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**need help on following hindu terms!! ***

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can anyone help me out on what those terms are?? can you guys give me some description of each term?

i dont exactly know how they spell but here they are....











10. veda


thanks a lot!!!

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some info here:


1.jizaya: This sounds like a muslim/arabic term meaning a tax by muslim rulesr on the mon-muslims who go for their pilgrimage place. koran says non musmims must be taxed in musmim countries.


2.diniiah: if it is dunia, then it means the world.


3.ahimsa: non violence (not to hurt any one physically, mentally or take away his/her right and property and freedom. ahimsa is not an absolute principle inhinduism. it is, in jainism and buddhism).


4.brahman: inpersonal god. those who think god is impersonal and formless, call god brahman. so does the vedas.


5.harappa: a pre . era archeological site, now in pakistan of the vedic times. it shows well planned city ruins, but no human bones or signs of war or violence.


6.buddha: an incarnation of Krishna (God) that appeared about 2000 years ago in india. He created/inaugrated buddhism out of hinduism. bhddha came some time before jesus.


7.ashoka: a great king of india, grand son of chandragupta maurya. he was winning in a great war of kaling, and buddha made him stop the war. the wheel you see on the flag of india is known as the ashoka wheel.



8.mahavira: one who started jainism out of hinduism some time later after buddha. jainism is very similar to buddhism. both are atheist religions.


9.upanshads: the summary parts of the vedas, the essence of the vedas. there are 2057 upanishads out of them 108 are most important.


10. veda: literlly it means knowledge. god gave the vedas to mankind at the time of creation. originally it was one. then 5000 years ago vyasdev divided it into four books: Rg, Yajur, sama, and Atharv. Total verses of htvedas are 20,416. The Vedas are the source of knowledge, not the reservoir of knowledge. Vedas are apaurusheya, meaning not-man-made. The language of the vedas is samskrit, known to indians as the devabhasha meaning the language of the gods. now the computer programmers love it, because it is very easily programmable like math. all the indian languages have come from sanskrit. the font has 12 vowels and 36 consonents. you could write almost any spoken word sound with it.


hope it helps.




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hey thanks a lot for the help !!!! i am extremely appreciate for your effots!!!

just hoping i will get even a bit more info on each terms =)


once again your answers are really helpful!!!

thanks a lot!!

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Maadhav, that was very good, though there should be a few clarifications.


Buddha is not accepted by all Hindus as an incarnation, just mainly the Vaishnavas. Most Hindus see him as just a great Sage who founded his own path and taught it to others, but he was not God, nor did he ever claimed so. Buddha lived 2500 years ago (500BC). Mahavir (the founder of Jainism) lived at the same time as Buddha and they even met each other on a few occassions. Jainism was founded slightly before Buddhism, although the jains believe their religion was founded many generations before Mahavir, through a long line of Tirthankaras(enlightened men) of which Mahavir was the last. Buddhism is agnostic, while Jainism is atheistic.


"1.jizaya: This sounds like a muslim/arabic term meaning a tax by muslim rulesr on the mon-muslims who go for their pilgrimage place. koran says non musmims must be taxed in musmim countries."


Doesn't this nonsense still go on in India? where every muslim gets to go on pilgrimmage at the governments expenses or tax from the people.

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