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What is spirit?

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Ì cannot find out what the spirit is? To me it is just a word and I cannot see it. I can see "it" as there has been people telling me about it, and then I feel kinda what they tell me, but it's not really there. It's a word and that's it. As I can feel my spirit, i can NEVER know if it is an illusion or real. How can I know if it is an illusion or not? The defenition of the word illusion is; "something that u see but who is not there". Yes, the hindu storys are old, but so are many other things. Still, we do not have anything as a spirit or soul, cause none of us has ever seen it. Human being in it's 100% natural state is if you were born into this world, naked, alone and with no other human beings around at all in the rest of the world. Would u feel and see your sould and spirit then? With all this, what is all this about being spiritual? I cannot tell and no one can tell if it is just an illusion. The start of it for you and me is just that we were told about it, it is just a word, and then it builds up to something we have no ability to see.


Someone who can help me on this subject? What have I been saying that is wrong here?



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illusion is when you think that something is true and it is not.


there are many things true and we cannot see them, e.g. radio waves, air, etc.



soul (aatma, jiva, spirit) is someting within a living body.

when this spirits quits teh body, then the living entity is dead. after quitting a body the soul takes another body in next birth. there are cases where some remember theri past life and retain their skills or knowledge of the past.

hindus know this is a fact.


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illusion is when you think that something is true and it is not.


You said--"there are many things true and we cannot see them, e.g. radio waves, air, etc."

Anwser: we can measure radiowaves and air is not invisble Air has particles. The more air, the more blue it gets when u see thru it. It's like gass, gass has particles. This is why we are able to make masks that can filter the different gasses.



You said:--"soul (aatma, jiva, spirit) is someting within a living body.

when this spirits quits teh body, then the living entity is dead. after quitting a body the soul takes another body in next birth."

Anwser:--Hmmm, Now you're just talking about something told and writen. You're telling me the same thing other people have been telling. I can tell u lotes of things, doesn't mean that it's true. I can tell you that I have something inside me called Knoflores, but it doesn't give u any proof or anwsers.


You said:--"there are cases where some remember theri past life and retain their skills or knowledge of the past.

hindus know this is a fact."--

Anwser: --There have been cases where mad people have seen lotes of things. Eaven I have problems with an illusion that stopes me from doing things in my life every day. Again, I can tell u many things like u are telling me now, but it doesn't mean that it's there or true.



You know what. To be honest with you and myself: we are not able to tell if the spirit or soul is an illusion or not, noone can tell. I guess it's just a matter of to hope that it is true.


I would ask everyone to not anwser me by telling me to chant, cause I know that is working, like many other hypno techniqs I have tested are working. I've tested both religions and non-religions hypnos on myself and they all work. Again, we are not able to tell if anything like this is true or not. Not you or me are able to know if this is all just an illusion. based on the word illusion and the meaning of it, it is an illusion. Illusion is something u can see, but who is not there. You allmost said it yourself, only you said "illusion is when you think that something is true and it is not".


I am not really looking for an anwser in this anymore, cause I have the anwser in my text here allready and/or I guess there are no anwser, cause one cannot anwser what is unkonw.


Anyway. I wish u all good luck, and if u have found the truth, you're really lucky =)


Love! =)

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You said:--"soul (aatma, jiva, spirit) is someting within a living body.

when this spirits quits teh body, then the living entity is dead. after quitting a body the soul takes another body in next birth."

Anwser:--Hmmm, Now you're just talking about something told and writen. You're telling me the same thing other people have been telling. I can tell u lotes of things, doesn't mean that it's true. I can tell you that I have something inside me called Knoflores, but it doesn't give u any proof or anwsers.

•••another kind of proof is the indirect one.. maybe you did not see a person at the moment of death... when one dies something goes away, we see the same body, same chimical and phisical elements, same warm, same wetness, same smell, same consistence and coherence but one second before that body was living now he's died.

So an component has gone away.. some cone calls it soul, life, atma... this is science, observation, PROOF


To be honest with you and myself: we are not able to tell if the spirit or soul is an illusion or not, noone can tell.

