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Islam is intolerant

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salaam (peace) and hare krishna...


please excuse my long absense from this board... i return to see some of the same old things going on...


i've read this thread (which seems to be for many lifes)and still it always comes to the same conclusions...


attatchment to the material world... words... semantics... pride... and the worst of all... owner ship of the One...


who owns God?


then why argue over the name? which is only human in nature to name...


one of the replys on this thread i read:


"Allah is none other than Krishna. The real religion is not Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, etc. But the real thing is love for God " by Madan V Rao


and then this was posted in response:


"Have you convinced this to any muslim?" by unregistared Guest


dear Guest... let me introduce myself to you then... my name is Muhammad Mehdi... and i agree with what i quoted above from the statement of Madan V Roa... as for the rest of the postings made by Madan V Roa (God willing) maybe we can open a dialouge to help understand more eachother...


may peace be on you all...


muhammad /images/graemlins/smile.gif




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<< "Allah is none other than Krishna. The real religion is not Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, etc. But the real thing is love for God " by Madan V Rao >>


We hindu understand this, but not muslims.

This is evident from the history of islam invasions and destructions and hindu genocide. Just recently islam destroyed bamian buddha statue.


<< and then this was posted in response:


"Have you convinced this to any muslim?" by unregistared Guest


dear Guest... let me introduce myself to you then... my name is Muhammad Mehdi... and i agree with what i quoted above from the statement of Madan V Roa... >>


then you need to teach it to wahabis and the stdeutns in madresas all over the world.


<< may peace be on you all... >>


peace will come when more and more muslims understand that islam is barbaric and must be given up. forgetting the bloody history of muslims invasions and talking peace does not help.


jai sri krishna! - madhav


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My dear Mohammed,


Salaam Alekkum and Hare Krishna


Recently I attended a Lecture in ISKCON where I was astounded by what one Swamiji said.


Once Srila Prabhupada visited Iran where he had met Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeni. There he found the original Quran written by prophet Mohammed. In the Quran he found references to the Srimad Bhagvatam. Thus Allah is God and God is Krishna, therefore Allah is Krishna. The only difference is that Prophet Mohammed said that God is formless, whereas we say that God has a form, otherwise on what will you meditate upon? But today people like Osama Bin Laden who have misinterpreted Quran to suit their conveniences and are out to kill people who do not follow Islam. This is known as religious fanaticism.


Hare Krishna


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salaam madhav, your words are the mirror image of the name of this thread... one day the realazation of your anger will come to light... peace is at your back and anger at your front... everywhere you turn you'll continue to see anger... while peace will continue to be unreachable.. because it is behind you... i say this with of love...


give up anger... and you'll find peace...



salaam madanvrao ,


there are many fanatics in many ways... and 'forms' ... one can not judge a whole people by their worst... otherwise no two humans on earth could every live in peace...


the rest... is very intersting what you say... about form...and the Quran being written by the prophet Muhammad (pboh) ...


(God willing) i will start a new thread to discuss form...


peace be on you..


muhammad /images/graemlins/smile.gif





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assalaamu alaikum

which mean peace and blessing of god be on you!


There are about 4 manuscripts of the quran introduced to the world for the first time of which none was written by prophet muhammed. He was illiterate! The people around prophet used to memorize the verses , when prophet died , the caliph accumulated all the verses in one manuscript. No copy of Quran is different from other!

I dont know who lied to you (khomeni/priest from ISKCON) regarding muhammed's manuscript. May who lied be cursed!


Brother in islam



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<< give up anger... and you'll find peace... >>


did you tell this to ben ladin and party, or the wahabis?


i am in peace alright, dont worry.

are you worried that the centuries old anger of the hindus will now wipe out islam from india?

dont worry. it will happen.


in vedic culure some times anger is well justified.

there is no need to love and kiss cobras or asuras.

it is perfectly alright to get angry at asuras and barbarians and barbaric ideology.


so please preach peace to the islamists.

this is wrong place for it.


jai sri krishna! -madhav




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<<< madhav writes- so please preach peace to the islamists.

this is wrong place for it. jai sri krishna! -madhav>>>


it is no surprise to see you write this madhav.. you have fallin perfectly into the design...


again... peace is at your back... you don't even want it in front of you...


give up anger and find peace... we will always be there with open arms to recieve you...


may God guide you to his path and put peace into your heart...



