out of touch with reality.

Sankara 'proved' how Advaita was supported by the Vedas as well as a long list of Advatist Sages prior to him. The modern-day Sage Sri Aurobindo's commentary on the Vedas and Upanishads show the link Advaita has with the Vedas.

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