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"Legends Re-told - Ramayana" Glossary terms!

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Legends Re-told “Ramayana”



The “Ramayana”

The story of the Ramayana took place in about 1000 BCE. The story tells about the heroic character called Rama. Rama was a handsome and very responsible person, he lived his life by the rules of the dharma. Therefore he was greatly respected, and considered a hero. The story takes you away to the beautiful city of Ayodhya, to the barren land of Dandaka. And from the ceremony of Ram’s and sits marriage to the great battle between Ravana and Rama. The Ramayana is a prime example of a epic story of faith, courage, and heroism.


Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

The legends Re-told Series starts with the epic story of the “Ramayana” This version takes place in the years of 2199 - 2214, in the booming “Leran” years. India, also known as the GCI (Greater Countries of India) is the country, and Ayodhya is the setting were the story takes place. The Legends Re-told version of the Ramayana is very different from the original version. In the way that the settings are very different. Yet the main story plot and themes are kept to power the modern version. Some things from the original version have been modified, or deleted to fit in with the modern futuristic world. But Legends Re-told Ramayana still has all the main scenes, and characters.


Characters of Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

note: All characters have been modified to fit in the modern world, some new characters have been added to the cast of Ramayana.

****: Unknown yet


Rama - The heroic man who is disguised as Vishnu. He is supposed to work for Kosala Inc., to figure what Ravana is up too, and to straighten out any problems, so things that go back to normal at SDI. He becomes close friends with the Dasaratha family, and later gets chosen to take over the family business.

Sita - Daughter of Janaka, and Wife of Rama.

Dasaratha - Owner of Kosala Inc. He excepts Rama as a future owner of Kosala Inc.

Lakshmana - Son of Sumitra and ****, and good friend of Rama. He later follows him, in his exile, the search of Sita, and the defeat of Ravana and his evil corporation.

Bharata - Son of Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi, who becomes temporary owner of Kosala Inc. while Rama was exiled.

Ravana - The evil owner of Lanka Corporation. He has 9 other look-a-likes that due most of Ravana’s dirty work.

Hanuman - A high leader of Kiskindha Elite guard, who later becomes Rama’s close friend. He helps them find Sita.

Janaka - The owner of Mithila Layers Inc., who found Sita abandoned in a ditch.

Dushan, Khar - Evil brothers of Ravana, and Surpanakha. They both work for Ravana, and Lanka Corporation.

Garuda - Owner of Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India (GACI). A good friend of Rama who helped him out.

Indrajit - Ravana’s favorite son who tried to kill Rama, but failed.

Vibhishana - Ravana’s brother who leaves Ravana and his company to join up with Rama and Sita.

Jambuvan - still researching…

Jatayu - A brave, and skilled pilot, who tried to rescue Sita, but died trying.

Kaikeyi - Wife of Dasaratha, mother of Bharata. She demanded him to hand the family business over to Bharata, and force Rama to be exiled for 14 years.

Kausalya - Very close relative of Dasaratha.

Lava, Kush - twin sons Rama, and Sita

Manthara - The Jealous advisor, and consultant of Kaikeyi, who convinced Kaikeyi to exile Rama, and Bharata to take over the family business.

Mareech - One of Ravana’s evil scientists who help him capture Sita.

Nala - Nala is a Highly skilled engineer, and worker. He works for ****, at **** Construction Ltd. He eventually helps Rama.

Rakshasas - The elite security force that protects Ravana, and Lanka Corporation. Also known as the Rakshasas Elite Guard.

Sanyasi - still researching…

Vishnu - The youngest one of the 3 Co-presidents of SDI (Starr Darcy Inc.), from 2195 to 2199. He came to Kosala Inc. as Rama. He is a part of 3 co-presidents that ran SDI from 2170 to 2262. The other co-presidents are Brahma, and Shiva.

Sugriva - Owner of Kiskindha Industries Ltd. Who help Rama in finding Sita.

Sumitra - Another close relative of Dasaratha. And mother of Lakshmana, and Shatrughna.

Shiva - The SDI co-president, who’s former company (****), Rama invested in too, to win Sita’s hand in marriage. The result was that the stock management department for Shiva’s former company was split into two, because of a share overload, (that is good).

Surpanakha - Ravana’s evil sister, who tried to seduce Rama away from Sita. She failed trying and ran off to Ravana.

Sumantra - A chauffeur that works for Kosala Inc.

Tataka - One of Ravana’s evil helpers, who was shutdown by Rama, and Lakshmana.

