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questions about hinduism

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if you cannot understand my posts/points or choose not to, then fine. it is your right.

••do not worry, your posts are well written, good gramatics and well understandable... much better than mine


also i am not here for popularity contest.

••••but for bringing your politic ideas masking them as religion

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<< ••••but for bringing your politic ideas masking them as religion >>


there is not masking. it is open.

it is a fact that krishna says arjun to fight adharma.

dharma has to be revealed, not masked.


gandhi on the other hand masked his political agenda

under a song he composed and passed on as bhajan - iswara allah teraa naam.


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You are living in america and still you have ideas such as a bride in a wedding would look at a widowed family member and be reminded of death???? Tell me, what benefit are you getting by residing in USA if these ideas are still in your head?



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read my post again.

a hindu widow prefers to not attand a wedding.

she is not forced to not attend.


some mixes are not compatible. e.g.

a sanyasi does not look good in a bank or in a stock market.


a sanysais's presence in a marriage ceremony also is not proper. if the sanyaasi feels like marrying it is not good. if on the other hand the broom feels like taking sanyaas right at the time of marrige, it is not good either, generally.


in marriage, every one is happy to see two get married.

in that mood when one sees a widow, they feel sorrow that she lost her husband. to avoid such conflicting feelings (joy and sorrow) in the minds of people, the widows prefer to not attend marriages. non hindus may not understand this wisdom. no problem.


<< ..what benefit are you getting by residing in USA if these ideas are still in your head? >>


what benefit you expect one must derive by living in USA?

do you miss those benefits or derive them?


the hippies in 1965 time were deriving all the benefits of USA, and they gave it up and became HK's.


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All of the answers make sense, but no one gave straight answer to the 2nd Question...


2) Why does Vishnu always incarnate in India?


Does anyone have a good answer to that? And one of the rason why Vishnu incarnated as Krishna is to decrease the world's population. Therefore he created the mahabharat war. But Mahabharat war happened in India. Does that mean that Krishna says, or sages thought that India, (Sri-Lanka included) is the world? Is that why sages said that Vishnu incarnates in India all the time? give me a straight answer plese...

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1)vishnu is not subjected to a REASON... he appears where he wants and when he wants

2)there's many ways to see the sacred places... there's an adibhautika vision, adidevika and adiatmika vision... in this way we can see that vrindavana is in the uttar pradesh at 120 km from dheli, but we know also that the real goloka is fully manifested in vaikunta universe

3)we know also that the sacred places are manifested anywhere by the presence of the pure devotees.. so vrindavana, ayodya, mathura are everywhere the vaishnava goes


so there's not a "simple" answer... and surely the one of the "population control" through the kuruksetra war it's a joke

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  • 2 weeks later...


<<a wise man is identified when he quotes gita, mahabhaat, etc. else he/she is not wise if he says somethign different form scriptures.>>


im sorry, that quote i was told was actually from the rig veda



<<then why the mulsims invaded and killed or converted the sanatana dharmis? why the . missionaries want to reap the harvest of souls from the vedic land?

to think that all religions are same is a very detrimental illusion. if you still insist, prove it by showing that each verse of gita is in koran or bible. f you cannot prove it it, then stop telling it.>>


when i say that all religions are the same i do not mean that every word in every book is the same as all books from other religions. i mean, the purpose of the religion to bring unity and belief in god among the followers of that religion. its human interaction with other religions that cause it to hate and/or demonify that other religion. in reality, a person who lives in peru and worships incan gods in an attempt to bring his mind body and soul closer to his maker is doing somewhat the same thing as a hindu man from mumbai that goes to the temple and prays to lord vishnu. they are both praying to god. there is only one god of humanity. peruvians and indians were made by the same god. because we are differnet people from different lands and cultures, we call them by different names and portray them as looking different. but in reality, no one knows what god looks like. its not possible because to say god looks a certain way is to limit his ability not to look another way. people invade, conquer and convert other people because they are arrogant and ignorant. they feel that they're religion is better but they do not understand that its the same. they do things a little different but god doesn't like a person better because they face the east and pray 5 times a day instead of doing puja. both ways work. ultimate faith in the divine is whats needed.



<<it is already there: sanatan dharma. no where in the vedic literature it says it is for a perticular people or race of locality. it is for all the people of all the times and places. live by it, and help others understand it and follow it.>>


i agree with you on that but there is one thing we must do as hindus. learn to accept other religious teachings. our scholars have taught many great things in the past couple mellinia (not sure if thats how its spelled). but we must also come to accept that people from other countries of other faiths are not stupider than us by default. they have many wise teachings as well and we must learn to put all the important teachings together and only then will we as hindus be totally complete.



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<< .. but there is one thing we must do as hindus. learn to accept other religious teachings. >>


if you live by the bank of ganga, you do not need to drinnl waters of all the places of the world. any one who says he/he is a hindu, needs to understand hinduism form gita and live by it. that is totally sufficient. to think that those who have repeatedly killed us for 1000 years have a good religion is foolishness. krishna cleary tells how to deal with them.


<< our scholars have taught many great things in the past couple mellinia (not sure if thats how its spelled). but we must also come to accept that people from other countries of other faiths are not stupider than us by default.>>


sure we respect them, but if an ideology flatly is against our survival and survival of dharma, then it is sheer lie to say it is a good ideology.



<< they have many wise teachings as well and we must learn to put all the important teachings together>>


why? we (gita, vedas) do not miss anything.

Live by it.


<< and only then will we as hindus be totally complete. >>


we are true hindus when we live by gita.

anyone can follow other religion, we dont mind, but when anyone is up to destroy us, our culture, or dharma, then we cannot sit silent. it is sin to completely avoid kshatruya dharma.


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