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Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed. Who among them is the true personality of God?

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As far as answering your question, it has all ready been answered by Thiest. My suspicion is you reject his answer or you wouldn't be saying it had not been answered. All I can do is suggest you read Prabhupada's books for yourself and see they are indeed, pure, and that he is as well.




Perhaps I missed it, but I think Theist only suggested that Prabhupada was quoting Bhaktisiddhanta on this point. But I did not see the quote. If you could provide it I would appreciate it. Otherwise, if the quote is in Prabhupada's books, could you direct me to it? If there is something in the scriptures that says it, I would love to see that too.





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"Re: I guess not. I just wanted to know. What's the fuss?"


The fuss is that those with a Vaisnava education know the intense karmic reactions of even jokingly criticizing any pure deovtee. So it is not only for our beneift that we want the question to be asked free from sarcasm or doubts of Prabhupada's knowledge and purity, but your own.


Maybe you are sincere and just made a blunder. I hope so, but I suspect if you can't find the ansewr in Rg Veda, for example, you will not only reject, but ctiticize that our dear Srila Prabhupada, who could speak to Krishna personally, has said like this. All I can do is humbly ask you to next time word your question with more thought. Thank you.

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The fuss is that those with a Vaisnava education know the intense karmic reactions of even jokingly criticizing any pure deovtee. So it is not only for our beneift that we want the question to be asked free from sarcasm or doubts of Prabhupada's knowledge and purity, but your own.


Maybe you are sincere and just made a blunder. I hope so, but I suspect if you can't find the ansewr in Rg Veda, for example, you will not only reject, but ctiticize that our dear Srila Prabhupada, who could speak to Krishna personally, has said like this. All I can do is humbly ask you to next time word your question with more thought. Thank you.




I'm kind of confused here. I just asked a simple question. Why do you say I criticized any pure devotee? Why do you say my question has sarcasm? As far as doubt - well, if I didn't doubt I wouldnt ask the question. I'm asking the question to take care of the doubt.


What was wrong with the wording of my question? How should I word it to make it more acceptable to you?



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Again, I am not sure if you ask your question, what was wrong with the way you asked, out of sincerity or to keep this going. Anyway, seems obvious to me, but ok, I will clarify it for you.


"Mohammed lived a thousand of years prior to your Prabhupada. Where did he got his authority to speak of Mohammed? He only based his claims of the writings about Mohammed also. Or maybe Prabhupada is the reincarnation of Mohammed? Ha ha ha...just kidding...(half meant)


Even half joke, especially following all else said, is not a joke. Again maybe it was a blunder or poor choice. Anyway....... Prabhupada has all authority to speak on anyone he darn well pleases, not because he had to have 'been there' or alive at that particular time, and not because like you or me, he can only speculate, or again like humans only get information from shastra, but instead as pure devotee he is not only thoroughly studied in all Vedic shastra but also has all knowledge (or can quickly get access to it through Krishna directly). This is a concept one can't get if they: 1) dont have a proper understanding of who Prabhupada is, 2) don't want to, or are not ready to surrender to the pure deovtee.


Y.S. means Your servant.

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I am not considering Geeta but the Veda's does clearly says that Jesus Christ is the "Prajapathy"


Rigveda X:90:7 8220;

Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye




I don't see the word "Prajapathy" in the above.



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Again, I am not sure if you ask your question, what was wrong with the way you asked, out of sincerity or to keep this going. Anyway, seems obvious to me, but ok, I will clarify it for you.


"Mohammed lived a thousand of years prior to your Prabhupada. Where did he got his authority to speak of Mohammed? He only based his claims of the writings about Mohammed also. Or maybe Prabhupada is the reincarnation of Mohammed? Ha ha ha...just kidding...(half meant)


Even half joke, especially following all else said, is not a joke. Again maybe it was a blunder or poor choice.




