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Proof that Hinduism Is Not Sectarian

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many Hk's quickly say that hinduism is sectarian.


so, let us see with logic if it is.

sectarian, i think, means something belonging to certain locality or certain race.


originally the word hindu meant to the invader muslims to mean people living on the east side of river sindhu.

so, the religion followed by hindus is called hinduism.


now, the religion followed by the people of indian subcontinent is actually sanatana dharma or varnasrama dharma whose main scripture is the ancient vedas, and vedas' summary is gita.


gita is well known now all over the world as the book of hinduism. (it is also known that hinduism has so much religious scriptures that no other religion has that much to offer.) in gita or in the vedas no where it says "this dharma is only for the people of india or bharat or ajanabhakhsnad," or any thing like it. that dharma is for all the people of all the time and locations and color and race. this varnasrama includes vaishnavism among other ways of realizing god. so vaishnavism is not sectarian because varnasrama is not sectarian.


hinduism is just a new name of varnasrama, and varnasrama is not sectarian. therefore hinduism is not sectarian.

Hk's are vaishavas only. therefore they also are not sectarian, and KC is not sectarian either. KC is vaishnavism, nothing more nothing less.


so, with that rationale understood,

i really pray that no one ever says

hinduism is sectarian.

it just is not true.


now when we ask is hinduism sectarian,

let us ask:


- is islam sectarian?

- is . sectarian?


could any one give good logical and true answer for it?


jai sri krishna! –madhav



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"many Hk's quickly say that hinduism is sectarian."

... no, it is different, vaishnavism thinks that the "national", "social", "racial" concept of religion is sectarian


to say that krishna is hindu is to say that krishna is for india and not for sweden, italy, france, america.. and krishna is not hindi, christian, muslim, buddhist or so


the other problem is that inside hindu there's imperonalists and mayavadi... they are saying that krsna is created by maya for people who do not believe in brahman or in nihilism


but it is not a great problem.. for classification purposes a HK can be seen as hindu, but if we go in the deep. me. you, hare krishna, sonia gandhi, punjabi mc and so are not indian or hindu, they are spiritual souls parts and parcels of sri krsna


another problem is this nationalism and this ayodya affair....... if it is hindu, better not to be hindu



"hinduism is just a new name of varnasrama"

.. no, because you mix varnashrama and sanatana dharma with politics, religious wars and so on

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<< "many Hk's quickly say that hinduism is sectarian."

... no, it is different, vaishnavism thinks that the "national", "social", "racial" concept of religion is sectarian >>


hinduism is not a private property of the hindus or indians.

however, it is only the hindus who kept alive the vedic culure against the barbaric islam invaders for the future genertions of the world. there is no denying that india has kept the vedic culture for the world. being so, what is wrong is appreciating them and the nation?


hinduism is not racial.

those who malpractice hinduism do not define hinduism.


no hindu is unhappy when other people of the world practice hinduism. however they feel hurt when these other people do not appreciate hindus for their contribution and instead slander them and speak against them. hinduism is so broad it accomodates vaishnavism, shivits, shaktism, advita, dwait, all. one is free to choose what ever one likes, but to slander the other part of hinduism is not good.


<< to say that krishna is hindu is to say that krishna is for india and not for sweden, italy, france, america.. and krishna is not hindi, christian, muslim, buddhist or so >>


no scripture says that.

only the non hindus talk like "my god, your god."

even krishna says he is for all.

however, krishna lived a vedic life, life of a hindu ( aryan life). that is the name of lifestyle he lived and that is what is described in the vedas and gita.

krishna was born in yadav family.

yadavas identify themselves as hindus now because hindu is just a new name of varnasrama or sanatan dharma of vedic dharma.


