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The aryan invasion can not be proven really. But it can't be unproven either in my opinion. It is all specilation. The vedic people say they have literature that is supposedly 5000 years old or more, but this is all specultaion too. Why is it so important to "prove" the aryan invasion is a myth for the vedic people? Because they want to be somehow superior. It is the same with all religions. They want to convert people and be seen as the "best". It is all just another form of materialism and sectarianism. These anti-aryan-invasion people are simply interested in lording it over others and inflating thier superiority complexes. Ego is thier fuel. I say it is all specultaion, and a complete distaction from genuine spiritual developement. Give it up people! Focus on what matters. Renounce your egos!

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There is no such thing as a spirit. It's nothing but empty word like many other empty words we know. One has never felt or seen spirit, cause it's just something some people told us about. Whatever u can feel is only feelings. Feelings are the only thing we can't see. but we would still feel it, eaven if someone doesn't tell us about it. Free yourelf from everything and be honest like a free natural human being, and then see if there is a spirit some place? what does it look like, what is it? U can never tell. U can tell me that it's there because of lotes of words you've learned, but still it's just empty words. repeating what other people have been saying. A man/woman can not know anything more natural then being born into this world alone, with no other people in the rest of this world. Then you would have been able to know what's natural and not an illusion. Then there would have been noone to tell you that there is something called a spirit in you. Where is the spirit then? I do not know. I do not know if there is something as a spirit. To be it's just a word.


I can tell you that there is something within you that is called a "Gishma", that it's something that makes u live and that give u energy and lotes more. This is also just a word, an empty word. If you would have chosen to belive me, you would belive me, simple as that. You would think that there is something within you called Gishma. But I can tell you that it's not, cause it's just something I made up to explane how empty a word is, how fooled we can be from words. We've been fooled by words for 1000s of years, but nothing is hapening in this world. We keep faith instead of getting up and do something about this world, us. We're lazy and selfish. The earth is all ok, really, cause it would survive if we would all die /images/graemlins/wink.gif.. We're the ones who live ON the earth, we're the ones being in danger. We're the ones we complain about all the time. So don't come and tell me that this earth and place is not a good place for us, that there is some other place being better, cause do u really know what this place is? This place is a "paradise" if we would shut up and leave our greed, our selfish greed. Think about the earth without you and me on it, without all humans on it. THAT would be the earth at it's natural state. Then u can see what we're all doing wrong. That's something we can see as real as anything. So don't tell that there are something more vluable out there when u can't eaven see it as clearly as the earth, the earth that keeps you and me alive.


Thanx to the one/it who created it. I respect "it". But I don't know who "it" are. But if "it" can hear me, "it" knows that I am thankfull and that I know "it's" the "king" of this place /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Kiss the grass, hug the trees! =)


Peace to you all =)

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<< Why is it so important to "prove" the aryan invasion is a myth for the vedic people? Because they want to be somehow superior. >>



there is truth.

and we and the world ought to know it.

when you know a truth,

and if someone says it differently,

you know he is lying.


e.g. :


if someone says your mother is a prostitute,

then you know it is a lie, and you need to speak up.

would you prefer to be silent thinking that it is sectarian

to prove your mother is a chaste woman?


suppose you remain silent.

then what your children think of you and their grand mother?

would they feel good when they know all others think that your mother was a prostitute?


bottom line:


the issue is not of establishing superiority.

the issue is telling the truth as it is.

you need to tell it if it concerns you, defames you or something you love, or degrades you.


would you agree?


besides, if you are telling the hindus to give up proving AIT is wrong, why not try to tell the world that to stop propagating the lie of AIT? You simply do not want to take that responsibility and want to pass it on as all speculation.


vedic words are: satyam vada (tell the truth.)

is it a speculation to say "your mother is a chaste woman?"


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what you are saying is dogmatic.. there's faith and antifaith... dogma and anti dogma... believers and atheists.. all are the same thing, ignorants..


religion, spirituality is a school, sadhana, gurukula, study, life, graduality, process, system, feeling, srhraddha, sentiment, intuition, effort, crying, suffering...... exactly like other sciences..


no one in medicine or phisics, whitout staying a minute in the university, would raise the hand "oh i believe that to cure the cancer there's the need of mozzarella cheese" or "i believe that the gravity force is caused by cauliflowers.."


so have you studied medicine? yes? then speak!

have you studied phisics? yes? speak please!!

have you studied religion?


if you have not studied, if you have not lived a discipline exactly like a medicine or phisics university student, your conclusive analysis that puts in the rubbish millenniums of religion is fantasy and it is nothing but your attempt to fool us with your words..


no blind faith and no blind antifaith please

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<<if someone says your mother is a prostitute,

then you know it is a lie, and you need to speak up.>>


Now you are using a REAL thing as an example. How can u use a real thing as and example to soething we all cannot see. I can see my mum and how she is more then u can see "god" or "kirshna". Are you gonna tell me that my mum is so little real as a religion is?


Tho, I understand you, casue you're scared of death =)

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"There is no such thing as a spirit. It's nothing but empty word like many other empty words we know. One has never felt or seen spirit, cause it's just something some people told us about. Whatever u can feel is only feelings. Feelings are the only thing we can't see. but we would still feel it, eaven if someone doesn't tell us about it. Free yourelf from everything and be honest like a free natural human being, and then see if there is a spirit some place? what does it look like, what is it? U can never tell. U can tell me that it's there because of lotes of words you've learned, but still it's just empty words. repeating what other people have been saying. A man/woman can not know anything more natural then being born into this world alone, with no other people in the rest of this world. Then you would have been able to know what's natural and not an illusion. Then there would have been noone to tell you that there is something called a spirit in you. Where is the spirit then? I do not know. I do not know if there is something as a spirit. To be it's just a word."




supposedly activating kundalini, you CAN see spirit, or rather, consciousness all around you.