Valmiki - The Poet and Author of the Ramayana who helps Sita and her twin sons.

Vasistha - Dasaratha’s consultant, and helper. He brought together Lakshmana, Bharata, Rama, and Shatrughna so Dasaratha could choose the next owner of Kosala Inc.

Vishwamitra - The owner of a small company called Vish Textiles Ltd. He went with Rama, and Lakshmana to a place north of Grand EnVille to shutdown Ravana’s evil helpers that were troubling him.




Ramayana Glossary…

Note: This glossary contains common terms, phrases, and there meanings that are used in the Legends Re-told “Ramayana”. Most of the words are from the modern futuristic world. Some are directly from the original Ramayana. But most are from the Legends Re-told Ramayana.

*:Legends Re-told “Ramayana”


Ayodhya - The rich, and wealthy city that is home to Dasaratha Inc., and the Dasaratha family. And were Rama stays for a little while. The city of Ayodhya in the future is well known to be a place were rich El Doronians come to live, and also many other wealthy families. The city has a population of 980,000 people, as of 2175.

GCI - Greater Countries of India. This is what India would later become. After the “Envoy” years, in 2120 India was re-named the GCI. In Rama’s time in the years of 2172 to 2300, the GCI was a very powerful confederacy. It’s confederate allies stretched from Bangladesh, to as far away as Taiwan at it’s height. It is the third most powerful confederacy in the world as of 2321, after the Democratic Confederacies of Pakistan, and Confederate Nations of El Dorado.

Parvati - The Hindu goddess of ****. It is also a Automobile company of India that was started in 2115, as a vehicle company for the military. But it soon crossed over to the civilian market five years later. Parvati sells big Luxury SUV’s, SUT’s, cars, and trucks. In the Ramayana,* Rama, Sita, and Sumantra are riding in Parvati, Tamil. Tamil, is one of the models of car’s that Parvati make. Also EnVille, Grand EnVille, Kali M-Z series, and the EvonVille are the other models that Parvati make.

El Dorado - El Dorado was established in the year of 2057. After the central American Uprising, Mexico city was slowly rebuilt after it was war-torn. Quite a few years after the rebuild, significant amount of wealth was starting to show up in certain areas of Mexico city, particularly in a neighborhood just west of the city center. This place was later called “El Dorado” (City of Gold), because of its overwhelming wealth and prosperity. Its population as of 2175, is 43.5 million. Later on, Mexico city was called El Dorado, only later to be renamed Mexico city, but the name stuck. Vishnu, comes from this city.

Confederate Nations of El Dorado - Several years before the ruthless and bloody civil wars called the “Central American Uprising” occurred. The United States eventually had to stop the warring factions from blowing each other up. After about 10 years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and a massive restructure of the government, social, environment, and Judicial systems, the central American countries of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, were slowly rebuilt. The name “Nations of El Dorado” was given to the group of countries under Mexican confederacy. Soon other countries like Canada, United States, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, would Join with the confederacy. Mexico would call all its other confederacies, and itself under the name “Confederate Nations Of El Dorado” It would be the number one super power as of 2075, after the decline of the United States eight years earlier.

Psionic, Age, and tech - The mysterious powers of Psionics were not discovered until the late 2120’s. Psionics was so mysterious, that scientists called the magical powers “Psionics” after the twenty-third Greek letter (y), Meaning, parapsychological forces. Psionics is used from everything from warp-portals, to fuel for engines in cars. And it is used by the military for weapons, and by the government for the Personal Tracing System used for intelligence. These are called Psionic Technology. The Psionic age was a period of years that began in 2300 and lasted to the late 2410’s. This age was called the “Psionic Age”, because Psionic tech’s became very abundant and available to general public. This age would later fall after the fall of Confederacies in 2397.

PMC - Personal Mobile Computer. Its like the present day notebook computers.

Stock Over-Load - When a stock department is overloaded with stocks. This doesn’t happen today, but in the future, it has been learned that holding more stocks under one department, makes the risk higher. So when the stock risk gets up to a very high point, and there is only one stock department operating it and handling, the order will me made to split the stock department into two separate divisions. So that if one loses, the other can lock up there shares, and work on the other side to get there stocks back. When the stock department spits, this is a sign that the company is doing well in the markets. In the Ramayana,* Rama has to invest money in one of Shiva former company’s to get the stock value, and volume up to a certain point in order to win Sita’s hand in marriage.

