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I want to show u all some qoets and see what u think. I think they are good and scary. scary as in that they are not telling any lie, and good couse it makes me more calm and peacefull.





--"When belief is not producing the results you expect of that, you introduce what is called faith. That means hope."


--"Anything you do to escape from the reality of the world will make it difficult for you to live in harmony with the things around you."


--"All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy."


--"Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for meaning has made a problem out of living."


--"All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you..."


--"Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path."


Qoets end



Would be happy to hear from anyone if I am getting some illusions here (??)

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The quotes belongs to U.G Krishnamurti. But I don't know if his words are any popular and accepted in this forum(?). But I guess we can discus are faith, confusion, misunderstandings and whatever here =)


Peace back at you! =)

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<< --"When belief is not producing the results you expect of that, you introduce what is called faith. That means hope.">>


may be you, not many here. such hope also cannot get any result you expect.


<<--"Anything you do to escape from the reality of the world will make it difficult for you to live in harmony with the things around you.">>


people, not things, mostly. harmoney is a mutual responsibility of the peoplw who desire harmoney.

if one party keeps causing trouble, even a saint cn not live in harmoney with crooks.


<<--"All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy." >>


it is the converse.

don't search, and stay in hell, and feel happy.


<<--"Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for meaning has made a problem out of living.">>


no. the problems you get and see makes you search for the meaning of life. once you find it, you have a way to happiness.



<<--"All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you..." >>


yes, but saying that does not open the door to peace instantly. there are yoga processes to reach that peace.

it takes time, generally.

you cannot become an engineer or doctro without going to a university. same here.


<< --"Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path." >>


no. then you can get totally lost,

unless you are an avatar sent by god.


you are free thik think what i wrote are illusions.

cheers! enjoy your enlightnement!

i would prefer to remain in such illusions.


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Who are you anwsering here really? U.G or the person who are wondering about U.G's quotes?


I see that you feel somewhat angry and use words like, example:"no, it is wrong and what I am saying is true". I see fear that leads to greed in you here, eager to tell people that you are right and other people are wrong /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Don't let people get to you, maadhav =) Debate is nice if one can have an open mind and just see. Just see and see that all things might be true and not true=) I would not claim something too be 100% true, cause who am I to know really? =) When people are not coming to an agrement, not eaven over 1000s of years, we have prooved that some things can be all and nothing. That's some more truth that many other things, or isn't it? I don't know...


Peace to you all! =)

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---------Would be happy to hear from anyone if I am getting some illusions here (??) ------


Yes it appears so.


-------------"When belief is not producing the results you expect of that, you introduce what is called faith. That means hope."--------------


This again a belief that the result can be produced by some other factors


-----"Anything you do to escape from the reality of the world will make it difficult for you to live in harmony with the things around you."----------


You can escape from the reality of world by living in the harmony with the things around you


--"All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy."----


THis is an ordinary sentence. If u feel u not happy, you r unhappy. But once you get happiness you can retain it.


--"Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for meaning has made a problem out of living."


we have senses unlike a stone...that may give us a wrong purpose..life should be independent. so its no harm to find the truth.



--"Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path."


You no need to reject other paths if they have the same destination as yours.




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what is U. G.?


i have no intention to fabricate something my own and delude poeple. i have less time for debates, oerticualrly when some come here to defame hinduism or confuse hindus.


so, i tell it shortly what krishna has said in gita

and what I have understood from my guru.


prabhupoada had no time for long debates.

so to avoid it he would say, 'they are rascals."


e.g. he said:


"just ask one if krishna is god,

if he /she says no, then he/she is a rascal."


i do not intend to offend the vedic poeple.

and if anti-vedic people get offended,

then it does not matter

but i do not intend to offend them too.


so relax, and if you understand my pint, then passit on to others. else forget it and enjoy life in your own way.


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I see you are giving your faith to a human being, a human being like you are a human being. We know that following a leader with our life has led to many sad things in this world and it can be dangerous. You are repeating his words as he said it and that's it. I don't see you giving your own understanding of it. I see u leave his word as an anwser, cause "he said it" and then it is right. I guess, if that's your anwser, it is =)


You're wondering about what U.G is. U.G is U.G Krishnamurti, a person belived to be a new krishna, a new jesus, a new person sent by god for many hindu people. Tho' he would get mad if u told him that, hehe. but don't listen to that! That is just people who like him alot. (NOT me!)