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If the rest of the world is defaming Hinduism by using the Aryan Invasion theory, it's our duty as Hindus to protest it as much as possible. Nobody knows the truth, but the search for the truth is important. Without searching for the truth on one hand, while actively negating all the possible lies about Hinduism on the other, the lies will ultimately overwhelm Hindus and more people will seek to convert from it.


Hinduism is supposed to have no starting point. Yet, if a starting point can be given, and it is attributed to barbarians, it should be no stretch to say that Hinduism is now inferior to all other religions. Its very foundation has been destroyed. While there may be some truth to the religion, the fact that there was no God or prophet spreading the religion is enough for Hindus to convert to one that does have a God or prophet who founded the religion. Because the other religions would have a much more defined, civilized beginning than Hinduism did.


Never mind the atrocities that are accounted for in Islam and Christianity. That's the fault of the followers not so much the faith. And even Hinduism would have much blood on its hands if AIT is true, because then there would be a very bloody history in its foundation since the Aryans would have destroyed and drove the Harappan culture to the South.

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all religions are man made. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. They are all just wishful thinking, made up because people are bored or depressed with thier monotonous life. You say "check the scriptures for truth", but your so-called scriptures are nothing more than fiction and misplaced hope. They are not divnely inspired, but created and contrived by human beings. You don't need them to understand truth. Just look around and see the truth for yourself. You don't need to always have your head stuck in some fantasy about a so-called "spitiual world". stop wasteing time and look around you and live life.


I refuse to read your so-called divinely inspired fiction anymore! There is fiction I would rather read out these days that is written much better and much more entertaining than your mythological "vedas", "puranas", and "mahabharata". You talk about religion being scientific, but this is also just wishful thinking. Have you ever met Krishna face to face after practicing your so called science? You chant and chant for hours and only make your self sleepy. This is my experience also. So-called sadhana did nothing for me eccept distract me from the reality of my human existence and made me hard hearted towards other human beings and gave me a superiority complex. But you are not better than other human beings. We are all in the same boat. If you feel like you need to defend your mythological religion because you were born into it (whether it is Hindu, Muslim, or Christian) I think you are just wasteing valuable time. I think it is more productive to spend your time and energy helping people who are suffering in this world, and not just by simply giving some fiction(scripture) to read or some made up fantasy to believe in.

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"all religions are man made. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. They are all just wishful thinking, made up because people are bored or depressed with thier monotonous life. You say "check the scriptures for truth", but your so-called scriptures are nothing more than fiction and misplaced hope. They are not divnely inspired, but created and contrived by human beings. You don't need them to understand truth. Just look around and see the truth for yourself. You don't need to always have your head stuck in some fantasy about a so-called "spitiual world". stop wasteing time and look around you and live life"


You don't know whether what you say is true or false. There is no way to know, but to think that you know the way the world works is pretty arrogant of you. I used to be like that, but now I'm not sure anymore. I'm a lot more open-minded about things.


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There is no way to know..


..wrong.. there's a way to know if it is true or false.. to study and practice seriously.. if one practices exactly with faith and rationality under a traditional and bona fide school, at the end, he will maybe see if spirituality is false or true... if we do nothing but we give advices based on belief, religious or atheistic belief, it is useless

the same with medicine, phisics, astronomy, electronics, geography etc... why religion is different?

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"all religions are man made. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. They are all just wishful thinking, made up because people are bored or depressed with thier monotonous life."


I think you've got a chip on your shoulder. And if religion is a problem for you, you are more than welcomed to leave. It may mean nothing to you but millions of people throughout history to the present day can't be wrong.


If you say there is no way to know, then you've already counted yourself out. There are ways to know God in Hinduism(through following any or a combination of the four yogas) you have to live a righteous spiritual life to derive any benfit and you can 'experience' God. If your not prepared to live this life or al least make a start, then forget it. But it's funny how when some so-called athiests find they are terminally ill and will die, they start to wonder if they were wrong! You cannot even be sincere about religion as you got distracted by sadhana, then the problem is YOU and not religion...you sound more like a comedian than anything else. As for "helping people who are suffering" isn't this what many Hindu movements do as 'Karma Yoga' it is especially what Hindu Swamis such as Vivekanada stresssed on. It's an essential part of religion that should be practiced by everyone.

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"medicine, electronics, geography.."

these are all real things we can see.


no .. you cannot see them too:


if you do not study, you see some flesh and blood inside a human body (not diseases and remedies), you see some wires inside a device (not the components understanding with their precise purpose) and streets, cities, mountains and countries without no idea on where you are, how to represent them in a map, how to interprete distances and so on... so you see, but the competence is zero, very close to the blindness


if you do not study seriously you will have only a "surface" consciousness of these matters who will not give to you any right to sentence and judge..


do the same thing with spirituality


you see medicine, geography, electronics and no spirituality? if you do not see be serious and try, study, learn to see or do not give advices on what you do not see and know.. very simple

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i'd want to add that sectarianism starts negating culture and school and giving importance to the FAITH and DOGMAS..


and a DOGMA is that religion is only a FAITH


"i believe that.." is faith


"i believe that does not.." is faith


religious blind faith vs. atheist blind faith... both useless

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""religious blind faith vs. atheist blind faith... both useless""


yes.. cause there is a 3rd option here, and option to free oneself from any of the sides. To choose is to take the chanse that one might be totaly wrong or totaly right without knowing what's right, like the truth about being alive, the truth that a tree is a tree.


All unknown and blured is everything and nothing, that's what we all together see it as and that's all we know for sure together as one, as the world.


I do not know, cause I am only a human being, not unique and not more then you and you and you are... Are you more then me? I don't know.

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