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<< we will always be there with open arms to recieve you...



auraneb's general afzalkhan invited shivaji in is delji durbar to honor him. short shiwaji embraced afzalkhan ^+ feet tool and huge. he lifted dagger to kill shivaji.

shiwaji already knew the muslim mentality. he had come prepared for this. with teh tiger claws in his hand, he pull out afzalkhan's intestines. this is well know history showing how muslims give honor to kafirs.


want aonther example?


mohammed gahuri invaded and attaked prithviraj.

ghauri lost, and said to prithviraj that he is prithviraj's cow. prithviraj let him go un-harmed. ghauri attaked again after a few months. same thing repearted. it happened again and again for 17 times. finally prithviraj lost. ghauri thrust hot spears in his eyes. this is islam.

does it make you proud of it?


remember, now the hindus hold no more prithvaraj's forgveness. an attacker will be finished the first time he attackes.


where were you when bamian budhdha was fired upon?


jai sri krishna! - madhav



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Your words speak of intolerance. Do you eat non-veg? If yes, then you have no right to speak about Allah. Ayotollah Khomeni was a vegetarian.


It doesn't matter whether Prophet was literate or illeterate. He could have dictated Quran to someone else, simple.


Well, there are over 600 versions of the Bhagavad Gita, written by various people over the centuries, similarly there may be different versions of Quran no doubt.


How can you make out which one is the original? The answer is, the one which gives you the greatest pleasure and that pleasure will be derived only if you have lose attachment to the following five things.


1) We are basically attached to our material body due to the ignorance of spiritual facts.


2) Attachment to kinsmen due to bodily relationships.


3) Attachment to the land of birth and to material possessions such as house, furniture, estates, property, business papers, etc.


4) Attachment to material science, which always remains mysterious for want of spiritual light.


5) Attachment to religious forms and holy rituals without knowing the Personality of Godhead.


By practicing Krishna Consciousness or true Allah Consciousness, you will definitely achieve this truth.


As my spiritual master has said:


"I'm always receiving emails from my students around the world wanting to know how they can quickly and easily become free of the anxieties of material life. Such inquiries are very good because the fact is that we are suffering like anything in this material world. Everyone here is subject to the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease.


We start off being born, a painful experience indeed. We're lucky we do not remember it. If we did we would be traumatized by that memory for the rest of our lives. And then we start to experience various kinds of sicknesses and diseases. As we gradually progress towards old age our bodies become more and more painful and dysfunctional until finally they become so useless we give them up by dying. And then we have to go through the whole thing again.


We imagine so many other things to be our problems, but actually our real problems of existence are these four miseries: birth, death, old age, and disease. If we can simply solve these problems then all the problems of our existence will automatically be solved.

A bonafide spiritual master is someone who teaches you how to become free from these difficulties. These are actually artificial impositions on the soul. We are in fact spirit-souls. We are not these bodies. For the spirit-soul there are no such things as birth, death, old age, and disease.


If we can come to the spiritual platform we will no longer be subjected to these four miseries. So how do we come the spiritual platform and remain solidly fixed there? In previous ages spiritual seekers would sit down and do yoga practice. They would go to a secluded place and sit down in a rigid yoga posture and gradually reduce their eating, sleeping, drinking of water, and breathing. They would bring their mind to the point of perfect stillness and then fix it upon Lord Vishnu for achieving spiritual perfection. They would totally cut themselves off from society and would no longer care for protecting their bodies from the heat and cold or from anything else. Even if a tiger came they would remain rigidly fixed in their yoga posture without fear. There was no question of maintaining any kind of relationships with friends or family. There was no question of working a job or keeping a bank balance. The yogi would spend the rest of his life alone giving up all material possessions living off some wild berries and roots that he could easily procure in the vicinity of his sitting place. This sort of yoga system requires that one be able to live for thousands of years in order to achieve perfection. In bygone ages when the lifespan was 100,000 years Valmiki Muni followed this system for 60,000 years to achieve perfection.