He is simply a man who people just started to listen to. He is not a person who are preatching and he has not been gathering people to have some organisation or religion. People just talk to him, that's all. I don't know. I guess I don't wanna tell people to go and read about him, cause people should do as they want to. So don't listen to me, cause I'm just a simple person too =)


Peace you all =)


I hope you are all good and are doing ok =)

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where is your search for happyness gonna end? when are u gonna stop searching for happyness when you only want more, maybe eaven more then u are able to see? and tell me, what good and happyness can you really see? what do we see? you can search and search and search, and when u get "there", who said that there aren't more to search for after that? noone can tell where it stops. It's to be said that: when there is nothing more to search for, one would physicly drop dead. I have noe idea, to be honest.


What I do know is that we human beings stop seeing when we get greedy and scared. We stop seeing what's to be seen and what we have right infront of our face everyday. When we are blinded, we don't value thoes wonderfull things we allready have.


I suggest you take a look at something I found in this forum. It makes alot of sence to me and I can honestly say that it made me feel greedy and bad. The Subject is named "about all this.." at this link http://www.hindu-religion.net/showflat/cat/hinduism/59491/0/collapsed/5/o/1


But we're all human beings, free do as we want to, so be free and don't listen to me. I would NOT trye to tell you what you should do. It's just my greed and selfishness talking here /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Peace to you all!

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  • 1 year later...

I think this Krishnamurthi person is someone who do not know anything about Life or Living it. His qoute is his own personal views and it doesn't work for others (as what Maadhav pointed out also).


"When belief is not producing the results you expect of that, you introduce what is called faith. That means hope."


Nope ... in most cases, when beliefs do not produce results, it is because of two reasons - either the person who believes do not do their research properly OR they are believing in lies.


To assume that a belief is true and it is not producing result, thus needs to compensate it with hope (of something) is like saying you are a God who make something absolute which do not work thus need to create something to compensate for it. It is foolishness.


"Anything you do to escape from the reality of the world will make it difficult for you to live in harmony with the things around you."


And what is reality?


If you see a group of thieves stealing from each other, are you going to say Stealing is acceptable reality and therefore, in order to be harmony with other (theives), you too must be theif as well?


"All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy."


Agree with what Maadhav said ... stay in Hell and be happy. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


"Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for meaning has made a problem out of living."


Why don't you just kill yourself, instead of bothering about living, if living has no purpose or meaning?


"All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you..."


So is foolishness, illusional thoughts, Ego, Pride and so much inside of you as well. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


"Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path."


Like Science, sometimes, you MUST learn common mistakes others have made in order to understand about life and to avoid repeating the same mistake.


If you go around thinking, others' path unrelated to mine, that will only make you repeat the same mistake you have repeated before and again.

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You are disaparaging Krishnamurti and your comments appear to vindicative. You say he doesn't know how to live his life ? who are you to say that ? Do you know him ? Have u read his books ?


His comments on looking for happiness within is what so many religious teachers have said, including Buddha and you disparage that by saying that foolishness,pride etc are all aso within. Tell me..How pride and foolishness is within ??

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His comments on looking for happiness within is what so many religious teachers have said, including Buddha and you disparage that by saying that foolishness,pride etc are all aso within.


Hmph ... first of all, do you know Buddha? How familiar are you about Buddhism?


Unlike your Krishnamoorti friend, Buddha did emphasize a purpose and meaning in life - to find enlightnment and to end the Cycle of Rebirth.


Buddha didn't say there is no purpose in life. I believe such attitude belongs to Atheism, rather than spiritualism, which is why I suggested those who follow such beliefs should commit suicide.


And also, unlike your Krishnamoorthi friend, Buddha didn't just say Peace is within alone, he also said Ego, Self, Pride, Arrogance and all those things are in there as well, so the purpose in life is to eliminate all other false notions and find the truth.


Tell me..How pride and foolishness is within ??


If it is NOT a person, then where did Pride and Foolishness of a person comes from?

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