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Hi, i am an 18 yr old student in colorado and i have recently become interested in learning about hinduism when a very nice hare krsna man gave me a copy of the bagavad gita (sp?) As it is and i have been reading it almost daily and am up to page 200 or so, it is really wonderful and has inspired me greatly. Also i have been to a talk by a Swami Mukti about yoga ecology that was realyl lovely, and i am taking a korean class caleld dahnhak in which we open up our energy channels thru yoga like stretches and also do qi gong energy meditation. All of these practices have been really beneficial to me. I also read autobiography of a yogi by paramahansa yogananda and also Great swan about ramakrishna, and these two books have gotten me interested greatly in learning more about hinduism and possibly wanting to convert if that is what you call it. excuse my ignorance. I have been studying buddhism as well but hinduism just gives me a very good feeling deep down, from what i have been learning. Sorry to write so much i am just very eager to meet such people as yourselves here and become more proficient in my meditation etc. My basic beliefs at this point are really to respect all life, not harming any creature, the pursuit of happiness personally and to bring joy to people, as well as to realize the divine will that exists everywhere. any tips or information you would care to share would be wonderful.


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Welcome, Chris! I am sure that besides the responses you get here, you will also find a lot on this website. And look at Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as soon as you can. As It Is means that it has been presented by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The url for this is, I think,


You can read the whole thing online!

Also, I invite you to view the beautiful photos and paintings, from various sources, on my website, which also has a few smaplings of Vaisnava writings (Vaisnavas are devotees of God, or Visnu). The url is:


Last of all, there is also the entire Krsna Book online, which tells the pastimes of Lord Krishna, which are most enjoyable and spiritually enlivening:



Hare Krsna,

Jayaradhe dasi


(edited for urls)


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-06-2001).]

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thank you for the wonderful links i appreciate it greatly. yes i have been reading my hardback copy of As it Is almost daily and am about 1/3 of the way thru, i have found it enlightening and very helpful to my ilfe Posted Image i just dont really know anything about hinduism diety wise or customs ,sadly.

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Great, well, you have come to one of the right places, anyway.

I got distracted before and meant to say that As It Is means the teachings are being presented intact, without change, as they were originally spoken by Krsna and Arjuna. This is historical, not some mythology. I'm glad you have this Bhagavad-gita already.

best wishes,


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Dear Chris,


You might want to try purchasing some records of the chanting (singing) of Hare Krishna, especially by Srila Prabhupada.


Then try chanting yourself. You can either sing the Hare Krishna maha mantra or you can meditate by repeating the mantra silently.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Then see what happens.

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Haribol Chris,


It sounds as if you are exploring a very wide spectrum in the realm of Eastern Religion. The majority of those posting here are Hindus of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya, who in one way or another follow the example led by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, the guru of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


The basic gist is, unlike other eastern religions that look for moksha, we want the eternal association of Radha and Krsna, in the form of serving Krsna's divine consort Radharani, otherwise known as Radha dasya. So the wants and desires of the sadhaka are to be washed away through the gradual process of devotion and surrender. Eventually, through long practice which may extend to several lifetimes, one will have full realization of one's eternal spiritual form or siddha deha.


For more information, you can try www.gaudiya.com or www.gaudiya.net , and if you want to hear some very nice kirtan and bhajans on MP3 (all of us college students love MP3's for the price), try www.gaudiya.net/kirtana.htm . I hope I have helped, and good luck with your spiritual journey, regardless of where it may take you.




Krsnacandra dasa

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about chanting, i dunno if this is opposite to what you guys are doing or not, but i finished a book on sri ramakrshna and he used to chant om om kali ma and to see what would happen when i read this part i would chant it and even now but especially the first time it made tears come to the outside of my eyes and it made me feel very blissful i dont know if this is regular? i just felt i woudl share. i have not tried chanting hare krisha as of yet, are these two so different?

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Well it would appear that you are a bhakta by nature. Maybe the mother goddess is your desired object, ishta. But yes, the mantras have different meanings, so it might still be good to explore. After all, devotion to the mother doesn't necessarily exclude devotion to the father.

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so the fact that this happened means i am more suited towards a certain type of worship? this sounds very interesting and i would love to hear more. Chanting hare krishan certainly did not do as much as kali. any more help woulud be appreciated, you guys are great


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Chris at 12:24 PM 7 sept 2001:

i finished a book on sri ramakrshna and he used to chant om om kali ma and to see what would happen when i read this part i would chant it and even now but especially the first time it made tears come to the outside of my eyes and it made me feel very blissful.........i have not tried chanting hare krisha as of yet.....