This system is not at all practical at this time in history. Who can guarantee now that they will live even for 60 years? Where can one sit down undisturbed for yoga meditation? Someone will come and demand that you are trespassing on their property and that you have to leave. Even if you own the land the government will come and demand that you pay property taxes. So how can we achieve perfection in this age?


In our present age, known as the Kali Yuga (the age of quarrel and hypocrisy) we are very much blessed by the self-realization system known as mantra yoga. We briefly touched on the topic of mantra last week. Now we will delve more deeply into this all- important subject matter.


A mantra is a transcendental sound vibration which when repeatedly and devotedly uttered transports one's consciousness beyond this material existence into the transcendental dimension that exists beyond time and space. The Brhad-Naradiya Purana specifies that the only practical method for achieving perfection in this age is the mantra yoga system.


harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nasty eva nasty eva

nasty eva gatir anyatha


"In this Age of Kali there is no other means, no other means, no other means for self-realization than chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name of the Lord."


Any name of the Lord may be uttered. There are so many names from so many scriptures: Allah, Jehovah, Christ, Krishna, Rama, Govinda, etc. One may chant any bonafide name of God and achieve spiritual perfection. Of all the different names or mantras that we may chant there is one described in the Vedic scriptures as the Mahamantra, the Great Chanting for Deliverance. This is the mantra that is specifically recommended in the Vedic literatures as being the most powerful and effective for achieving spiritual perfection in this age. Therefore when our students ask us which names or mantra that we suggest we specifically mention the Hare Krishna Mahamantra:


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare


On the instruction of my spiritual master I have been personally chanting this mantra at least 1,728 times daily for the last 32 years and I can personally testify as to its extraordinary power and sweetness far above any pleasure of this material world and beyond any other mantras or names of God I have tried chanting. This takes from 1 ½ to 2 hours daily and is done on chanting beads known as japa beads. I recommend that all of my students who are serious about self-realization should procure a set of japa beads and take up regular daily chanting. This will enable them to advance very quickly on the path of spiritual perfection.


Follow these principles and you will be devoid of all misconceptions"


Hare Krishna or Allah, means the same thing anyway.


Whether you believe or not, it is a fact and I can't help you on facts, sorry.


Allah will not curse to those who are truthful or on your recommendation, take it from me.

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<< Allah will not curse to those who are truthful >>


mullas will. a muslim is forbidden to quit islam.

the punishment is death.


very good post! thanks, but a muslims will hardly understand allah is krishna. however, allah as described in koran and hadith is no where close to krishna. the messages of both differ greatly, and are opposite.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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you have not studied properly and you are going against the opinion of acharyas... just to inform you


if you say "jay sri krishna" i mean that you want to follow the guru and sadhus

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All glories to SrilaPrabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto him!

I totaly agree with you.The reply is totaly correct and comply woth your view.Thankyou.HareKrishna!



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I'm a Westerner, American.


Monotheism by it's very nature is intolerant. Zoroastrianism and Judaism were the first two Monotheisms; both are rather inactive in proselytization. I believe Zoroastrianism is becoming perhaps active just because of the fewness of adherents; it is dying out as an active religion. A person can join Judaism; but it is not very active in proselytization.


The two religions that sprang from Judaism are the agressively proselytizing religions. Christianity is nowadays fairly non-violent; more like a busy-body pest running all over the world trying to "convert" people. Islam, on the other hand, is very agressive and violent: if you do not convert, you die.


Why proselytize? The existence of "other" religions calls into question the Monotheists most cherished belief: the Absolute Truth of his own religion. An active Monotheistic religion is necessarily intolerant of "competitors," i.e. other religions. Polytheists, for the most part, don't care. A polytheist "believes" in his own religion, or thinks it to be "truth," simply because he does; he is secure in his "belief" and/or "knowledge." Perhaps Polytheisms become somewhat active in proselytization when they feel "threatened". For the most part, Monotheists proselytize because the very existence of other religions call into question the validity and "trueness" of their own Monotheism, be it Christianity or Islam.

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