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Why is female infantoecide an epidemic in India amongst "hindu" people?

It is a good question that someone posed yet both of you failed to answer it.

I have seen myself that this practice is going on amongst people who have pictures or vigrahas in their homes of various devas/devis. Is their any sociological/psychological or religious cause behind it?

One may say that these people are not properly following hinduism. But what is it that has caused them to think aborting a female child is ok? Recently in England sonagrams have become outlawed because alot of Indian women were having them done just to see if the child in their womb was male or female and then getting an abortion if it was known to be female. These are things that you people will eventually have to face up to and answer if you are interested in promoting your cause worldwide.

By the way, the Indian women in England doing that were majority hindus, not muslims or christians or jains or buddhists or sikhs.

Any answers?????

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THis question shows your lack of intellect that is unsurprisingly an'epidemic' with HIndu haters. On this basis that u dont have the same intellect as me, I am answering ur queries hoping u dont show off again your diseased mind



Why is female infantoecide an epidemic in India amongst "hindu" people?



My dear friend you must know meaning of 'epidemic'



It is a good question that someone posed yet both of you failed to answer it.


Again the same intellectual bankruptcy.



I have seen myself that this practice is going on amongst people who have pictures or vigrahas in their homes of various devas/devis. Is their any sociological/psychological or religious cause behind it?



Why did not you ask the people you have seen urself? Why did not you see other than pictures of devas/devis?...why would u generalize it as 'practice' ?again I would not fault you but ur intellectual.


I have found catholic preists raping children. I have found christian woman asking Prez. Bush to have abortion as fundamental right. I have found most of the child pron comes from the servers in christian countries. But I am not going to make a judgement on all the christian community.




One may say that these people are not properly following hinduism.



one either follows hinduism or not. there is no qualifier like in other religion:

Like a typical christian does sins all the week and then 'Father' washes it on sundays..



But what is it that has caused them to think aborting a female child is ok?


What causes you to write such questions? what causes non-hindus to abort? what causes green river murderer (a devot christian he says himself)to kill about 100 women/prostitutes for years. What cause catholic preists to rape children? What causes terrorists to kill innocents? My dear friend again it seems ur intellect that cant grasp more than a bible or Kuran.



Recently in England sonagrams have become outlawed because alot of Indian women were having them done just to see if the child in their womb was male or female and then getting an abortion if it was known to be female. These are things that you people will eventually have to face up to and answer if you are interested in promoting your cause worldwide. By the way, the Indian women in England doing that were majority hindus, not muslims or christians or jains or buddhists or sikhs.



You should come with a reference as ur empty head can take any garbage. ...figures including those abortions before sex determinations....?Then you would find that your wives mothers and sisters in western soceity have this epidemic. thats why theu asking Bush to legalize it..what has been in other european countries

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The reason for abortion is Indian Dowry System. Indian Dowry System is that a bride's family has to give a lot of money, a house, car and everything to the groom's family. So, a lot of poor people in India abort the girl child because they don't want to see their girl child born and then not getting married, and being pushed into sadness.


Vedhas states that a soul enter the body when womb is 8 weeks or so (i'm not sure about it). But even if the body was destroyed, how can a soul be aborted? A sould can never be destroyed. So, the sould will take another birth and continue it's journey. And you have to understand that there's no one is related to you in this world, they are all soul which should be in spiritual world. So, my question is why do people cry when someone dies? They should realize that they are related to no one in the world. When my grandpa died, I was 10 years or so, I didn't cry, because I knew the soul never dies. If I was able to understand that when I was 10, when I had no knowledge about religion, why doesn't other people understand that?

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Vedhas states that a soul enter the body when womb is 8 weeks or so (i'm not sure about it).


no.. the soul is in the sperm of the father.. otherwise there could be no growth in the foetus, no life




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I am very disappointed in the ill will of some of you posters. My original question did not imply judgement on Hindus. I am simply trying to determine if there is a distinction between an unborn fetus and a born child. No need to be so defensive. Is this not a place where people can discuss things in a calm, detailed, philosophical way?


Thank you to the visitor who mentioned 8 weeks and to the poster who indicated that the soul is in the sperm. Those are the types of answers I was looking for. I am not interested in who feels what about Catholics, Buddists or whatever. Simple definitions will do.


Since there is disagreement here as to when a fetus is considered a human being I will continue to try to find the true Hindu belief.


Thank you.

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Since there is disagreement here as to when a fetus is considered a human being I will continue to try to find the true Hindu belief.


the most simple thing is to observe the death.. when the soul gets out from the body , it stops to live


so if a foetus lives from the very moment of conception , starts to multiply his cells, next to grow, to move, to eat through the mother, to give kicks or so it is a sign that in the foetus body there's life


and as we learn observing the death.. if there's life there's soul, no other possibility


this is also a reason because one, for the moral law, if he can without repression, has to avoid sex without making children... because the soul is there in the sperm..