<< the other problem is that inside hindu there's imperonalists and mayavadi... they are saying that krsna is created by maya for people who do not believe in brahman or in nihilism >>


yes, there are advaitis, but they have been with us since the time of brahma. even krishna says in gita about it. he says that gyana yoga - sadhana of the impersonal formless - is difficult. "bahunaam janmanaam ante gyanvan maam prapadyate, vasudava sarvam iti sah mahatma sudurlabha"

now, if some one wants to go on the difficult path, then krishna gives one that freedom. we cannot deny it. if they preach what they believe in, then that is their right also.

they are not coming to destroy our temples nor do they convert us forcibly by sword, like muslims do.

also remember that shankaracharya has sung " bhaja govindam, bhaja govindam, bhaja govindam moodha mate".

even in BTG there was an article saying that shankara was a devotee in disguise. he did not do commentary on bhagavatam.

so a hindu advaiti and dwaiti easily tolerate each other.

when an advaiti says me that at final destination aatma merges in parmatma, then I say, "why argue about it now, we both will know the truth when we reach that final destination. let us both do our sadhana seriously to reach there." also never forget that shankara saved the vedic dharma in india from buddhism.


<< but it is not a great problem.. for classification purposes a HK can be seen as hindu, but if we go in the deep. me. you, hare krishna, sonia gandhi, punjabi mc and so are not indian or hindu, they are spiritual souls parts and parcels of sri krsna >>


agree. but when a boy says his mother that he is not her son, then it hurts. when a vaishanav says that he is not a sanatana dharmi (new name hindu) then it hurts hnindus.

hurting hindus in this way is not right and good for both.

the real problem is islam not advaitis.


<<another problem is this nationalism and this ayodya affair....... if it is hindu, better not to be hindu >>


this nationalism of sanatana dharma is different from nationalism of other countries. just as a temple and the temple community lives by its own rules and is protected from miscreants and invaders, so the devabhoomi bharat also needs to be protected for sanatana dharma because dharma grew there. if you are a great man, your mother deserves respect and protection. so for bharat, the mother of dharma.


now you do not care for ayodhya because you are not born on that land. you or your ancestors have not suffered islam invasions and destructions for 1000 years. but who ever you are, i belive that you will exercise your right to protect your home, family and your life style at home. you will not allow an invader to come in your home and destroy your krishna temple and him build a mosque on top of it. you would want to throw him out of your home. if this is true, then it is very right for the hindus to exerise their right to rebuild rama temple where it was and now is buried under a mosque built by a muslim aggresor. why is it so difficult to understand?


<< . "hinduism is just a new name of varnasrama"

.. no, because you mix varnashrama and sanatana dharma with politics, religious wars and so on >>


sanatana dharma as given in gita or vedas is same a varnasrama (a social system and lifestyle given in the vedas) it includes four varnas, kshatriyas are one of them who rule like parikshit did rule. every person on earth lives under a social or government system. being so, one is under a political system always. politics cannot be avoided. it is a part of living. to slander a political system or government and at the same time live under its protection is not right. Hk's want to be brahmanas and want other varnas listem them. this they cannot achieve by slandering others and fightig with others (perticularly those from whom they lerned KC). one has to play its political role as a KC person and influence the govering.

politics is politics. it is good when a KC person plays it according to dharma, and bad when a greedy person plays it who does not care god or nation.


now about nation.

there are many, and they grew so becasue of the natural boundaries and cultural differences. they will not go away in any foreseeable future. at one time the vedic culure (hinduism) was spread almost all over the world. now it is left in india only, and is spead a bit in the west by prabhupada. but the home of the culture is india, and those who kept the culture for the world are indians - hindus. so why not acknowledge this, and apperciate them for it? why learn something from them, and tell them it is not from them?


try to understand my point, please.


jai sri krishna! - madhav


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  • 1 month later...

no one "has" jesus, buddah, or rama, or hanuman, or arjuna, or krishna... they are protecting and helping all the universe, not only who claims to be the only followers of these form of god or devotees


this is sectarianism.. they have jesus, we have rama

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hinduism is not one religion. hinduism is a culture with many belives and religons. people pick from it what they like and claim that their choice is the right and true path back to the begining.


i guess there will be people replying to this post and say that "no, cause there is only one right path and truth to what I have chosen", just like another person would say that same thing about the other path he/she is folowing in hinduism.


People claim that their path and choice is the right one with lotes of words likd vedas, scriptures and storys and logics from their path. The bottom line of all this,- they are just words and experiences, like all other words and experiences in other religions and eaven non-religious illusions (or whatever it is, real or illusions or not.. I don't know).

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hinduism is not one religion. hinduism is a culture with many belives and religons. people pick from it what they like and claim that their choice is the right and true path back to the begining.