Kosala Centers - The Kosala Centers were built in Ayodhya in 2179 for Kosala Inc. In the year of 2204, there five KC (Kosala Centers). One KC, is the tallest at 220 floors, and two and three are each 180 floors. The other two, completed in 2202. Are 160 Floors, and stand in-front of the three existing centers. These tower represents the mighty Kosala corporate empire.

Ayodhya Parrot - The Ayodhya Parrot is on of the finest restaurant’s in Ayodhya. In the Ramayana, Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi go there for dinner to discuss there issues. The meals are very expensive, and so are the drinks. The world class executive chiefs come here to cook. The theme of the Ayodhya Parrot is a pirate and sea theme, with a miniature pirate ship, and parrots on poles on the floor, and hanging from the ceiling. Its a fascinating place to eat, make sure you bring you wallet and your mortgage as well.

More glossary terms will be added as the story of Ramayana* progresses…


The companies of the Ramayana*…


Kosala Inc. - Established in 2115, Kosala was originally created to help out with great rebuild of India, after the Envoy years. But after the rebuild, the company had to switch to other means to make money, the solution? Work in the robotics, and electronics sector. Dasaratha, and his company quickly accumulated wealth by doing this.

Lanka Corporation - Established 2132, the company specializes in military, and government intelligence equipment and electronics. The shady Ravana has made this company a very lucrative company, but the wealth that he has brought to the company is tainted. Lanka Corporation has a bad history of making money through wrong means of corporate takeovers, aggressive advertisement, and business scandals.

Mithila Layers Inc. - Founded in 2120, by Janaka. Mithila layers has branches all over India, and some in El Dorado. Janaka’s layers are well respected among this business sector, and has a good history of following Judicial rules.

Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India - Founded in 2089, the massive aerospace company has expanded all over the world. Its main duty is production and selling of civilian and military aircraft. It also operates its own airline business under the same name. Recently as of 2201, the company is the second largest aerospace company.

Vish Textiles Ltd. - Established in 2180, by Vishwamitra. The small textile manufacturer was set up to specialize in traditional Indian clothes, and contemporary clothes. The Vish Corporation has it’s main HQ in a region just east of the city of Grand EnVille.

Kiskindha Industries Ltd. - Established in 2170, by Sugriva, The large industrial corporation is the twenty-fifth largest industrial manufacturer of military, civilian, and government equipment in the GCI. It also does business, in the mining, and processing sectors. This company has a good corporate, transactions, and money record.

SDI - Starr Darcy Inc. The mighty global corporate empire in the 2100’s to the end of the 2300’s. SDI was established way back in 2018 by Darcy Starr. It was small at first but quickly expanded to meet consumer needs. SDI at first was a writing operation, But switched over to electronics in 2028. Later it also made cars, computers, and textiles for other companies. Quite a few years later, and after Darcy Starr died, in 2089 SDI was turned into a international corporation that watched and managed other companies. It would by up other companies, the original owners still had power, but was owned by SDI. SDI grew larger and larger, until it was a household name in almost every country.

This glossary will be updated frequently. Any typos, errors, questions, cooments suggestions? Feel free to ask! Thanks.

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He is the religious advisor to Sugriv- (who is supposed to be the king of Kishkinda but then he is thrown out by his brother bali for power) Bali basically usurps the power.


Anyway, the job of Jambuvan is similar to the job of Vasistha.


but vasitha is the advisor for dasaratha


Jambuvan is supposed to be the advisor of sugriv when he starts ruling the land of kishkinda.. or you might say kishkinda Inc.. in your business oriented Ramayana.


Hope this helps , if not sorry /images/graemlins/crazy.gif




P.S.: I am looking forward to reading more of your modern day Ramayana here /images/graemlins/smile.gif It is very interesting.


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  • 7 months later...
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Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India !Founded in 2089 BC??,See that starradarcy INDIANS were tht much great before 2000 years!! they were so much ahead in their technology....in that time great epics like Ramayana and mahabarata written.

That time all westren people were living in the jungle, climbing up the tree with color painted on their faces dude!!



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when mahabharata and ramayana were happening vedic civilization was all over the world


there's no darwinian evolution for the west nor for the east

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Jai Ganesh



(when mahabharata and ramayana were happening vedic civilization was all over the world)


Very true, but do not forget,Hastinapur or Ayodihya was the centre.Still the Vedic way of life is present here despite many difficulties.



(there's no darwinian evolution for the west nor for the east)


right again, but the west is still trying to make monkeys out of us.