•••not true, it is a very basic understanding, there's a difference from body and life... this life you can call it in many ways


I would ask everyone to not anwser me by telling me to chant, cause I know that is working, like many other hypno techniqs I have tested are working.

•••you have not tested anything, the purpose of chanting mantras or prayers has the purpose to make one more awake, not more sleeping or inconscious.. so you do not have tested, or you have badly tested


Again, we are not able to tell if anything like this is true or not.

•••if you do not follow any school, any practice how can you say this? i have not gone at medicine university, i do not give any medical advice


I am not really looking for an anwser in this anymore,

••so why you talk with us if you believe that you have nothing to learn? you must be able to teach and learn, this is serious


cause I have the anwser in my text here allready and/or I guess there are no anwser,

•••better you decide if you have or you have not answers before giving them to others


cause one cannot anwser what is unkonw.

•••yes.. if you do not know, and if you don't do any effort to know you cannot answer


Love! =)

•••if there's no spirit there's no love.. the matter cannot love

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again, now you are repeating what someone told you and what is written. I do want some anwsers, but your own anwsers. I would want people to be honest and not just repeat words. repeat repeat repeat, this leads to nothing. Please see for yourself and yourself as a human being at it's natural state. A human being at it's naturral state where u would be born into this world with no other people around you in this earth/world. Please do not repeat what someone has been saying, it's just words:( As I said, I can claim things too, but it doesn't mean anything as long as what I say is something invisible.


There is noone to tell a lonely bushman deep in the jungle about god or any gods. What about him, this human at it's very tip of the natural state? And please don't anwser me by that there are religions deep in the jungle, cause I know, but some don't know anything about this or have this deep in the junngle.


I can show u a stone, and u would be able to see the stone too. That is the oposite of an illusion. Please don't tell me that a stone (real) is an illusion, cause then you would be repeating words again. See for yourself in a natural 100% clean state, as a lonely man in this world.


Please don't tell me that it is science, cause the only true way to science is to free oneself from all paths and not expect anything. To choose a way of life and religions in science is not to free oneself from all paths to get the result that is just there. To choose a sertain path is to lower the chanse to see every option that is there. So please don't use the word science in this.



I am really not trying to get to anyone or make an argument, I am just confused. But I do not want words repeated, cause that has been done for so long:(


About love:

Love as a devotee for krishna is a self deed and is a greed for oneself and noone else but you/me. It is a wanting for oneself witch leads one to be devoted. Greed and fear like this is not love. It is dangerous to describe what love is, cause mostly we all just end up with it being greed born out of our fear.


please don't tell me that I have not tested, as I have seen and felt krishna myself, eaven what I wasn't chanting I could see krishna just suddenly being there.


I don't know really about lotes of things. Do you?


Peace and Love =)

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again, now you are repeating what someone told you and what is written.

•••you also are repeating a conception continously repeated in tv, books, newspapers, speeches etc. It is not a new and personal idea that spirit does not exixt because we can't touch it


I do want some anwsers, but your own anwsers.

•••my own answer i have given: i have seen some people at the moment of death, there's not a gradual state's change like we seen in other moments.. in my perception there's a big thing (call it soul, life, atma, whatever..) who gets out from the body.. suddenly.. painfully. We know that the body somewhat, for some time, continues his activities, hairs grows etc... and his death is gradual. But if we observe there's a precise moment when something happens to the individual, something (that we do not see) goes away and we say that our brother, father, mother, friend etc.. is dead..


this is my own answer and experience


Please don't tell me that it is science, cause the only true way to science is to free oneself from all paths and not expect anything

••••so free yourself by the path given to you by the today's world that these things are to be judged by faith or by superficial observation


To choose a sertain path is to lower the chanse to see every option that is there.

