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Borders of Hinduism.

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Hinduism has it's border, and even the myths doesn't go out of the border, which is Himalayan Mountain. Or does it? Even in Gita, Krishna says Oh Bharat that I'll reincarnate to protect the world from demons. Why would he say "Bharat" why didn't he say "World"? And Vedic People had a lot of advanced technological weapons and everything, why didn't they use it to conquer the world? Why didn't they teach the world the ways of Hinduism? Why did Krishna choose to rule only Mathura? why didn't he rule the world, and teach the world the right things? Any specific reason?

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that the Vedic religion was more expansive than is known. That possibly the roots of all religions is vedic.


I don't know how authoritative the site is, although it seems to take excerpts from various books written on Aryan invasion theory and Vedic influence when discussing the concepts.


Maybe the universal religion at one point in time was Vedic.


The address is: www.vedicempire.net

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Actually the Vedic Culture encompassed the whole earth planet. At the time of Maharaja Bharat he ruled over the whole earth and not just India which was known as Bharat Varsha.

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krishna is a human form of the divine form of Maha Vishnu. Lord Krishna did his part in history by ruling the land that he ruled. But Lord Vishnu did rule the world, because it was Lord Vishnu who took form as Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Louis XIII, Queen Elizabeth, Jesus Christ, Kunta Kente and all other major leaders who ruled their kingdoms in tranquility (not saying that those leaders did that...im just making a point). All over the world, those great leaders that we revere and respect were all forms of Lord Vishnu. But he wasnt called Lord Vishnu or Krishna when he incarnated in Israel.


Why should He be> Vishnu and Krishna are only significant names to us Indians and Israel is a seperate country. He came down as Jesus Christ, which was significant to the Israelis and not to Indians

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<<..because it was Lord Vishnu who took form as Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Louis XIII, Queen Elizabeth, Jesus Christ, Kunta Kente and all other major leaders who ruled their kingdoms in tranquility..>>


I don't think that most of the people are avatar of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna only takes avatar in the world to do something that other humans possibly couldn't do. Those you mentioned are rulers who ruled the world. And If Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Lord Krishna, how come his point of view is totally different from Vedic people's point of view?

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And If Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Lord Krishna, how come his point of view is totally different from Vedic people's point of view?


not true,

in details, but all the avatars, saints, gurus bring some marginal difference


jesus teachs to sacrifice ourselves for the love of god.. this is vedic

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lord krishna is a divine aspect of Lord Vishnu...Lord rama is also a incarnation of Vishnu, as is Vamana and Parasurama, and Lord Buddha. Why did these different incarnations have different views?


Just because one holds a differnet viewpoint than others does not mean that they are not divine in essance. In that same sense, Lord Jesus and Lord Krishna are both divine incarnations of Lord Vishnu.


As for the leaders not being incarnations of Lord Krishna. Krishna himself is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is the perceptor of all things.



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Maadhav, there's only one way I can learn about Hinduism from, and it would be from internet. I'm just 16 years old man. And I don't think that if I go and ask my dad whether I can go and learn Hinduism in some classes, he would let me go. I really want to learn about it, and learning it from the internet, and asking questions whatever comes in my mind. Sorry if I had offended anyone.

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