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My hindu girlfriend

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Hi everyone, I've just started dating a beautiful hindu girl. She says she is religious, and reads sanskrit (apparently not many do). She says it is important to hindus that their partner (me!) has not been married before, because divorce is frowned on. I just wondered what other things are important to hindu people, as I would like to make a good impression as I expect to start meeting her family soon (so far I have only met her sister, who introduced us). I have started looking through this website, but find the articles a bit "heavy" for a beginner ... where is the "introduction to hinduism" section??


I am a Christian and Jane told me that isn't a problem. I am interested in, and tolerant of, other religions. I would appreciate some comments. Thanks, Laurence.

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Do not speak about religions. I'm assuming that because your girlfriend knows Sanskrit, her family is devoted to the religion more than a normal family would. So, Do not speak about religions. And if you are about to speak about religions, tell them that you think Hinduism is a great religion. And after marriage, do not go to their house with conversion things... Because my uncle, who is converted to Christianity, comes to our house, and our other unty's and uncles' house with conversion thing, and he doesn't participate in things we all do as a family. It's more like he is seperated from the family. And he is not happy about it, we are not happy about it. So don't speak about religions with your partner or his family.



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1. They may not eat meat. So its better to avoid meat.

2. Avoid talking too much to your girl friend in front of her parents and avoid any physical contact ( like kissing etc.)

3. Be resfectful to elders. Do not sit with your legs on the table or don't show any wanted bodily movements in front of elders.

4. Marriages are not a casual thing for people of India. Its an elaborate ceremony and the bond is for the lifetime. Tamil brahmin marriages are very elaborate and last for 3 days.

5. When you enter a hindu home or in particular hindu temples, remove the shoes and place it outside and walk with a bare foot inside (one funny incident I saw in a temple in Madras was, a westerner entered the temple with his shoes on, one of the guys in temple pointed to his shoes and signed it to be removed, this guy actually took his shoes, tied the laces of the shoes togather and hung it from his neck. Then somebody explained him the real stuff and it was lot of fun).

6. If your girl is south Indian, do not eat with your left hand, do not lick your fingers wildly while eating.


These are some minor things if you want to know anything in particular just post a message back.


Try to read the Gita ( lot of transaltions are done by westerners or the translation by Swamiji Srila Prabhuphada, or by Dr RadhaKrishnan or by Aurobindo or by Subramanya Bharathi)


You can also read Taiitriya Upanishad and BrihadAranyaka Upanishad- Ramakrishna mutt Madras has an excellent collection of these books.


You can also Thirumoolar's Thirumandiram also translated in English.

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yes, very good tips / vedic cultural manners.


what you mean by this please:

<< don't show any wanted bodily movements in front of elders. >> sorry, i could not undersstand it.


some other vedic manner are:


- never address elders by Mr._. always address then by relation, like, uncle, elder borher, aunt, etc.


- if you are in the presence of a sadhu, sanyasi, swami, teacher, or aacharya, give them respect and sit at a level below theirs. if such people enter an assembly, then give them a forward seat respectfully.


- never sit with parents or children and see movies with sex acts of humans or animals.


- while walking, do not bypass an elder or a handicapped.

- do not keep waiting some one who is carrying a heavy load. let him/her go first.

- do not argue with women or absolute authorities.



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