•••it is also a path.. it is a thing said by zillions of people.. your position is a path... the position that spirtuality has to be learned going to a school is another path, and is is more logic


I am just confused. But I do not want words repeated,

••so the first thing is not to repeat that everything you hear that is not pleasing for you is repeated... i have not mentioned any religion, path, sect or anything, i have said what i personally think


It is dangerous to describe what love is,

•••yes... very difficult also.. a thing that's worth to say that surely, if there's love, there's also asomething beyond the matter, beyond what we see and touch... because love is a thing that we do not see and touch, and it cannot be explained by chemicals... so if you feel love, somewhat you feel spirit


please don't tell me that I have not tested, as I have seen and felt krishna myself, eaven what I wasn't chanting I could see krishna just suddenly being there.

•••so why doubts? :-)


as everyone in this world it is not possible to talk without considering what we learn from everyday life... also the man in the bishes learns something by these bushes... it is up to you to judge if i am speaking to you by things that i have learned and i have realized, or if i am only a fanatic searching to push a doctrin for my own advantage... so do your judgement and decide if you want to speak to me or not.. no problem


I don't know really about lotes of things. Do you?

•••the problem is not that you don't know, the problem is that you think "religiously" that the others too don't know and that there's no possibility to know.. and that it is not possible to know by progressive learning and realizing

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I do not wish for you to trye to get to me or anything:( As I have said, we are not able to know if all this is just an illusion:( Honestly. And just cause I saw Krishna, that doesn't mean it is true. As I said, I have seen many things and I still do every day, it is keeping me from doing things in life every day, it is a problem for me. About love: do not put that up agains the question about spirit, cause love is what I told you. It is a wanting for another person or maybe eaven a "dead" object. The love we love another person with is a feeling and a wanting for something u can see. Don't tell me that I am folowing other peoples path, cause I am not. I only see what we can see clearly as u can see it clearly. I am only talking about things like I ca see a stone being there and real, like you can see a stone being there and real. If u want to anwser me, please tell me what I am 100% wrong in(?). U say it is all true, cause you have experienced. My everyday problem is not true, but I keep having the same illusion everyday. I am trying to get better and do something about it, having docters helping me, so I'm on my way =) But let me tell you, that if u would get my illusion right now, for 1 min, you would be so scared that you would think u were about do die. Eaven if that is an illusion I have, it is not real, but it feels real, real enough to be a problem for all of my life. Just like this, I have been able to see other illusions too, but in a controlled way.


I would ask you (if you don't mind) to taste the meaning of a man/woman being in it's natural state 100%: being born into this world alone, with no people around in the rest of the world. Tell me what u see then(?) In a situation like that you would get everything as it is in the most natural way we could possibly get, right?


This will be my last reply on this subject. I do not want to make any hard discussion out of this. Just want to find out if I am totaly wrong what.

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I would ask you (if you don't mind) to taste the meaning of a man/woman being in it's natural state 100%: being born into this world alone, with no people around in the rest of the world.

•••i know it.... there's simply other conditionaments..


freedom is not in avoiding to follow, to learn, freedom is to choose the school

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You:--there's simply other conditionaments


Anwser: Other conditions? and who created thoes conditions? Again: thoes conditions of today is not the earth in it's natural state. I am not talking about people, cause we're just ON the earth, we're not the earth.




You:--freedom is not in avoiding to follow, to learn, freedom is to choose the school


Anwser: Freedom? Freedome is to do as one want to for oneself and noeone else, and it cannot effect or hurt another human being in any way.


Look at how we are today, and how we put a living in education and jobs, cause we have to make money. All this is simply not freedome. We do it cause we feel we have to do it to be able to survive:( Same goes with any education or things we do, things we do with a person being higher then ourself, a boss, a guru, poleticians, a priest, a master etc...


The earth is a "paradise" as it is, in it's own natural state alone =) We're the ones being the destrucion on it, cause we're just looking to be happy for ourself and forget to be happy with what we allready have, happy about the earth, love it and take care of it. We wouldn't treat the earth bad if we could see=) The earth is my mirakle, the mirakle that I can proove to anyone =)


Kiss the grass and hug the tree! =) =)


Peace to you all =)

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