Jai Shree Krishna

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(when mahabharata and ramayana were happening vedic civilization was all over the world)

Very true, but do not forget,Hastinapur or Ayodihya was the centre

--absolutely no forgetting... but do not be proud of it , at these times we could have been worms, mycrobs in the stomach of some dog in brazil.. now we can live at 100 km from ayodya, before we could live at 10.000.. so no reason to be proud


(there's no darwinian evolution for the west nor for the east)

right again, but the west is still trying to make monkeys out of us.

--maybe you have a little persecution complex... west is not spending all his time despising india but, as the opposite, sanatana dharma and harinama samkirtana is spreading all over the world. And if they were treating you as a monkey it would not be a reason to pervert history at your advantage..


no darwinism.. bharata varsa is the world, pandavas and sri ramachandra were emperors of the world.. they're servants of god and god.. not indian politics

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i do not like it.


<< Rama - The heroic man who is disguised as Vishnu. >>


rama a 'man' and an imposter or Visnu?

this kills the spirit of ramayana.


this could make manyhindus offended and angry.


some may even mistakenly think this is how ramayana is.

i do nto see any enefit coming out of this fiction.

it seems it has intent to confuse non hindus about the hindu scripture.


i have not rea teh whole post,

but one sample above gives the hint what it is.


i suggest it be deleted.


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Jai Ganesh



(--absolutely no forgetting... but do not be proud of it , at these times we could have been worms, mycrobs in the stomach of some dog in brazil.. now we can live at 100 km from ayodya, before we could live at 10.000.. so no reason to be proud)


No point of speculating what we could have been.


To sing the glories of the holy dham is no harm. To point out the facts, where it all started, can not be deemed as feeling proud, unless of course you are envious of that.

It would be my good fortune if were to live in holy dham, unfortunately I still live 10000km away.



(--maybe you have a little persecution complex... )


Well if I did it would not be without reason.



(West is not spending all his time despising India)


West is no friend of India, they would rather go to bed with terrorist Pakistan.


Any way this was not my point of discussion.



(but, as the opposite, sanatana dharma and harinama samkirtana is spreading all over the world.)


Which is nice, so a little respect to people of that land that preserved the dharma against all the odds, should not be construed as being proud.



(And if they were treating you as a monkey it would not be a reason to pervert history at your advantage.. )


Where did I pervert the history?


I did not mean to sound in this discussion, as if anyone was treating me like a monkey (although that’s also a fact sometimes)

My point was since Darwin has us believe we come from monkeys, and the west still teaches us that concept therefore I stated the west is making monkey out of us, I thought you would be able to see Darwin and monkey and read my statement in that context.



(no darwinism.. bharata varsa is the world, pandavas and sri ramachandra were emperors of

the world.. they're servants of god and god..)


Sri Ramchandra is always the emperor of the world, that is why we sing his and his dhams glories.



(not indian politics )

You are the one who is bringing this on.


The world disappears in him. He is the peaceful, the good, the one without a second.

Jai Shree Krishna


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No point of speculating what we could have been.

--there's countless planets and lifeforms.. it is very possible that we have been not indians neither humans at the mahabharata or ramayana times


To sing the glories of the holy dham is no harm.

--no it is nice and good for our spiritual advantage, but if we do not use the fact that we have holy places in the place where our body is born for increasing our national pride.. that's maya


(--maybe you have a little persecution complex... )

Well if I did it would not be without reason.

--karma.. everyone in this world have his disgraces.. but our duty is to be truthful and humble, or our karma increases


West is no friend of India, they would rather go to bed with terrorist Pakistan.

--this is clearly not a serious answer so i do not bother to comment it


so a little respect to people of that land that preserved the dharma against all the odds

--this is your imagination created, as you have said, by your persecution complex


My point was since Darwin has us believe we come from monkeys, and the west still teaches us that concept therefore I stated the west is making monkey out of us, I thought you would be able to see Darwin and monkey and read my statement in that context.

--the problem is that if you say that at the times of mahabharata or ramayana in india there was bharata varsa and monkeys in the rest of the world you are blaspheming vedas.. if you acknowledge the darwinian evolution even only for a part of the world we must accept that eternity is a fake, a lie and that the narrations of vedas are mythology


Sri Ramchandra is always the emperor of the world, that is why we sing his and his dhams glories.

--of course, but spiritually he's eternally emperor because he's god, materially he was emperor many thousands years ago


The world disappears in him.

