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Fighing the bad with killing?

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Story tells that krishna led a war against the "bad side". Is killing the bad a good thing, to fight against other religions and peoples oposite opinions? Doesn't all good collaps when it takes bad to stop bad? Can one acheve true love and goodnes with bad?


If u look at sooo many things in the krishna logics, it all collaps as it goes against itself in the end of it all. It's like this picture here: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~erikf/blaasider/bilder/moro/illusions_04.jpg



If u become a true Godhead and u would have to leave all your love ones to be one with God as close as u can, u hurt people (family, friends...) that u leave behind.



In this matter, acording to krishna, the love ones (family, friends..) should love the Godhead/true devotee and be happy for his/her desition to be one with God.



THIS will lead to that the love ones who are left behind doesn't really have to care about the person converting to be a true Godhead. It doesn't matter when it all comes to all.



In the end, there are no reason to be atached or have any contact with people at all.



In this logical line we are now close to a person hardly being alive. All leads to that life is not valuable and there are no reason to be alive.

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With this logic, it seems like that people should only be with themself and go in life stepping on other peoples life like in a "dog eat dog" world. It wouldn't matter if we would be still or fight.


This is actually anarcy!! =(

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<< Story tells that krishna led a war against the "bad side". Is killing the bad a good thing, >>


yes, when shama (logical rational discussion or negotiation), daama (some time bying peace if that is not unethical or immoral), bheda (causing conflict within enemy camp).


one whould never forget that krishna did all he can to avoid mahabharat war. duryodhan did not agree to anything.

then krishna advised arjun to fight and kill enemies.


if you think krishna is a bad guy, then you do not belong here, or need time to understand him.


the hindus tolerated islam for 1000 years.

they even divided hindu nation to give them separate land to live and not bother hindus. then foolishely even allowed muslims to live in india after 1947 partition. nothing has worked. is this lesson not enough to learn that islam is inherently barbaric and is like cancer?


any county or society who has allowed islam has suffered.

look at the whole history of islam, and youwill see it is nothing but invasions, aggressions and genocide of non muslims.


to control or finish islam requires kshatriya spirit.

just the armies of devotees armed with mridangangams and cymbals will not stay alive against the a few islamists with ak-47's even for 10 minutes.


all varna has to join the fight aginst this asuric ideology.

there are many non violent ways to fight, but violence to uphold dharma is not really a violence just as putting criminals in jail or hang them is not violence.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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