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hello, my name is savraj im 16 and i have been born into a hindu family, but my family doesnt really take their religeon too seriously. a lot of my friends recently have tried to convert me into the christian faith, but i dont belive that people who dont believe in jesus will nessasarily end up in hell. anyway, the reason im writing is because i feel i need a religeon, a guide. i believe in god but i dont really no anything else! i wanted to ask a few questions, like in hinduism,

do we reincarnate until we are freed from the cycle?


and also if we can be reincarnated into an animal, does that mean animals will be in 'heaven'? and does that mean that animals pray?


is there any proof that there have been gods on earth? how do we know?


im sorry if i sound really stupid but i just havent been taught these things and i really want to learn about it. i dont want to be some body who rejects god, i just am unsure of what god wants from me. will i ever no?



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hello, my name is ratheesh and im 21 and i will try to answer ur questions best i can...my aol screen name is quietstrm345...IM me if u have any more questions


<but i dont belive that people who dont believe in jesus will nessasarily end up in hell>


in my opinion, all great men from all religions should be treated as god. not just some great men fromone religion. if all men were created equal, then we should all really follow one religion. but based on natural human arrogance which we cant avoid and based on environmental states that we cant control, there are many religions that follow differet beliefs. all those beliefs are right though. people of christian faith use the path of jesus to find salvation for themselves the same way shaivites use shiva as a path to the light. i am hindu and personally believe that jesus did exist and was a divine man sent to help his people. that doesnt neccessarily mean i worship him at every opportunity, but i do respect his status as a divine person and believe that he is another form of god.



<do we reincarnate until we are freed from the cycle?>

yes. life is energy created and death is energry destroyed but that energy will again be created as something else and destroyed and created again as something else. this cycle will go on and on and on. once life begins, the soul is on a set path walking to god. throughout life, there are many challenges, blockades and desires that one encounters on that path. sometimes we stop to observe, sometimes we break from the original path and go elsewhere. this is what hinders us from reaching the end of the path. in a sense, one loses the understanding that one life is short. less than a century. during that time, it is not guaranteed that we will finish walking our path. if we have not walked our path to being one with god, we will be reincarnated and continue to walk the path, until eventually the soul realizes that the distractions along the path are simply distractions. we may stop from our divine path to god and find a family or friends or some other pursuit that makes us happy. what one doesnt understand is that once we reach the end of that path, all those things are there. by reaching god, we have attained all the distractions that we wanted. everything we wanted is in the hands of god. but im not saying that there is something wrong with stopping along the path. we do have many lives to live and eventually im sure we will all make it to the end of the road. i hope that answers that question. perhaps i got a little carried away, please email me or IM me and talk to me about it if u want



<and also if we can be reincarnated into an animal, does that mean animals will be in 'heaven'? and does that mean that animals pray?>


if we get reincarnated as animals, it is because we deserve it. do we have to pray? who knows? does an animal pray? if it can, then we should. if it cant, then we dont have to. the only person who knows is god and the animal. so the only way we can really know is by being reincarnated as an animal. as an animal, we should live our lives as one. a dog should be a dog. life as a dog. observe life as a dog. then eventually, as any other life, you will die and continue incarnating. hopefully, i wont be a dog in my next life, but if i am, i wouldnt be upset or disappointed. all i can do is be a dog and live on.


<is there any proof that there have been gods on earth? how do we know?>


we can only go by the faith we have in god. the question of our maker is probably the oldest unanswered question of all time. how do we really know unless god tells us. He is the only one with a real concrete answer. anyone else, doesnt truly know for a fact (unless they know god). trust in faith and believe that you and everything around you, eveytrhin you see, touch, smell, taste, feel, sense, and think is a product of god. i think god was on earth as rama, and krishna. i also think god was on earth as jesus and mohammed. god was on earth all over the place working His magic in ways only He would be able to fully understand. we as humans must just follow the faith we have in our hearts.


