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having a big doubt!!!

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I'm having a big doubt. Whenever I come to think of Death, I think whether the god exists or not. And Science is almost proving that God doesn't exist with the help of fossils they find. And let's say the god exist, I'm scared to choose one religion. I don't know which religion is the correct way. So, if someone please guide me to the right way, that would be greatful.

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we have the logic, logic has to be used to learn the science of the transcendence.. one can say that the logic, the rational logic is limited but we have only it to understand us and the world around us, so let's use it!!!


we do not know in our experience a thing that has not a creator.. a car, a house, a computer, an airplane... we in most cases do not know who this engineer or creator is, but we know that he necessarily exist somewhere


following this logic we have necessarily to say that a creator and sustainer of the universe exist


this is science.. analogic science


who says that god does not exist he say it with blind faith... in the same way that we previously considered the religion


so religion is a science (shraddha.. intelligence+sentiment+realization)

atheism is a faith (not shraddha... blind faith)

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I don't think that this Universe created itself. Because I don't think that nature have the ability to create a perfect creature like Human or any other creatures this beautifully. I mean take eyes for example, do you think that nature created eyes with those very special things in them just by itself. Guest who posted above me asked who created the creator. First of all we have to understand that there's no time in spiritual world, and the creator is a supreme soul. God doesn't need a creator, he was there like we were. You shouldn't ask then, for how long God have been there. You have to understand that there's no time in spiritual World. Time only applies to Material World!!!

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the right religion is in a sense "no religion"


study bhagavad gita,, god says think of me, study me, surrender to me.. abandon sectarism, divisions, temporary dharmas...


this is the secret,,, bhagavad gita does not propose any dogma or any blind faith.. bg is loyal: "there's no need to blindly believe.. there's only to study and practice"


these are the news of the vedas.. not for accepting hinduism and refuse christianism, buddhism or the opposite... now stop blind believing, now the spirituality is a science.. study it


vedas are not a religion, they are a school

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We can claim that Hinduism the right religion. Yoga which is extremly a powerful treatment for all kind of deseases. The only medicine for cancer is to practice yoga. You can cure any deseases by practicing yoga. For example, my dad has a lot of deseases in his blood (what i mean is that he has those deseases in genetic) but because he practice yoga someohow (not even properly) doesn't get all those deseases. I don't that our sages found about yoga million years ago just by their self without anybody's help. This kind of meditation only should've known to God. I mean only a creator knows how to diagnos something he created right? So, Sages found about yoga with God's help. And take a look at Sanskrit. It is the most perfect language in the world. Why do you think that songs in Hindi sound much better than any other languages in India? Most of the song in Hindi, nowadays come from Tamil Language, but those songs which is translated to Hindi sound much more attractive than Tamil Language. That's because Sanskrit is the most viberational language, and Hindi came from Sanskrit. You do not have to worry about what religin is the correct one because all religions came from one religion. Let me explain, Hinduism was found in Egypt, now that's where Jeduaism also came from. People who followed Hinduism moved to India, Sanskrit language also moved with it. Now we know that Juduaism is called "ancient chrisitianity" Islam came from Chrisitianity. So, therefore, we can conclude that Jeuduiasm came from Hinduism, and then it splits, while real Sanatana Dharma moved to India with it's perfect language Sanskrit, which made SD to be improved widely and to be developed spiritually well.


Most of NDEs explain the same thing Hinduism says. But some of NDE, which says that they say Hell and Jesus Christ MIGHT BE a propaganda to show the world that Jesus Christ is the god. I'm not sure in that fact. But most of NDE results as Hinduism explains the spiritual World.


Yet, the thing I don't understand is that where is Atlantis Empire, if there was one. They say that Atlantis Empire was the very developed Civilization, and they say that it used a powersource to survive. If there's a powersource, does that prove that there are different kind of magic in the world and Hinduism only chooses one of the magic to be it's main core? In another thread a question was asked "Why does God Vishnu always incarnate in India". If those questions be answered in a straight way, I'll be fully convinced that Hinduism is the right religion. I don't want the answers for the 2nd question to be like "because God chooses to" I don't want that please!!!!

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"I'll be fully convinced that Hinduism is the right religion"

•••wrong, not the hinduism... the sanatana dharma who is the core of all religions included hinduism


I don't want the answers for the 2nd question to be like "because God chooses to" I don't want that please!!!!

•••if GOD would be dominated by a REASON to do something He'd not be god

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Prabhupada has said "preaching love of Godhead is the right religion" which means no matter what religion one talks about, its only goal as religious principle should be to teach LOVE OF GODHEAD, that religion and religious faith one can follow. However, over the years, these main principles in any religion have been overlooked and powerful people in that religion have misguided the commons for his own personal benefit, forgetting God.

It is a sad thing. This is Kali at its best and people who preach love of Godhead should battle this. So Love God(Krishna) and you will see the light for yourself.