--world does not disappear, world is a part of god, world is ever changing but is eternal like the spiritual world

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Jai Ganesh



(--there's countless planets and lifeforms.. it is very possible that we have been not indians neither humans at the mahabharata or ramayana times)


possiblities are countless, no need to speculate.



(--no it is nice and good for our spiritual advantage, but if we do not use the fact that we have holy places in the place where our body is born for increasing our national pride.. that's maya)


If it is nice than the pride that follows from it, is only natural,



(--karma.. everyone in this world have his disgraces.. but our duty is to be truthful and humble, or our karma increases)


yes these are very good virtues, only we expect this in others.



(--this is clearly not a serious answer so i do not bother to comment it)


Perhaps you can tell me what is a serious answer?



(so a little respect to people of that land that preserved the dharma against all the odds

--this is your imagination created, as you have said, by your persecution complex)


You cant use, my imagination complex, to answer the question

either the people of the land deserve our respect or not, my alleged persecution complex has nothing do with it.



(--the problem is that if you say that at the times of mahabharata or ramayana in india there was bharata varsa and monkeys in the rest of the world you are blaspheming vedas.. if you acknowledge the darwinian evolution even only for a part of the world we must accept that eternity is a fake, a lie and that the narrations of vedas are mythology)


you have a nice way of throwing back at me which i do not beleive.read my words i have not any place said that.

I do not accept darwinian evolution.



(--of course, but spiritually he's eternally emperor because he's god, materially he was emperor many thousands years ago)


You are not sujesting he has no jurisdiction materially any more?



(--world does not disappear, world is a part of god, world

is ever changing but is eternal like the spiritual world)


you have commented on my signature tune, it is part of mandukya upanisad

he is not knowable by perception, turned inward or outward,nor by both combined.he is neither that which is known, nor that which is not known, nor is he the sum of of all that might be known.

he can not be seen, grasped, bargainined with.

he is undefinable, unthinkable, in describable.

the only proof of his existence is union with him.


the world diappears in him. he is peaceful, the good, the one without a second. this is the fourth condition of the self the most wothy of all.


Jai Shree Krishna


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possiblities are countless, no need to speculate.

--again i don't know why you are calling speculation to say a simple truth like we have changed countless bodies


(--no it is nice and good for our spiritual advantage, but if we do not use the fact that we have holy places in the place where our body is born for increasing our national pride.. that's maya)

If it is nice than the pride that follows from it, is only natural

--natural but not good, we are conditionated rebellious came in this world to forget god, if we have the mercy to take birth in a tirtha or if we have the possibility to make a pilgrimage and to have the darshan of deity and vaishnavas, all is ruined if we are proud and if we believe to be something better of others


(--this is clearly not a serious answer so i do not bother to comment it)

Perhaps you can tell me what is a serious answer?

--that the west is going to bed with pakistan is not a serious answer... maybe is given by some "hindu nationalist" politicians to plagiarize the poor people


to answer the question

either the people of the land deserve our respect or not, my alleged persecution complex has nothing do with it.

--you have not made a question : "do the indians deserve respect?" otherwise i would have answered "yes, surely"... you have simply assumed that my answers were for lack of respect for this people.. and i have answered that you cannot read despise for india and indians in any word of my message if you do not see enemies everywhere when someone has a different idea from yours


you have a nice way of throwing back at me which i do not beleive.read my words i have not any place said that.

I do not accept darwinian evolution.

--so it is not right to say that we had abhorigen in the west when there was vedici civilization all over the world at the times of ramayana and mahabharata


(--of course, but spiritually he's eternally emperor because he's god, materially he was emperor many thousands years ago)

You are not sujesting he has no jurisdiction materially any more?

--i would be very happy to see sri ram or pandavas at the head of this world.. but i am very sorry to see that now we have the various bush, putin, blair and so on.. of course god is always the isvara directly as rama or indirectly with the karma law. If you mean this rama is of course already the king and these rascals governments are his instruments to make us suffer for the bad karma that we have to pay


he is not knowable by perception, turned inward or outward,nor by both combined.he is neither that which is known, nor that which is not known, nor is he the sum of of all that might be known.

he can not be seen, grasped, bargainined with.

he is undefinable, unthinkable, in describable.

--... from a material mind


the only proof of his existence is union with him.

--.. no the proof of god existence is very easy, no need to merging (in this case god would disappear, we would remain (sadly) alONE in the universe), no need even realizing Him and remain eternally and blissfully his devotees and servants . God's existence is logical.. not difficult at all

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Jai Ganesh



(--again i don't know why you are calling speculation to say a simple truth like we have changed countless bodies)


I do not dispute the fact we may have changed countless material bodies, but it would be speculating to sugest which one we had even for the last life.




