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Dvaita and Gaudiya?

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Is there any Vedanta school that is dualistic and worships Lord Krishna as supreme? Gaudiya Vaishnavism worships Krishna as supreme and the source of all avatars but Madhva see Vishnu as supreme. Madhvas are dualistic. Gaudiya Vaishnavism is non-dualisc. So I want to know is there any Vendanta school that is dualistic and worships Krishna as supreme?

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Hare Krishna


Dvaita and dualism mean quite different things: in fact dvaita is not the proper word for Sripad Madhva's school -- it is properly called tattvavada.


Going by the normal definition of dualism, Gaudiya Vaishnavism is dualistist since it holds that God and jivas are individuals and are different from one another (i.e. there is an eternal bheda between jivas and God, between jivas themselves, between God and material nature etc.). The gaudiyas also hold abheda (non-difference) between God and jivas in the sense of parts of whole (but does not mean that whole is broken ...) but as separate individuals -- thus the achintya-bheda-abheda.


If you mean tattvavada (the normal meaning of Dvaita) then they worship Krishna as Supreme (in fact they worship bala-gopala) because in tattvavada Krishna and Vishnu, as also all the avataars of Vishnu are completely identical (this is also what gaudiyas believe). One of their famous gurus Sripad Vadiraja Tirtha worshipped the Hayagriva incarnation.


Difference in gaudiyas on this point is that gaudiyas also consider rasa-bheda in different incarnations of Krishna, meaning the kind of spiritual relationships that jivas can have with an incarnation, and in that the relationship with Krishna as the most intimate and most desirable. Also, gaudiyas consider Krishna in Vrindavana as the original Form of the Lord and source of all other Forms even though all the Forms of the Lord are Eternal (so the source is not in the sense of having come into existence rather using eternal Sun analogy, that all Forms can be eternal still have source) -- the madhvas strongly disagree with this.


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