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if only God gave us the answers...

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Judge not by what you hear, but by what you know....


God gave you all brains to be used in an intelligent and positive way. It is a sad reflection of mankind that even in this supossedly advanced era, he has forgotten to use his mind.


As a Hindu and having seen what society has to offer it is almost sickening. I do not claim that I have not seen bad Muslims with my own eyes that has made me question their beliefs and the basis on which they conduct themselves, but I have also met amazing people who are muslim. I even fell in love with one. Learn to educate yourselves and don't fall into that hole where you hate only because you have been taught that. Ignorance breeds contempt. I do not deny there are fanatics out there, but to those who are in realtionships only you are in the best position to judge your companion: keep your eyes open but have faith in your judgment.


If you use history as the justification of your hate then society as a whole is doomed. History repeats itself again and again because man does not learn. If you are a true Muslim or Hindu then God will have taught you to open your heart and respect ALL. even for those whose passion against the other religion is intense, isn't it surely easier to keep on hating then to try and change? You cannot seriously believe that if you wish to be a good religious person then it is acceptable to hate, that this is what God intended: you are limited by your understanding of your own religion and the way in which society functions. And if you can't be big enough to challenge your own prejudices then you are condemning yourself and your children. What a world it would be if our children never had to feel such animosity.


Yes our religions are different, but I defy those who make allegations without reading both texts. The images you have are a mixture of religious, political and divided societal content. Look at the religion. Learn to stop being small and look for differences. Religion has a bad name on all sides not because of its composition, but because of the people who use it to satisfy their own agenda and fuel their own opinion. But this is not religion. Misinterpretation carries on for so long that amongst our generation a lot is taken as fact when it shouldnt be. I am not suggesting that they are 100% compatible. But what I am saying is that you as an individual have a responsibility to use your mind and use it well.


If you are truly religious, then you know that you are accountable to God for your actions. And what an ironic statement it is for those who choose to degrade other religions to perform immoral acts in the name of religion.


Surely God taught you better.

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<< but I have also met amazing people who are muslim. I even fell in love with one. >>


a muslims is good when he does not live by koran fully.

a hindus is good when he lives by gita well.


a good muslims would be better person when he realizes that islam is not a religion that can give peace to the world.

after this realization a good muslims simply needs to give up islam.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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