Prita that person who said that was not me. I don't know who he or she is. I just figured he was some 11 year old kid discovering the internet for the first time. So i asked if everyone could just be nice. There is so much cruelty and evil the world. Common virtues are rarely seen, so why not be forgiving?


But I am the one who asked for the quote from Prabhupada talking about Mohammed as shakti-avesa-avatar. I still hope you or someone else can find that for me at some point. Pleaes don't be mad. I just want to know.





Anyway....... Prabhupada has all authority to speak on anyone he darn well pleases, not because he had to have 'been there' or alive at that particular time, and not because like you or me, he can only speculate, or again like humans only get information from shastra, but instead as pure devotee he is not only thoroughly studied in all Vedic shastra but also has all knowledge (or can quickly get access to it through Krishna directly). This is a concept one can't get if they: 1) dont have a proper understanding of who Prabhupada is, 2) don't want to, or are not ready to surrender to the pure deovtee.




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Thanks Shiva, am glad to hear that. Relieved actually. Maybe consider signing your name when you dont log in? I think that's where the confusion entered. I sometimes don't log in when I think I will only be here a moment (and it turns out to be longer ha) but then I sign my name. It really helps, and now I see another reason why it is important to do so. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I can find the quote from Prabhupada in a heartbeat, but it is exactly as Thiest has said. That is, Prabhupada is quoting his spiriutal master. Do you still want it? Before I open up web pages and search my files ha, please be honest. I dont mind, either way, just let me know.


P.S. Not mad at you Shiva. :-)

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Yes I still want the quote - whatever quote you have, and let me know where you found it so I can look at it too.


Oh and, I'm not Shiva. I'm just....





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Ok, I will go find it, no problem. But I am going to get the short quote I have. There is much more. Matter of fact, once on these very message boards I read a whole thing someone copied and pasted by Prabhupada. It was all about how Muhammed (spelling?) was shaktyavesha avatara and came to elevate the people. A purport or a lecture, something like that. So I know this has been said by him from that perspective too. Anyway, brb /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Here ya go /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Revatinandana: I have a question. One of my prabhus told me that you once said that your Guru Maharaja said that Jesus Christ was a saktyavesavatara. Is that correct?


Prabhupada: Yes. Because he said it, it must be correct. Muhammad also, saktyavesavatara." ~ SP, SB 6.127-34, Lecture, Suat, Dec., 17, 1970




"So do not think that the Hindus, they have got disregard for Lord Buddha or for Lord Jesus Christ. No. They have all regard. Anyone who comes as representative of God, or as God, as powerful incarnation, they are all welcome. According to time, according to place, according to the audience, they may speak, speak something which is, which may be different from the Vedic conclusion, but they are accepted as powerful incarnations." ~ Srila Prabhupada lecture Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhy lila 20.154-157, NY, Dec 7, 1977




".... Mohammed identified himself as a servant of the Supreme Lord. Thus whenever there is a discrepancy in our constitutional position, the Supreme Lord either comes Himself or sends His representative to inform us of the real position of the living entity. ~ Srila Prabhupada, On The Way To Krishna, Chapter 2



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When the individual soul is specially empowered by the Supreme Soul, that is called ävesa. He can act almost like God. We accept, according to this ävesa, ävesa-avatära incarnation, authorized incarnation, we accept, my Guru Mahäräja accepted Lord Jesus Christ and Hazrat Muhammad, this ävesa incarnation, almost the same power.



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East Meets West

A Conversation Between

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur

and Ohio State University's

Professor Albert E. Suthers


Professor Suthers was in Bombay doing research for his course in comparative religions at Ohio State University. In January of 1929 he went to Calcutta to meet Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, who was at that time in Krishnanagar. The professor heard from him for three consecutive days.


Prof. Suthers: Your Holiness seems to have taken a biased view in saying that the good moral precepts of Christ come nowhere near “the morality of amorous love of the devotees of Krishna”.