<dont want to be some body who rejects god, i just am unsure of what god wants from me. will i ever no?>


follow what you belive in your heart. im not saying go by blind faith in what people tell you. unsderstand for yourself. educate yourself on the subject and know as much as you can on what your ineterested in. god will not punish you for not believeing in him. if you dont because you were never really taught it, then you have a reason to think that way. god will see things from your point of view and be merciful. eventually you will be reborn as someone who doubts god and then maybe as someone who mildly believes in god and then maybe someone who is very religios and devotes his life to god (im not saying this is what will happen to you, im just saying this is a possibilty...so are many other possibilites) perhaps your small doubt in god comes from a total disbelief in god in your last life. your soul may have lived a life not believing in god and now comes back unsure if that were true. perhaps there is a god. i totally believe there is and cant wait to see Him eventaully. but that doesnt mean you have to feel the way i do. you have your own thoughts and ideas. use ur understanding of life to come to your own decisions on god. all i can say, is dont ever have the feeling that god can't get you. if u dont believe in god fine, but dont think that you ever have the upper hand. as disappointing as it may sound, one can never get the upper hand on god. have a pure heart and follow the beliefs you believe in. god will love you for doing that


again, my name is ratheesh. email me at teesh345@hotmail.com or aol screen name to talk if u want...if u have more questions you want unanswered. my parents were also the type to not really be religious and be wayward with it. now im very ineterested and read up oin the subject whenevr i can...its always on my mind

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a friend said to me that miricles only occur in the christian faith, and she had tried to find out about hindu miricles and couldnt find any. do hindu miricles happen? what are they? id like some examples if you have any because id like to show her that hinduism is just as fantastic as christianity!

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What about the statues of Ganesha and the other gods drinking milk? Though I think that was supposedly disproved.


I'm sure there were a lot of miracles in Hinduism, it's just that it's not as prominent a faith as Christianity is, which leads to Christianity's miracles being touted much more than miracles from other religions.

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according to gita and the vedic scriptures,

god and haven is for every one, not just for xians.


. world has created hell here by erecting cow slaugher houses, nuclear wate and pollution due to industry and car exhausts.


mircles happen any place or time.


gyandev touched the head of a buffallow and it started singing vedic hymns.


when changdev was coming to meet him riding on a tiger,

gyandev went to great him riding on a rock slab.


once gyandev's sister cooked chappati on his back.


lives of many saints in india is full of miracles.


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Hare Krishna,


Dear Savraj,


If miracles are what you are looking for then that is all wrong. None the less there are many saints who performed great miracles like even bringing the dead back after being buried for six months. This miracle was performed by Sri Raghavendra Swamy of Dvaita Vedanta. He lived in 16th century A.D. Here is a link.



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  • 7 months later...

Miracles happen in every religion and no way serves as a measurement tool.Comparing religions is an act of injustice against Lord, as all religions lead to him.

Miracles from one angle are concentric at a point of time and are specific to the individual, granted by the Lord thru a Medium which can be a Saint or as simple as the individual praying lord with his heart.One who does not have full faith , devotion & Paitence to God will need the help of a Saint / Sage.

Everybody has his/hers list of sorrows & sufferings that are his to bear.Without these what good will be life?

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Jai Ganesh


Hello savraj welcome, i am glad you are asking question.

before you choose any thing, you should ask this questions

who am i? where do i come from? where am i going? what is the purpose of life?

Only Karma can answer why there is disparity in the creation.

Life is a miracle and the death is most amazing.


Jai Shree Krishna

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<< Comparing religions is an act of injustice against Lord, as all religions lead to him. >>


no. and no.


if this were true, then all the barbaric muslims who invaded india and killed millions of hindus and destroyed thousands of vedic temples over 1000 years would be in haven. and i really belive they are in hell. because, per gita/krishna, they cannot go to haven doing such things.


recently they destroyed bamian buddha statue.

how can they go to haven doing so?


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