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why females have lower status in hinduism

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I was reading the thread about manu smriti on this website. Why female has lower status in vedas? or why male is dominant? vishnu brahma and Shiv are thought in a male form? Is there a possibilities that these scriptures are written by a male dominant soceity?

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history has always been male dominated in all areas of the world. it was just naturally accepted practice.


vishnu, brahma and shiva's bodies as we know are part of mythology, which is a way for ordinary people who cant comprehend the complicated teachings of hindu philosophy to still be good hindus and worship god. bagavathy is a female form of the all mighty and is worshipped by some as the ultimate entity of god.


so whether u believe vishnu is the major force of existance or shiva or anyone else, if u are looking for a mother of the universe, since all life comes from female bodies, then bhagavathy is the mother of the world

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this is pure nonsense. yes, Shiva and some deities may be male but women are in no way of lower status. Shiva is inseparable from Shakti (the female aspect of divinity). The scriptures say that Shiva cannot function without Shakti and vice versa. Therefore both male and female principles are essential. Remember, Sanatana Dharma is the only religion that worships the female aspect as the Divine Mother. No other faiths comes even close.

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<< I was reading the thread about manu smriti on this website. Why female has lower status in vedas? >>


it is not.


<<or why male is dominant? >>


the 'dominant' you see is general ledership.

Some one has to lead.



<< vishnu brahma and Shiv are thought in a male form? >>


yes. but, you are free to think of them as females if that is your choice.


<< Is there a possibilities that these scriptures are written by a male dominant soceity? >>


No. when you are a child before school,

you are under dominition of parents.


when you go to school and colelge you are under dominition of teacers and prpfessors. when yod do a job, you are under dominition of your boss, if you do a business, youareunder dominitition of your customers. if you marry, you could be under dominition of your wife, or she could accept your dominition.


so, this "dominition" is a wrong word for leadership arranment. in brahmadesh women rule. so, the fact is that some lead and some follow. now, what purpose it serves to label leaders as "dominants?"


leadership has to be accepted, not contested or hated.

there is no need to hate leaders, male or female,

when they are good leaders.


and hinduism says who are good leaders.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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<< ..She must on the death of her husband allow herself to be burnt alive on the same funeral pyre. That everyone will praise her virtue." (Manusmriti 9.3) >>


I did not find this in Manusmriti.


Any way, 9.7 shows the purpose behind protecting women.


"He who carefuly guards his wife, preserves( the purity of) his offsprings, virtuous conduct, his family, himself, and his (means of acquiring) merit."


Manusmriti is not followed seriously any time.

For now, Gita is the book of hinduism.


A man made scripture is not accepted as absolute dharma in hinduism.


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<< ..She must on the death of her husband allow herself to be burnt alive on the same funeral pyre. That everyone will praise her virtue." (Manusmriti 9.3) >>


I did not find this in Manusmriti.



:::ok...as I said I picked it from the manu smriti discussion on this website. But how about 'a woman is never fit for independence' in 9.3



Any way, 9.7 shows the purpose behind protecting women.


"He who carefuly guards his wife, preserves( the purity of) his offsprings, virtuous conduct, his family, himself, and his (means of acquiring) merit."


--any way this does not justify :'a woman never fit for independence' in 9.3



Manusmriti is not followed seriously any time.

For now, Gita is the book of hinduism.


--definitely one follows only those parts 'seriously' that suits, and women being second in physical strength had been dominated by males, by majority, in all indian history..please accept that..or see how independent r woman in current hindu soceity



A man made scripture is not accepted as absolute dharma in hinduism.


-- thats true but scripture like manu's nevertheless show the prevalent dharma inn the society.. and most of which still exist today during religious rites



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Female does have alower status in Vedas/manusmriti


woman is never fit for independence' in 9.3 manusmriti


leave that…just tell me what significant role for women were given in mahabharata. Having five husbands and bearing many children, love for family and sons?


You said about leadership..but soceity is always a factor in producing leaders. You r right that woman may be leaders in home, but why not in other fields? Its because You may say that I have to read my own the manu smrti. But of the same manu smriti and other scriptures and society at that time that say female never should be independent. How many Rgveda sages had been women? Its not that woman does not have leadership qualities but the society never allowed them to come up. Same was the case for untouchables..they remained so until the society changed it perception. These might be my general view but my question was whether our Vedas/manusmriti can be written by persons in a male dominant society where woman had rights as stated in manu smriti, and shame on these sages who always accepted it as a truth and never did to uplift the condition of woman, of course, lower in physically strength.


Don’t take it as an attack on Hinduism. I appreciate thoughts like advaita by shankara, , vivekaands, and Dr. radhaKrishnan. But views like yours (Madhava's) are narrow minded who would justify scriptures with false reasoning and never would think that yes the scriptures are written by some worldly persons who needed woman without rights (be it mother sister or wife or sister) for their own worldly needs.


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You said about leadership..but soceity is always a factor in producing leaders. You r right that woman may be leaders in home, but why not in other fields? Its because You may say that I have to read my own the manu smrti. But of the same manu smriti and other scriptures and society at that time that say female never should be independent. How many Rgveda sages had been women? Its not that woman does not have leadership qualities but the society never allowed them to come up. Same was the case for untouchables..they remained so until the society changed it perception. These might be my general view but my question was whether our Vedas/manusmriti can be written by persons in a male dominant society where woman had rights as stated in manu smriti, and shame on these sages who always accepted it as a truth and never did to uplift the condition of woman, of course, lower in physically strength.



Each building is made up of the components fitted at dif. places. For the same reason, inequity & dependence are the inherent attributes of each society. To raze a building is easy, but which doesn't mean the cease of all social problems. Another building with the same att.s would be established inevitably under the inner requirement & outer pressure. Some p.s would be solved & some other p.s would be brought in.


Why was someone born as a woman or a member of a lower caste? Fate! Souls incarnated into various life forms for predetermined duties, which is the reason why some untouchables have to claim themselves as atheists since they had to confront their fates even if they converted themselves.


Some people in lower castes tend to confuse the benefit of caste system with that of higher castes. But in fact, the harm to this system may be come from any caste, higher by discrimination, middle by insatiability, & lower by envy. So I object discrimination at the same time when I persist in caste system because discrimination has noth. to do with discrepancy. More clearly, I hold a natural attitude to these p.s.

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Proof that women have a similar standing to men in Hinduism?


If females are regarded so poorly, why is worship of the Divine Mother so prevalent within India? Why is Gayathri Mantra one of the most commonly chanted mantras in Hinduism? Why have some of the greatest Hindu sages been women? Why did female Kshatriyas fight in wars alongside men? Why Lord Shiva can do nothing without Shakthi, representing female divinity?


There is no use debating with the person posting quotes from Manusmriti. He is cutting and pasting parrot-fashion from some third rate Saudi website. Do you even know the position of Manusmriti in Hinduism. It counts for very little - it is Smriti. If you decide to cut and paste, please do so from Vedas. BUT before you do so, please check the translation with a reputable website. I have read many supposed quotes from the Hindu scriptures on Muslim websites, and none of them have checked out to date. Please also include reference, original Sanskrit if possible and name of the translator.


Hindus, no point wasting your time with people who honestly believe that equal rights for women consists of covering them head-to-toe and denying them basic human rights such as education.


P.S. I wonder why muslims and christians spend so much time trying to defame and disprove other religions. Could it be due to an inferiority complex because they realise they have committed spiritual suicide and are wading through a religious cess-pit?

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