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vaishnavism is to believe that the absolute truth is a person and to worship him


real sivaism is to ask to lord siva the benediction of the devotion to sri vishnu.. in this way lord siva is pleased


sanatana dharma without doubts

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we have the logic, logic has to be used to learn the science of the transcendence.. one can say that the logic, the rational logic is limited but we have only it to understand us and the world around us, so let's use it!!!



It's half right. When you're a infant, you survive like an animal by instinct; when you're a schoolchild, you learn knowledge mainly by blind acceptance; when you're an adult, you live by reason, desire, & emulousness; when you're a elder, you resist or obey the destiny by faith. If you have some psych. ability, you can live with subconsciousness.



the right religion is in a sense "no religion"

study bhagavad gita,, god says think of me, study me, surrender to me.. abandon sectarism, divisions, temporary dharmas...


this is the secret,,, bhagavad gita does not propose any dogma or any blind faith.. bg is loyal: "there's no need to blindly believe.. there's only to study and practice"


these are the news of the vedas.. not for accepting hinduism and refuse christianism, buddhism or the opposite... now stop blind believing, now the spirituality is a science.. study it





Yet, the thing I don't understand is that where is Atlantis Empire, if there was one.

- - -

In Atlantic.


They say that Atlantis Empire was the very developed Civilization, and they say that it used a powersource to survive. If there's a powersource, does that prove that there are different kind of magic in the world and Hinduism only chooses one of the magic to be it's main core?

- - -

Which means to be adopted is less impo.. The more impo. is its goal. Atlantis proved that civilization is not equal to success.


In another thread a question was asked "Why does God Vishnu always incarnate in India". If those questions be answered in a straight way, I'll be fully convinced that Hinduism is the right religion.

- - -

"Always"? If Hinduism is the right religion, then what is not the right religion?



vaishnavism is to believe that the absolute truth is a person and to worship him



Absurd. Truth is truth & a person is a person."Truth" is an inanimate, uncountable, & abstract noun, whereas "person" is an animate, countable, & mass noun.

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In another thread a question was asked "Why does God Vishnu always incarnate in India". If those questions be answered in a straight way, I'll be fully convinced that Hinduism is the right religion.

- - -

"Always"? If Hinduism is the right religion, then what is not the right religion?



I am aware that Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were born in India. What about Narasimha avatar, Matsya avatar, Kurma avatar, Mohini and so many other avataras. They did not take place in this EARTH itself. So your question is quite stupid.


Anyway, Lord Visnu decides to descend where HIS devotees are. This happens to be India only. In future may be HIS avatar may take place in other countries if there are true devotees out there in that country.



Absurd. Truth is truth & a person is a person."Truth" is an inanimate, uncountable, & abstract noun, whereas "person" is an animate, countable, & mass noun.



Absurd is your own thought. In sanskrit SAT is the word used for ABSOLUTE TRUTH.


SAT = What truly EXISTS depending on no other entity or condition for its existence.



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In reply to:


we have the logic, logic has to be used to learn the science of the transcendence.. one can say that the logic, the rational logic is limited but we have only it to understand us and the world around us, so let's use it!!!


It's half right. When you're a infant, you survive like an animal by instinct; when you're a schoolchild, you learn knowledge mainly by blind acceptance; when you're an adult, you live by reason, desire, & emulousness; when you're a elder, you resist or obey the destiny by faith. If you have some psych. ability, you can live with subconsciousness.

•••••i am not saying that the other behaviour do not exist, i am only saying that the transcendence has to be also studied and not only accepted by faith.. if you want to say that the adult age is the more favorable for study, practice and realize spiritual consciousness... i agree


Absurd. Truth is truth & a person is a person."Truth" is an inanimate, uncountable, & abstract noun, whereas "person" is an animate, countable, & mass noun.

••••god is everything, and in everything there's also the "personal" aspect.. you cannot have more than god. The difference is that in the body, the personality and the name are in the realm of birth, desease, pain and death.. in the realm of god body, name and personality are sat, cit, ananda.. we are showing a perverted aspect of the true manifestation of the personality that there's in vaikunta, so we are using the same word but the similarity is, in a sense, very little, so little that i understand you very well when you say that "person" cannot be "truth"... but we can go deeper





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i am not saying that the other behaviour do not exist, i am only saying that the transcendence has to be also studied and not only accepted by faith.. if you want to say that the adult age is the more favorable for study, practice and realize spiritual consciousness... i agree


I just wnat to show a wider vision before you eyes.



god is everything, and in everything there's also the "personal" aspect.. you cannot have more than god. The difference is that in the body, the personality and the name are in the realm of birth, desease, pain and death.. in the realm of god body, name and personality are sat, cit, ananda.. we are showing a perverted aspect of the true manifestation of the personality that there's in vaikunta, so we are using the same word but the similarity is, in a sense, very little, so little that i understand you very well when you say that "person" cannot be "truth"... but we can go deeper



Only "truth's personification" is acceptable for me.
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Only "truth's personification" is acceptable for me.