Chris at 08:25 AM 8 Sept 2001: Chanting hare krishan certainly did not do as much as kali.

Talasiga: So, within 20 hours you tried "hare krishan" for the first time.

Did you first read the book about Ramakrishna

again before you tried it ?

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no i have only read the book once, and i just tried chanting hare krisna and om kali ma, and hare krishna made me feel well being yes but om kali ma made me feel well being as well as an intense feeilng of ..i dont know how to say it. bliss or completeness.


sorry if im being confusing or ignorant i am merely trying to figure out which path to follow.

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Originally posted by Chris:

so the fact that this happened means i am more suited towards a certain type of worship? this sounds very interesting and i would love to hear more. Chanting hare krishan certainly did not do as much as kali. any more help woulud be appreciated, you guys are great


Maybe you are expecting some instant results, as is the way of most in this modern day. This is not some push button religion. Chanting Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra (or great mantra), the mantra for true deliverance forever from the mundane spheres, cleanses the mirror of the heart. So when you first chant it may not seem so sublime, because just like when you are cleaning dust from a mirror it appears to be getting dirtier, so the dirt of the mind rises to the surface through this mantra meditation of Hare Krsna, and it may not seem as if the desired affect is being achieved. The thing to remember too is that this isn't about pleaseing the self, for our true pleasure lies in trying to please the Supreme. If everyone was purely selfish in their spiritual intents, how would any of us come together in loving moods, connected by our relationship to the Supreme Personality of Godhead?

May I ask, are you vegetarian? People who eat meat are often drawn to the chanting of Om kali-ma.

ys, Jayaradhe



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Originally posted by Chris:

no i have only read the book once, and i just tried chanting hare krisna and om kali ma, and hare krishna made me feel well being yes but om kali ma made me feel well being as well as an intense feeilng of ..i dont know how to say it. bliss or completeness.


sorry if im being confusing or ignorant i am merely trying to figure out which path to follow.

First you said you hadn't "tried chanting hare krisha [sic] yet" and then 20 hours later you had.

And now you are saying you actually tried both "hare krisna [sic] and om kali ma" impliedly after you finished reading the book.


Which path to follow ?


Please answer the following question first:

"Where exactly in the Middle East

are the Hindus and Muslims having an all out war in which US personnel, who also have military business in Korea, are part of a UN Peacekeeping Mission ? "


After you have answered this

I will consider appropriate






[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-09-2001).]

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thats really amazing that you were able to predict i ate meat, thats fascinating it has to do with what i am feeling.. and i believe the answer to that question would be pakistan, kashmir. i am actually going to a talk between a pakistani, indian, and kashmiri on the 13th at my university moderated by a journalist so it should be interesting.

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Well, as I said many who worship Kali-ma have an attachment to meat-eating. Now if you are intent on going beyond the modes of this material nature, you must first come to the stage of humanity, which means renouncing meat. Then your brain may be more conducive to the finer sentiments of bhakti, or devotion.




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are all hindus vegetarian? it does seem way healthier, you dont have this big bag of fat sloshing around in your gut making you sleepy.


ps: talaisga- if that is what you were reffering to, kashmir isnt really considered the middle east i think its considered asia. not that it matters

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Hello Chris,

One man said

India is not a geaographical entitiy. It is a mental climate.

He was impressed by the Hindu dharma when he said this. He was so far perhaps the single person from the West who got a glimpse into Hinduism. Hinduism is exactly what he said above. It is a mental climate i.e. if you feel a certain way you are following the Hindu dharma. There is no need to convert as in other religions (remind me someday to tell you the difference between dharma and religion as Hinduism is not a religion). If you follow your dharma you are more of a Hindu than perhaps many born Hindus around the world. Dharma is about reconciling yourself and realising yourself as one with everythingaround you until such time that you are left with one single unified emotion - joy. If you continue to follow your dharma (some little voice that tells you what is right to do, feel, say, etc. and that which upholds truth, good and beauty in yourself is dharma), you are being a Hindu. It is as simple as that.

Try this site






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Originally posted by Chris:

i believe the answer to that question would be pakistan, kashmir.


Kashmir is not in the Middle East

and even if it were, there are no United States military personnel involved with the

United Nations Peacekeeping Mission there.


Chris, I am very happy with your answer.

If you will kindly allow me, I will continue

to contribute to your thread as feelings find words.






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