Beyond Secular Morality


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta: Certainly not. We claim to be greater and better Christians than Westerners. Our judgement is not restricted only to secular morality. The morality of the object of spiritual love surpasses secular morality. If Christian morality is perfected thereby, then it may be said to receive proper nourishment. To a pure soul that remains situated on that transcendentally moral plane of love, the secular moralities appear reduced to the smallness of pygmies. But there is not found any feeling of apathy, nor attachment towards these secular moralities. On the other hand, all moralities wait like maids behind the spiritual moralities to become glorified, being permitted to serve the Lord of transcendental love. The character of a culturist of spiritual love is never devoid of morality. One hostile to morality or fallen from it can never be a spiritual man. In the blaze of the teaching of Sri Chaitanya Deva’s ideal, it has been propagated that dissoluteness [licentiousness] is not devotion. Its palpable evidence is found when we reflect on the character of Sri Chaitanya Deva or the followers at His heel. The people of the realm of the secular morality concerned with the worldly enjoyments and their renunciation will not be able to grasp in their tiniest brains how the amorous sports of Krishna are fostered by the climax of morality and adored in the highest degree by all the morality of the universe. They are so much glorified by the noble clan of such high personages of strictly continent character as the devotees of Sri Chaitanya Deva like Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatana, Sri Raghunatha Dasa, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta, Sri Gopala Bhatta, etc.


Prof. Suthers: How can your Holiness’s statements be reconciled with the descriptions that are found about Krishna’s amorous sports?


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta: Krishna’s amorous sports are not temporal like the lustful sports of dramatic heroes and heroines like Romeo and Juliet, or even ideal spouses. Lust as prevalent in this world is only a mental passion, but the lust of the transcendental region has its own form. Here lust is always goaded by the enemy passion, whereas in the transcendental region of Krishna, the loveliness of the spiritual body of Krishna ever drives the lust for Krishna, which takes form as sublimated love or the desire to gratify the immaculate senses of Krishna. The conductor of the worldly lust is the enemy (passion), and the conductor of love is Krishna. It is the amorous sports of Krishna that have appropriateness; but there is no such consistency in the lust born of the body and mind of the jiva (living entity). Krishna’s amorous sports are not to be called indecent, because it is Krishna who is the only one unrivalled enjoyer, embodiment of the real truth, and the spiritual despot.


Prof. Suthers: I have been truly astonished to hear from your Holiness these mysteries of the vaisnava philosophy and their scientific analysis with the most reasonable arguments. I could not even imagine before that in the vaisnava philosophy there are such excellent solutions, corroboration and elucidation of the problems of Indian philosophy.


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<< I am not considering Geeta but the Veda's does clearly says that Jesus Christ is the "Prajapathy"


Rigveda X:90:7 8220;

Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye >>


this is a verse from purusha shukta and has nothing to do with jesus.


please stop . propaganda on vaishnav (hindu) forum.

may do it on a muslim forum instead.


jai sri krishna!


- madhav




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  • 7 months later...
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I just wanted to try answer your question how can we know what is the truth. Before saying anything about Bible, I just wanted to say that any religious group that teaches that they are the only correct group make it obvious they are a sect deceived by error. Those who teach/promote error are untaught and unstable in spiritual maturity. For this reason they allow themselves to be deceived and then believe and teach false doctrines.

Now, I can speak only in the name of Christianity, and just say something about the Bible that you can not find in Muslim literature or Hindu religion. Is the Bible, really «a letter from God»? Some people say, that's not true, it is written by human hand, printed in Germany or Swicherland, and it's published by Bible society.

That's true. Where did this society get the writtings?

The writtings come from people. People inspired by God.

Example - A buisness-man sits in his office and he's telling his secretary to type something. Everything he says, secretary types. After an hour, a letter is written and buisness man is signing it. The letter goes to the post office. Now my question is – Who really wrote the letter?

The buisness man or the secretary? If you don't think, you would say quickly – the secretary. Same is with the Bible. People who wrote books in the Bible, when they were writing, they heard God's voice. That's how they wrote exactly what God wanted them to write.