.. but it is another subject

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I'm amazed that when anybody asks an innocent question such as the ones that were posted here regarding abortion, that they are immediately labled as "hindu haters".

Where is the question of hate when inquiring about female infantoecide? It is more of a question of concern than of hate.

Brinthan, so far you were the only one to give an insight into the horrors of this crime but rightfully stating that such a practice does indeed stem from the Indian cultural phenomena in which the female's family is expected to give dowry of material gifts/money to the groom or his family.

Yet, we find in Islam, where the dowry system is the other way around, boys are not aborted for same reason. Therefore there might be more socialogical reasons behind it other than just dowry. I don't know.

A while back it was reported in the news, on the BBC in England and in the newspapers about the determining of female fetus in the womb of many Indian women in England resulting in abortion and therefore the English have banned revealing the sex/gender of a child before it's birth.

That is a fact. You can google to find out the details.

People are interested to know that if females are regarded as a "lower birth" in Hinduism and therefore to abort them would not be considered as great a "sin" as killing a male child or not.

Some honest and mature answers would be appreciated by honest and mature individuals.


Hare Krishna!


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Jai Ganesh


Your question was misguided instead of asking when does life begin? or was it ok to abort a child in the womb? Your question implied that Hindu religion condones abortion.



Personally abortion is killing a living being pure and simple

I do not think any religion permit this.


life is a gift life is precious and it begins at conception


Jai Shree Krishna


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---People are interested to know that if females are regarded as a "lower birth" in Hinduism and therefore to abort them would not be considered as great a "sin" as killing a male child or not.---


It was expected a judgement like this can come only from moron mind like urs. Lets assume that females have a "lower birth" in HInduism. Then analogy of killing a female child ,like u saying 'therefore', not surprisingly is an output of your sick mind.


Why a major hindu-haters have such a low IQ. CAn any one answer? I would make a documentary on these morons to broadcast on 'BBC'. ...or would put that in google


Hey this is not "funny". May God bless ur children with a sane mind.

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--People are interested to know that if females are regarded as a "lower birth" in Hinduism and therefore to abort them would not be considered as great a "sin" as killing a male child or not.--


This is a white lie. Hinduism doesn't let it's followers to kill even a bug, because it knows that even that bug has a soul. How do you expect a religion like that to let it's followers to kill girl child? You are probably a non-hindu. You should learn real hinduism from a good guru. Hinduism doesn't deal with one's sexuality or culture things, it has more important goal than that. It's true that women have been treated very badly in India, but it doesn't have anything to do with Hinduism. It has to do with the culture and the power men took over from women by the physical power they have. And you said that Islam doesn't treat Women badly like Hinduism does. But in Islam countries, women are being treated like dirt, they kill the women by beating her with the stones. And if you do a little research, you can find out that in middle eroupe, chrisitian girls were being tested for virgin by somekind of stupid practice.


You said that according to Islam religion's dowry system, men have to be aborted if dowry system is the reason for abortion in Hinduism. But men can get women in any ages, and they don't rely on their parents after some ages. But, women are not like that. They rely on their parents before marriage and then on their husbands after marriage. And it's too hard to find them a husband if they get over 25 years old.



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Don't be offended by anything I ask. I am asking in a neutral way as an inquirer, not as a personal accuser.

I understand that female infantoecide would be a cultural anamoly but I would think that one's religion would exercise enough restraint on one's consciousness. For example, I may want to kill an unborn child due to my poverty, however, if my religion forbade it and I understood it to be a sin, then I may not actually abort the child. So in this way I am interested in the way religion affects culture or the way culture affects religion. The two are always intwined at some point.

Brinthan writes:

"And you said that Islam doesn't treat Women badly like Hinduism does. But in Islam countries, women are being treated like dirt, they kill the women by beating her with the stones. And if you do a little research, you can find out that in middle eroupe, chrisitian girls were being tested for virgin by somekind of stupid practice."



I never said that Islam or any religion treats women bad or good. I simply gave an example that in Islam the norm is for the male's family to give dowry to girl and even then we don't see those families aborting male children due to poverty and lack of dowry.

Brinthan writes:

"You said that according to Islam religion's dowry system, men have to be aborted if dowry system is the reason for abortion in Hinduism. But men can get women in any ages, and they don't rely on their parents after some ages. But, women are not like that. They rely on their parents before marriage and then on their husbands after marriage. And it's too hard to find them a husband if they get over 25 years old."



In India is it a common practice that women find it hard to marry after 25? Or were you referring to Muslim cultures?

Where is it that women have to remain with their parents until marriage and rely on them to find a husband? I could not follow that part - perhaps you could clarify for me.



