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Family or Market?

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A delegation of Spiritual leaders from india visited my country recently (including the current Shanrachary, the upholder of the Advaita philosophy) and put forth a very interesting issue about paradigm. Like people say "the world is as you are, and not as it is". They said that there are two ways of seeing the world

1. As a Market - where there is a cost for everything, there is reaction to every action, every debit has credit, and you can buy anything (much like business)

2. As a Family - where everyone love everyone else, where everything is free, and everyone are happy to just to be toghether...

You can acheive your purpose having anyone of these two perspectives.

Its your choice...

whats yours and why?


vasudewa kutumbekam....

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" As a Family - where everyone love everyone else, where everything is free, and everyone are happy to just to be toghether..."


This sounds good but where is there such a place. Even the members of that delegation probably do not have a place like that back in their own countries.

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