••.and it is right... but the cathegories of internal and external, deep and superficial, body and soul, essential and marginal are in the realm of matter..


god is one.. and there's not a superior truth and an successive personification.. the truth and the person are coincident... not in humans, there's a soul (truth) and a body (illusion)


god has body otherwise he cannot give bodies to humans, and god his truth as the same time.. and the body is also truth not like with humans


so "truth's personifications" is correct.. you are saying that in god there's truth and body, very nice

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<In another thread a question was asked "Why does God> <Vishnu always incarnate in India". If those questions be>

<answered in a straight way, I'll be fully convinced that> <Hinduism is the right religion.>


God Vishnu incarnates everywhere and thats what people must underatnd. God Vishnu is the same as the Christian god, Muslim god and all other religious gods. God is God. We, as different cultured people from different countires that speak different languages, call him by different words and names. But he still remains the same. He incarnated in India as Rama and KRishna, but he also incarnated in the middle east as Mohammed. God incarnated as Jesus Christ. God incarnated as all great religious men of all religions everywhere.


Its just that we as Indians and Hindus worship the incarnation of God that took place in our land, people in Algeria worship the incarnation of god that took place in their land that brought up their ancient tribal religions, etc...


We as a human race must undertand that we are all worshiping the same entity, we just call it different names. If one were to make a dish for a family dinner, he may call it chicken biriyani. Somewhere in Mexico, they could call it aroz con pollo. Elsewhere, they could call it something else. essentially tho, its all the same. chicken, rice and seasoning. God, whether called Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Zues, Jupiter, Isis...whatever it is, its all God, just with a different word.


Its only cultural and human arrogance and ignorance that makes people argue over who's god is right and who's religion is righjt. all religions are right and all sacred books are sacred and they are all right.

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<< I'm having a big doubt. >>


vedic literature says

samshaatmaa vinashyat.


so no it is your responsibility to be free from doubt.


<< Whenever I come to think of Death, I think whether the god exists or not. >>


have you thoug of living say 500 year with a decrepit body full of deseases? That living is not fun. There are many living who wish to die.


hinduims says that you as teh soul living in the body are eternal. only the body you change after death. so a hindu has no fear of death. hinduism shows hot to live sin-free and in tune with god's instructions.



<< And Science is almost proving that God doesn't exist with the help of fossils they find. >>


hinduism provides the compete science of the soul and supersoul (god). scientfic inquirey is bottom up inquirey into the nature - how nature works. the purpose mostly is to satisfy senses. it also relys on the limited capabiliteis of the senses we have. there are arguments to prove that there is god, but one who is locked into atheist mentality will not accept any reason.


suppose there is not god.

does it scare you or please you?


<< And let's say the god exist, I'm scared to choose one religion. I don't know which religion is the correct way. >>


don't choose.

know the truth about hinduism from gita.

then about any other religion from its book.

then compare and see if one is better for you than other.


the knowledge/realization about god comes from

gurus, sadhus, and shastras.

so you need to consult them.


wishing you happy journey.


jai sri krishna! -madhav




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god is one.. and there's not a superior truth and an successive personification.. the truth and the person are coincident... not in humans, there's a soul (truth) and a body (illusion)


god has body otherwise he cannot give bodies to humans, and god his truth as the same time.. and the body is also truth not like with humans



A body is a body whether it's of a god or a man. I admit that there's not a borderline between truth & illusion. In addition, I'd like to tell you the reason why I concern this topic. Every religion is not idolatrous in its initial stage, but a mere step is necessary to corrupt into an idolatrous one. On a whole, a religion's dharma is draining along with time than gaining. It's true for Hinduism with some indications, such as the intention of abolishing varna for competitivity as well as fabricating the idols of new gods that can't be found in any scripture.
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<< It's true for Hinduism with some indications, such as the intention of abolishing varna for competitivity as well as fabricating the idols of new gods that can't be found in any scripture. >>


that is not hinduism, but malpractice of hinduism.

hinduism cannot be defined by or understood from malpracticeners.


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Radhe Radhe,

wasn't it Srimad Bhagavadgita IV,40 (samshayaatmaa vinashyati) what you tried to cite? If it wasn't, please could you specify the text? And if it was it might be better to cite properly, otherwise others may get into doubt about your authority to give such profound instructions.

All glories to the Lord and His devotees,

Radhe Radhe,

madhusudan das


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  • 2 months later...
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GOD LOOKS DOWN TO ALL WHO LOOK UP.People who are willing to see HIM need to look up.No GOD asks you to belive HIM.After all,it's your head-ache to search HIM.But anyone,who really willing to see,can easily see HIM.Its not argumental issue instead sentimental issue.

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who created what?None created anything.None was ever created or is ever going to be destroyed.The idea that something is created in anathema to science.Hence the idea that something is going to be nonexistent is also anathema to science.


Your fear comes because of the dwaidhic stage.When you realize that there aint any two, you wont fear anything.Vedas too say the same thing "Wherever there is dwaidham there is fear".


Quoting Krishna "As birth is sure, death is also sure. So why do you worry about a thing which you cannot change?isnt that foolish?"

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