Bible was written by 40 different people, in time of 1 thousand and 6 hundered years, and they were all inspired by one, the same, artist – God. That is the miracle of the Bible. How is it possible that people, who were not even existing in the same time could write about the same thing? That's the miracle of the Bible.

I would be glad to write even more, but only if you are interested.



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  • 2 months later...
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jusus said that he was the son of god...and Krsna said that He is God!!! and still, the bible is re-written to fit the churches, and jesus said that u dont go to churches and pray and still we got them!!!!

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Hello Angekela,


These are some words by my spiritual master on the topic, and you can also download and hear his lecture on it...


" For the foolish person, This is Hindu religion, This is Christian religion, and This is Muhammadan religion. But religion is one. How it can be Hindu religion, Christian religion? No. Religion is one. God is one. Because religion means the law or the order given by God. That is religion. Simple definition. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (02-20-04) Please clisk on :http://religion.krishna.org/Articles/2000/07/00058.html


According to the Vaisnava teachings, Lord Krsna is the one Supreme Lord, Allah, or Jehovah by another name, and Muhammed, Jesus and Moses, are all His sons. There is a silver thread connecting all of these traditions together. Anyone who preaches love for the Supreme Lord, and helps you to develop the symptoms of someone who actually loves God, is the true presence of God. Such a person will never claim that he is God, or tell you that you are God.


Also, As Prita suggested, if you try chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, Hare Krsna HAre Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare HAre , HAre Rama HAre Rama Rama Rama HAre HAre, you will feel the true presence of God in your life, and develop appreciation for all the other prophets of Krsna that have sacrificed their lives for Him.

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Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is a sound (sabda) that is nondifferent from Krishna. The sound Krishna and the original Krishna are the same ....

There are things which we hear but do not see -- the wind may be whistling past our ears, and we can hear it, but there is no possibility of seeing the wind. Since hearing is no less an important experience or valid one than seeing, we can hear Krishna and realize His presence through sound. Sri Krishna Himself says, "I am not there in My abode, or in the heart of the meditating yogi, but where My pure devotees are singing." We can feel the presence of Krishna as we actually make progress.


Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge (p. 16–17)


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Thanks for the quotes Mother Prita . Srila Sridhara Maharaja, beloved godbrother of our Srila Prabhupada, also declared our Srila Prabhupada to have been a satyavesa avatara, empowered incarnation, of Lord Krsna, otherwise how would it have been possible to spread Krsna consciousnessas he did, like no one else did before him in the history of the human race ?

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Why does there have to be ONE winner....they are the same and their voices are heard by different people.


SEE God as a strong beautiful flame burning blissfully in a coloured glass lantern. God is the flame of consciousness and the one who lights the flame. God is complete. All.


Whichever piece of coloured glass you look through, depends on what you see, because it is God that is already full of different personalities and able to show perfect messages, fit for those who receive them.


May be you see God as Jesus, or Allah or Krsna. However, it is not that you see it like that, because God actually is Jesus, Allah, and Krsna.


But we are all moulded with the same clay by the same hand


The teachings of the Vedas are not something to convert to...anyone can follow these philosophies..and most probably do whatever faith they 'belong' to or follow.


........I believe we are taught to see the light in all souls. As opposed to discriminating against them using material branding, religions and class.


.....to be compassionate and non-ignorant - not narrow minded to let labels dictate life

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all is one....do not limit to names


in this way you are with equality putting down every deity, devata and form of god


to be impartial you have impartially said that they do not really exist but they belong to some undefined "god"


the name is not a limit, in the transcendental world, name, form, substance, definition, object, superficial, internal end so on are the same

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I read your links about Krishna and Jesus and i was blown away. You made so much sense and changed my whole view on things. Thank you very much

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  • 1 month later...

I like the discussions that are going on here. Its nice to have people trying to search for the truth. I would like to know more about the "Prajapathy". Secondly, I want to know whether Krishna was real or a mythical character.


Would be grateful if someone answered my questions.




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