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I am getting sick of answering your 'well thought questions'. Do you ever wonder what u writing?

--So in this way I am interested in the way religion affects culture or the way culture affects religion. The two are always intwined at some point---


Hey u moron. A Christian country does not mean all follow the Bible. If that were the case,christians are criminals and catholic priests molesting innocent children ?


Think about this: all who do such a crime, they not following Hinduism. So they are not hindus. So don’t relate a crime with a religion. And don’t say it a culture because these only are aberrations. Believe hindus also have the same heart that cries when listens a child getting killed or being raped by a preist.


So don’t generalize it and relate a crime with a religion. You should discuss this on a forum on criminal psychology. Who knows you might get answers.


May God bless your children with sane mind

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<< Why is female infantoecide an epidemic in India amongst "hindu" people? >>


it is not epidemic.

the problem has nothing to do with hinduism.

such acts are adharma.


those who do nto want childer god gives, must not conceive in teh first place.


those who object to such bad practice very strongly must come forward to adopt the children born. else their protest has nor ereal meaning. anoteh way is that make them well aeare of hinduism and encourage them to liev by gita.

then they would stop producing unwanted children.


in the west unwed kids produce children,

and gov. pays them.

this is not better than the subject sin.


. has lost moral ground to talk about the sins of others becaue the priest and pastors have been doing sins secretly. an ordinarlyHk is lot better than an . pastor, many times, if not always.


are you an .?

are you an Hk or Hindu?



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This is what India need right now.

My uncle did some sociological research on female infanticide. Actually we are discussing abortion, in some cases, female newborn children are killed after birth.


When my uncle questioned the mothers, they gave an un emotional reply " we have no money to feed the Child, My husband is a laborer and having an intercourse is the only way of enjoyement, and a girl child is unwanted, so we kill it. "


When he asked " Ok, what if it is a male child? Where do you get money to feed him?"


They say, " we will let him struggle, we will put him in match box factories or send him for daily wages, and he will take care of himself"


Actually I fond this answer illogical either way.


First why have a chuld at all when there is no means to feed it?


If people follow a Dharmic way of living, and follow the shastras, and listen to elders, they will not run into such troubles. Having sex is not for pleasure but for the maintance of the lineage. Thats what our religion advices and if one concentrates mind on god, all this maya will be removed.


The point I am trying to make is, its not a problem with Hindus only, its prevelent among the poorer sectoins of society.

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I will give a simple clear answer to this question.


Abortion is not sanctioned in the Hindu religion, or should I say in Vedic Culture. It is an abominable sinful activity completely againced Vedic injunctions.


The so called " hindus " practicing this abominable crime are not following there scriptures and are therefore not hindus at all.


Why is abortion condemned. Well because in the unborn child the soul is present, it is just a matter of time before conciousness develops, but nonetheless the soul or spiritual being is present. It is not that it is just a lifeless lump of matter. Therefore it is killing.





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Brinthan, I am quite frankly disgusted at you gross misundertanding of Vedic knowledge and also how you try to defend this barbaric practice.


Firstly the practice of abortion is condemned in the Sastra. It is not part of Vedic Culture and is punishable by God.


Secondly you try to justify abortion by using Vedic quotes completely out of context such as the soul is eternal. Sure the soul is eternal, and the self realized soul neither laments for the living or the dead. This however does by no means justify the fact that we can kill on the basis of the soul being eternal.


The soul inhabits a particular body and no one has the right to kill that body, and therefore cause the soul to transmigrate into another body. This again is againced the order of God and is punishable.


You also say that we should not be sad when someone dies as we are not related to anyone. This is simply wrong. We are all eternal spiritual beings part and parcel of God therefore we are all related as we have the same Father.


You also say that we should not be sad if someone dies because the soul is eternal. This is true but you have again got the wrong end of the stick. To understand the eternal soul does not mean we should become cold and impersonal like heartless stones or something.

A major flaw that people develop when learning spiritual knowledge such as the soul is that people become impersonal and lack compassion for the feelings of others.


Sure the body is temporary and has nothing to do with our real spiritual identity, however this does not mean that we should deny feelings of compassion, love. Therefore if you feel no sadness during the death of a loved one, this means you are not in tune with your heart. This is very unhealthy.



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not to answer anti-hindus. They ask nasty questions and if we react, they say, Oh no, i meant no offense, bla bla. Let anti-hindus get some education first, then they can TRY to understand why Sanatanists do the things they do.


Warm Regards,

Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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Thanks to all who peacefully answered my original question. I have learned here that those who commit abortion are not Hindus in practice.


For those who answered in a mean spirit because I am not a Hindu, I think it is shameful. Sometimes, people ask questions simply to learn. There is no reason to become mean spirited when asked those questions.

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