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Satya Sai Baba

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Hi again,

I am writing this message regarding Satya Sai Baba. Both Osho and Satya Sai Baba are very dear and near to my heart.What surprises me is that many of u are criticizing Baba and Osho coz they are not mentioned in the holy scriptures. Thats kinda funny? Its funny to see that we can trust Krishna who existed 5000 years ago and thousands of years(may be more) old scriptures but we feel uncomfortable to trust living human beings.


I think its high time that we come out of scriptures and start living life.

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Krsna's divinity is proclaimed in most of the major ancient shastras. ie Bhagvat, vishnu puraan, shiv puraan etc. How many of these shastras mention bogus gods like sai baba, rajneesh or swaminarayan??? And then you feel the need to ask why hindu's reject them???


You are willing to accept that a mere human mortal has the qualities of krsna? Thoughts like these are what dilutes peoples perceptions of god. No wonder the jews, christians and muslims see hinduism as nothing but myth and a joke.


Shame on anyone who attempts to dilute the glories of the Generator, operator and destroyer of this universe. Sanatan dharma ki jai.

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Osho_Lover correct me if I'm wrong but the point you was making is that it is better to trust a human being whoever they are,bogus or not,cheater or not just because they are here and now in the flesh.

And better to reject something if it is over a thousand years old even if that may be actual word of God or God Himself?

If that is what you are saying,well that doesnt fit into the realm of rationality,logic,or reason.

If you cannot argue,or make a point on the basis of logic, well theres no point even talking to you.

But let me end with some rationality and hopefully you will see reason.

The Vedic literatures are accepted as authority by all the great mahajans,they are the most detailed,volumnous, scriptures in existance.

If someone claims to be an incarnation of God and is not mentioned in the sastra he should be rejected simple.


Let me ask you one thing,what is it that makes you accept sai buba as God? All he can do is materialize gold out of thin air,my friend thats hardly shows the greatness of God, let him create a Gold mine instead and maybe we'll take him more seriously.

Also one of the six opulences that God must possess is the opulence of full beauty,along with full wealth,strength, fame,knowledge and renuniation.


OK lets start with the fact that God must be the most beautiful person, well lets be honest now Sai Buba fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

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OK lets start with the fact that God must be the most beautiful person, well lets be honest now Sai Buba fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

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Sai Baba is god? O yes of course, god is . young girls and fans of himselfe and after all he pays a lot of money to the judges of the court to forget all. yes of course, this is the normal way god acts.

Sorry, but Sai Baba is a cheat! An nor more. Maybe he is a cheat with some siddhi-powers, that's all.


Hare Krishna



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You said "a mere human mortal" cannot be like Krishna. My dear fellow was not Krishna born a motal? He did not appear from thin air, did he? He too was raised by a mother and given the loving care and so forth before he began to show his power of extra ordinary being. When a man posesses certain qualities [qualities of God]that you and I cannot do than he is termed as man of God. He may not be the God in haven but he can posesses such qualities where love is unlimited and there is a certain kind of aura that he elluminates which attracts others towards him and Sree Satya Sai is one of them. Why speak evil of him when you have not experience his teachings. There a millions of his followers who believe in him and that should not bother you as you have said you believe what you believe as so do others. They too have the same right as you do so, why the jealousy? Jealousy and ego will blind your spritual progress. It will make you a fanatic and that is bad.

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you are simply not competent..and your method of defense is "my GOD is bogus but your GOD also is bogus"


in this way you are not helping any of both position.. for the first yourself admitting that you are following a fake...


if you want to sell us your god you have to demonstrate that he's authentic, not that no god are authentic. because if no one is authentic why are you following?

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First and formost you did not understand my explanation and you have jumped the gun. See how silly you are. God is one and there is no question about that. But messangers or incarnation will come form time to time. Sree Satia Sai can be construed as a messanger or a divine birth. He is here to spread love for God in whosever religion you belong to. Go and see for yourself. You are no better than a fanatical Muslim who claims that Mohammed is the last prophet and Allah is the true God. What a scum you are.

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


"First and formost you did not understand my explanation and you have jumped the gun. See how silly you are. God is one and there is no question about that. But messangers or incarnation will come form time to time. Sree Satia Sai can be construed as a messanger or a divine birth. He is here to spread love for God in whosever religion you belong to"


So you accept that Sai Baba is a messanger of GOD and he is spreading the love of God.OK.accepted.Then why my friend are you guys claiming SaiBaba as GOD Personified. You yourself say he is a messanger and then you say he is GOD also. Now GOD and God's messangers are one and the same. Its like saying the postman performs all the funstions a post office does where there are so many people involved in processing a post.The post man just delivers which means he is not the post office.


My point, Sai Baba followers claim baba as GOD personified where as he is only doing some social service.Thats all.One can say he is spreading peace thats all, probably some magic work in helping people.thats all.so he can be considered a messanger of God.Thats all.period.But you people say he is GOD himself which is blasphemy of the highest order. Haribol!



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There is no arguement here about whose God is genuine

so why are you argueing?


God is one and there is no question about that



But messangers or incarnation will come form time to time.

no objections


Sree Satia Sai can be construed as a messanger or a divine birth.

W H Y ???????... by blind faith? by fantasy? W H Y I have to believe? bring a demonstration, i am ready, i want to learnn something new.. but you don't.. only dogmas and faith


He is here to spread love for God in whosever religion you belong to

again..... WHY? demonstrate it please.. if you can't it is not my fault and it is not my duty to believe


Go and see for yourself

so why are you proposing one as god if you have not demonstraton? i won't go to a dentist if i will not be sure if he's a real dentist.. so how can i (and you) accept one as god only because someone is saying it


You are no better than a fanatical Muslim who claims that Mohammed is the last prophet and Allah is the true God.

that fanatical is like you because he imposes something without demonstration, rationality, school etc.. but he's better than you because allah is really god, the lord, not say bubu..

blind faith can turn himself in fanaticism very easy



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