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sooner or later somebody loves enough to trust it. why not? if not, people start to love anyway others better. science, technology, society,culture have a progress when human start to love. new philosophy, education. gene-technology, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, ecological systems, dissappearance of individuality ,new life forms, super brain. but when we still are animals, why not. why not colonise whole universe and do real work for it


odd enough? anyone can reach heaven instantly by love and therefore getting rid of karma instantly if one really believes. how? by trusting love and really loving. when human loves, nothing can harm him. God protects servants always, mind has more or less anxiety, when one joys, and loves anxiety, one can solve it without any outside help. no need of language, decoding. just love what solves every disturbances. no any violent shutdown of thoughts like in yoga, what is good, but there is no escape from the truth. iow people are fools who doesn't 'awake' enough. they have always been. it can be very fast, depending how much human has doubt and anger. but when one start to joy human become sooner or later free. no matter what happens, 'joy'. the more one joys the more one grows to spiritually. its just that easy when one really love, that there are no bad feelings and excuses for healing love. just love, and you becomes blissful and free right now. and one with the force of nature, there are spirits who reject you leaving the stage, don't care about them, just love ahead. God is protecting, there are no possessions, human himself betrays the stage. there are millions of possessed who are truly traitors. others never start to love enough. just like that. what happens is a new interaction, protection from sicknesses and if they wants abilities to help others. to unattach right away. God knows everything, you can't fool the nature. because people are angry, or sinned,miserable to love truly and with all hearth. but when they love, they start to live again and grow. that much better place heaven can be. everything is possible. "love your god with all hearth" and you will see, that there is no excuses at all for love. since its safe. all traditions needs boosting:)

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<< odd enough? anyone can reach heaven instantly by love and therefore getting rid of karma instantly if one really believes. how? by trusting love and really loving. when human loves, nothing can harm him. >>


buddha did no hate any one.

still his bamian statue was shot at by missiles.

what would these barbrians would ahe doene to hom or dalai lama if he were there?


are you able to teach love to these barbarians?

the reason they do it becaue they love allah, not krishna.

they hate krishna.


any solution can you offer?


talking about love to vaishnavas here is preaching the quire.


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can farmer teach the world to love if he worries about his farm to have food for his family? he could write a book about agriculture to share his inventions to develop better farm, or develop gene-technology or synthetic food, so everybody could have their nutrition in home without food-chain. otherwise his children would suffer in long term

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if incarnation laws are scientific (what is beyond physical world view), and it happens in mind as 'spontaneus' physiological changes

why it can't happen fast?


as soul 'chooses' love, not negative feelings and stand for it.


every human can achieve yogi abilities


mind is often very mixed and normally people storm out from yoga when they are child, drown themselves get sick and eventually die (what has happened ...thousands of years, but i know its true) what is again medical miracle. in fact i am waiting to see neurologist in isolated department, i could do more wisely


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<< every human can achieve yogi abilities >>


yes. the processes of achieving are given in the vedic literture and in gita.


those who grow in the islam culture and learn from koran and hadith do not care about yogic abilities. to them anyone practicing any yoga is a kafir that they must convert to islam or kill.


now if you like yoga, then is it not a problem to you?

BTW, do you practice any yoga, or just talk about it?



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my mind grows according to intrsesses, and physically i became sensitive about my acts

after fasting,, my body is lack of diseases and i can control my body functions: less

trembling, sweating, wounds and fastened motoractivity. i also have siddhis: 'God' helps to

decode my head during writing this through radio, my rooms figurator talks to me (those are

anxiety, since i am moving my body and mind again, i took shower...) why i lack of discipline

is that nobody see it. they know it subconciously, but they can't recocginse nor know any

explanation what could hook their attention: i just have noticed that by myself again...

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yes there are much things what should to have order in world


i am possessed, and i know that its because i break the glass,m not because i have sickness

and this IS the thing with ALL (i strongly believe so). only cure is that we ease anxiety to each others, and enlargen our personal world view and not to break our dreams


people often feel good near me, when i start to develop ideas, i start to develop companionship. but since i shortly become careful , they dissapoint and became nervous, so i eventually escape. i have looked to the future and

want to develop science. i should stay in my opinions, not

to let 'devils' inside the head. i think i should have never



yes, i need to give wider explanations


why i am here? i have temporarily broken discipline


i have been mistreated as catatonic patient,therefore i 'think' that i haven't had restful place to 'stop' again. thats also one reason why i am isolated: since i have been turned inside, people step on my foot. that is bad.

i have to play piano to get anxiety away


individuals faith has to come from inside. all words are like spotlight to sinful human who is a sun by himself.

we laugh at our destiny.


interaction is collaboration


i believe that human doesn't have to die, nor life to spanish. he can use his mind to live much longer and

develop life and its matter of self realisation


(we are now 'individuals with human body'.

that can change in future as we awake and learn to have more complex 'ideas' -is that what life truly is all about?


being curious, winning fear,

being playful, taking challenges and growing stronger



if man lives in antarktis he has same possibilities to

his growth if he is interested and cares.


or neurostructures


to control nature.



since we can achieve yoga that is not 'necessary'. we can

be one with the love.

but when there is world peace it comes easier



i think human mind is like a tree: it can grow its branches to all directions,

and they can share knowledge and grow together. this happens in cortex


its a complexing realisation process, faith comes stronger. human interacts with his

surrounding all the time and effect to it subconciously all the time. humans whole life is

like a growing garden. human can change natures processes.


if everybody would start their spiritual awakening immediately

there won't be any fear, prejudices between people and much more creativity, more branches

in the forest. when everybody would be aware of each others, when one falls for reason or

another, others would help him up again.


cortex 'learn' to control lower emotions. never lose what you have learned. that comes

to food, emotions, sexuality, crying, being vareless etc. it only demands

purification. one can grow wider:


i believe god feeds the brain/hearth what 'loves'. its like constant ...sator?



i think technology can boost this process if we develop neurology, knowledge of physiology, communication

technology, learn to be aware of everything and not destroy minds in drugs. distresses

between indiviuals souls would 'disappear' maybe there can be more constructive positive sharing...



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