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<< hinduism is not one religion. hinduism is a culture with many belives and religons. >>


this convolution of the truth.


what you want to say is:

hinduism provides all possible paths to god.


one can pick any path one thinks suits him/her well.

hinduism says that no one has monoploy on god or haven.

god is for evryone. choose a path, any path given in the vedic literatuer, and you are a hindu.


there is no eternal hell either.

nor there is devil personality as a permanent enemy of god or mankind.


else not.


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again you say that you know the truth. you give a verbal fist and fight. you are only doing what all other religions and people are doing, that's some truth for sure. I honestly don't know if u hold the truth, but I know that I don't. but I surely don't deny anything, cause everything is all and nothing. what we don't know we don't know. what we do know we do know. some things we all know, like a stone is a stone. some other things someone say they know, and other poeople say it's nonesense.


other hinduists say that ALL religions leads to god, but you say that only hinduism leads to god. here we go again: there are soo many paths out there. they are all fighting and I don't want to be a part of it:( I don't want to say that this is true and this is not true, simply cause I want to be honest and say that "I do not know for sure", cause I don't. I don't want to claim that I know better then you or anyone, cause it leads to greed and war, verbaly or eaven physicly. I wish the longest war ever would stop /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Peacec to you all =)

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<< other hinduists say that ALL religions leads to god, but you say that only hinduism leads to god. >>


i did not say either. i never say it.


a religion that says "go convert others by force. if they do not accept conversion, then kill them and occupy thier land and property and destroy their temples" cannot lead one to god. is it not clear and obvious? it creates hell on earth and ultimately they suffer like talibanis are suffering.


i know hinduism can lead any one to god, but

as hindus, we do not say only the hinduism leads to god.

to say such thing is anti-hinduism.

any one has freedom to follow anything they choose.

the problem comes when one chooses a religion that kills hindus and hinduism. that the hidnus cannot and must not tolerate.


also note that a couple of religions want the whole world to be converted, while the hindus never force hinduism upon any one. now compare. which practice/religion is right for peaceful living?


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"i know hinduism can lead any one to god, but

as hindus, we do not say only the hinduism leads to god.

to say such thing is anti-hinduism.

any one has freedom to follow anything they choose.

the problem comes when one chooses a religion that kills hindus and hinduism. that the hidnus cannot and must not tolerate."


I totally agree with you there, I wish other Hindus would wake up and realise what is going on, rather than ignore that we have problems which can only get worse unless we tackle it. Hindus should try to understand the situation and be honest with how to tackle it. It the end it comes down to education, dedication and confidence.


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<< I totally agree with you there, I wish other Hindus would wake up and realise what is going on, rather than ignore that we have problems which can only get worse unless we tackle it. Hindus should try to understand the situation and be honest with how to tackle it. It the end it comes down to education, dedication and confidence >>


thanks guest.

my major reason of coming here on the forum is to awaken teh hindus to this point. you understood or know it already. please help spread it. convince others this point.



pick a user name please. that helps.


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  • 11 months later...

this also shows that hinduism encompasses many vedic paths

that are mentioned in the vedas.

all of them have lived in peace in bharat since milleniums.


thus the vedas unites all hindus, including vaishnavas.

becaue gita is the summary of the vedas,

gita unites all the hindus, including vaishnavas.


only the HKs have difficulty accpeting their roots in hinduism.


again: HKs means the western disciples of a vaishnav prabhupada.


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gita unites all the hindus, including vaishnavas.

--gita unites who worship krsna in a form of another, but gita is again despising krsna's personal aspect while worshipping another one.

And it is manifest how many hindus despiese krsna saying that he's not supreme or that he's allegoric and so on..


so not all hindus are worshipping krsna in the proper way, so not all hinduism is sanatana dharma



only the HKs have difficulty accpeting their roots in hinduism.

--hindus have great difficulty understanding that not all hindus have roots in sanatana dharma


HKs means the western disciples of a vaishnav prabhupada.

--or better "gaudya vaishnavas" with the main root in srila bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati.... not hindus


many christians, hindus, buddhists.. even some muslims are accepting gaudya vaishnavism.. that's the correct perspective






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