(--natural but not good, we are conditionated rebellious came in this world to forget god, if we have the mercy to take birth in a tirtha or if we have the possibility to make a pilgrimage and to have the darshan of deity and vaishnavas, all is ruined if we are proud and if we believe to be something better of others)


Personaly if i was proud and puffed up that will be my down fall.but to give respect and recognisation to others for their scrifice is some thing else.




(--that the west is going to bed with pakistan is not a serious answer... maybe is given by some "hindu nationalist" politicians to plagiarize the poor people)


Facts are there for everyone to see, it does not need a genius to work out who the west have been friends with. it has been in their interest to keep the two countries on logerhead,to serve their own purpose,the western country even reward the terrorist state,by calling them their allies.


(--you have not made a question : "do the indians deserve respect?" otherwise i would have answered "yes, surely"... you have simply assumed that my answers were for lack of respect for this people.. and i have answered that you cannot read despise for india and indians in any word of my message if you do not see enemies everywhere when someone has a different idea from yours)


sorry my mistake to assume,

but you have not given any indication of your respect, you have tried very hard to minimise the contribution made by the people of india.



(--so it is not right to say that we had abhorigen in the west when there was vedici civilization all over the world at the times of ramayana and mahabharata)


I did not say anything like that, i said vedic civilization still exist in india. Why the west was called yavanas and malechas i do not know.


( If you mean this rama is of course already the king and these rascals governments are his instruments to make us suffer for the bad karma that we have to pay)


Karma yes we have to pay no escaping that, so we take shelter of lord Ram, but we cant be indifferent to enviroment we live in or ignore it.



(he is not knowable by perception, turned inward or outward,nor by both combined.he is neither that which is known, nor that which is not known, nor is he the sum of of all that might be known.

he can not be seen, grasped, bargainined with.

he is undefinable, unthinkable, in describable.

--... from a material mind)


We are in this material world

these are not my words it is in Mandukiya Upanisad



(the only proof of his existence is union with him.

--.. no the proof of god existence is very easy, no need to merging (in this case god would disappear, we would remain (sadly) alONE in the universe), no need even realizing Him and remain eternally and blissfully his devotees and servants . God's existence is logical.. not difficult at all)


where is statement of merging.

proof of the puding is in eating, that is my understanding of the above


Jai Shree Krishna

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I do not dispute the fact we may have changed countless material bodies, but it would be speculating to sugest which one we had even for the last life.

--you are right, so do not do it.. i never do


you have tried very hard to minimise the contribution made by the people of india.

--you need to read more carefully if you want to exchange ideas with people


i said vedic civilization still exist in india

--let us say better some remnants of vedic civilization


Why the west was called yavanas and malechas i do not know.

--because in india the dharma has survived a little more... now we are almost all lower class humans.. more animals than humans, all over the world


Karma yes we have to pay no escaping that, so we take shelter of lord Ram, but we cant be indifferent to enviroment we live in or ignore it.

--if you are a religious man you cannot avoid to help others... the thing to decide is what is the real need of living entities and how to fulfill this need


We are in this material world

these are not my words it is in Mandukiya Upanisad

--yes, it is upanishad and it has to be put in a context to be understood


proof of the puding is in eating

--no it is not necessary... eating is the proof of the taste of pudding, not of his existence.. i never ate it but i am sure that pudding exist

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Jai Ganesh



(--you are right, so do not do it.. i never do)


Oh yes, so who said we could have been, worms in a dog?



(--you need to read more carefully if you want to exchange ideas with people)


i am ready to admit to my mistakes, it would be nice if you can point out.



(--let us say better some remnants of vedic civilization)


some is better then nothing.so let us protect whats left of it.



(--because in india the dharma has survived a little more... now we are almost all lower class humans.. more animals than humans, all over the world)


This is time of kali yug.but that does not mean we stop trying to be good.



(--if you are a religious man you cannot avoid to help others... the thing to decide is what is the real need of living entities and how to fulfill this need)


We try the best we can, we can not deside for others what is good for them. we can only set a good example.




(--yes, it is upanishad and it has to be put in a context to be understood)


I only used part of it as my signature tune, i cant help it if you do not like it.If you want to discussess this may be we make a new thread?


The world disappears in him. He is the peaceful, the good, the one without a second.

Jai Shree Krishna



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