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vaishnavism and shaivism

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Hare Krishna,


Nice try. Why are you so particular about wars ?


We are not like shias and sunnis.


Both Shivites and Vaishnavites respect each other very much in general. Hinduism is more about spirituality than politics and power play. Both groups were involved in intellectual debates rather than wars. Hinduism is not organized religion like islam or christianity. There is not one religio-political leader for these groups. None the less we have GURUS and ACHARYAS(teachers)that TRULY lead us in spiritual paths through learning scriptures and practising those teachings through yoga and bhakthi. GURUS or AchAryas never talk about mundane politics like mullahs in mosque.

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i simply wanted to know about wars as i am doing a uni essay on the similarities and differences between the two and i have to mention any conflicts. so relax i have no other agenda!

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Can tell you only about South India (particularly Tamilnadu), as I am not an expert on North Indian history ... ...


Until a few hundred years back .. the system in the South is to have a tarka (debate) a process for ascertaining the truth by elimination of all contrary suppositions.


Scholar/great exponents of various religious sects put forward their philosophical propositions (e.g saivism, vaisnavim jainism, buddhism, advaita , dvaita etc ) . The religious proposition that’s survives all the challenges put forward by others, emerges as the victor.


The winning religious proposition is accepted by the King as the state religion with mass conversion (forced) of the subjects.


The have been cases of religious prosecution on the followers and sacred places of worship of the defeated religious tradition. There have never been open conflict or war between these opposing religious factions.


In recent times conflicts (relating more to tangible aspects) are resolved by through the court.


However, as now no such debates take place, many pseudo religious cults pass off as “bonafide” religious traditions using bogus or fictitious scriptures.


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wars between shias and sunnis would be a good subject ro your need.


you can also write about the invasions of muslims in india over and over and causing hindu genocide and destroying hindu temples and burning vedic libraries.


is that not enough exiting for you?


how you feel happy about islam when it considers you a women as a peraonal property of your husband (or parents) and not a human being? how you like islam in where your husband can divorce you simply by speaking the word tallaq three times? hwo you like koran wher it says you -a woman - has no right to go to haven?


one thing is honest about you. you said your name is fatima.

that i appreciate. you are not an imposter.



why not write about pakistanis persecuting islamilis in pak?


why not write about saudis treating non arab muslims as dirt? pakistainsi are dirt to the arabs muslims, and these pakis treated bangaldeshi muslims as dirt. and that created bangaldesh. now india helped make bangladesh independent, and these muslims do not appreciate it and keep making problems for india. so what is it in islam that causes them to become so un appreciative/ un-grateful?


please write about it.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am from the south of India and from Tamizhnaad. So Let me tell you some basic stuff, that we have here. India is a vast country ( infact continent) and I cannot learn all baout India in my lifetime.


1. Vaishnavites worship lord Vishnu, they wear three vertical strips on their fore head, the center one being yello or saffron or read. Its called " Naamam".

2. Saivaites worship lord Shiva, they wear three horizontal strips of holy ash on their fore head called " Pattai".

3. Iyengars are tamil brahmin vaishnavites.

4. Iyers are Tamil brahmin Smarthas. Which means they worship the " Smrithis" or the vedas. They worship all gods of hinduism.

5. There is no war between different sects of Hinduism. Vedas are the ultimate books and the Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the major gods.

6. Brahma is not worshipped.

7. In short we can say, hinduism has a matrix stucture with gods as colums and castes as rows. So there is a lot of overlap between the rituals with some minor differences.

8. The basic reason for so much diversity in hinduism is

a. It has a rich philosophy.

b. It allows enough freedom to practice as per your conveinience.

c. It is practiced by a large number of people with different cultures.

d. It is the oldest religion of the world and has undergone a lot of transformations ( within the codes of the vedas and holy scriptures).

e. There is nobody called a pope or an aythallah who can dictate terms to you. The role of a guru is to enlighten you and show you the way as per your personality to god. And from then on its your journey.

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