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Kalki avatara

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That was an interesting link. I know little of Sai Baba. Reading the commentary a question came to mind. Do you think if there was a later incarnation of Vishnu, would Srila Prabhupada have accept him or her or is the attachment to the Krishna incarnation too great? Or perhaps he does not view Krishan as an incarnation of Vishnu-I don't know I am asking. Surely there are some variables.



What would his thoughts be on a later incarnation such as Buddha?


I realize that all is speculation and will never know perhaps, but was wondering if there were any thoughts?

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Do you think if there was a later incarnation of Vishnu, would Srila Prabhupada have accept him or her or is the attachment to the Krishna incarnation too great? Or perhaps he does not view Krishan as an incarnation of Vishnu-I don't know I am asking. Surely there are some variables.



Though I cannot claim to speak on behalf of Srila Prabhupada, I can give my own opinion and say that there should be no problem accepting a future incarnation of Vishnu/Krishna, so long as there are clear indications of prophecy in the shastras.


The trouble with Sai Baba is that his followers have either spliced, invented or twisted some vague prophecies in SB's favour to make it look like he is an avatar, so this prophecy business has also turned dangerous.


I have a collection of these "prophecies" on my old site, created when I was a devotee of his:




Needless to say, all these prophecies are either erroneous or twisted. I have yet to make a full refutation of these prophecies, but I can forward you to some other online refutations if you like.


Speaking of which, a friend recently told me that there is supposed to be a prophecy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's return somewhere in the Caitanya Bhagavata, though he could offer no verse to back up this claim. He is presently in India, I shall ask him again when he gets back. But just think! Mahaprabhu again, is it possible?



What would his thoughts be on a later incarnation such as Buddha?



As far as I know, Srimad Bhagavatam contains two prophecies of Buddha; one reveals the advent of Buddha that took place around 2500 years ago, while the other in Canto 2 states that a future incarnation of Buddha is expected when everyone has their own "airplane," or something of that like.


Srila Prabhupada's view of this second prophecy is that it may be describing an incarnation of Buddha that took place in another kalpa. For this particular kalpa, Buddha was born 2500 years ago or so.

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This leads to an interesting dynamic. Elsewhere on this board people have said they are followers of Rama rather than Krishna yet are the incarnations seen as the same being or separate entities? It seems some Buddhists get amazingly upset if someone refers to Gautama Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu. Yet clearly the mission of Gautama Buddha appears to be quite similar as that of the Kalki Avatar-to attempt to liberate the masses from suffering. From the stories of Buddha it very much seems that he was sucessful in giving enlightenment to some.


It does not seem like Sai Baba is the predicted Kalki Avatar as he does not seem to be liberating mankind from suffering or closing Kaliyuga-both aspects of the divine mission of the Kalki Avatar. Has he given enlioghtenemnet to any of his devotees? Has Sai Baba changed the truth or the consciousness of man on any level? I do not know, I am asking.


Pretend for a minute the Kalki avatar would undeniably appear-would the devotees of Krishna and Rama worship them as their Beloved or would they stick to worshipping a past incarnation? If Christ was to come another time would his followers embrace him or stick to the image of the one on the cross? What about Matraiya? Could Buddhists accept him?


Could man accept a living God or do we prefer them to be incarnationally challenged?


Recently I have begun to worship Kalki as strange as it sounds as how can it be any different worshipping one from the past than one from the future. Curiously my prayers have been answered. On some level I suppose it is easier to relate that way maybe easier so for a female-kind of like being pregnant I suppose-you have great capacity to love the unborn. Even as a small girl you dream of the children you will have someday and you love them as you do your ancestors.


Sometimes it reminds me of the line from Field of Dreams "Build it an they will come." There is a Kalki Temple in Jaipur built in the 1700's that has yet to be opened. It is interesting to me to think about. What if? Sometimes I wonder if they would open the doors surely he would come all matter begins as thought some would say-time is what stands between.




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