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Guest houses in Vrndavan

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Hare Krsna, Prabhus!


I'm wondering if i could get some feedback on places to stay in Vrndavan. I'm considering the ISKCON guesthouse and the MVT guesthouse. Could any of you please`tell me of your experiences at each place? I am not an initiated devotee so i don't know if that makes a difference on where I should stay. Thanks so much!


Your servant,


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Hare Krishna.


Don't worry about being initiated or not. That makes no difference.


If you are a ISKCON life member than it's free for 3 days to stay in a ISKCON guest house. Otherwise you can stay and just pay.


The ISKCON guest house is the best place to stay as there will be other western and non-western devotees you will feel at home with.


My wife and young kids stayed in Maypur and Vrindavan guest houses in July 2005 and they loved it.


The main point is that don't eat food off the street vendors or drink water from the tap. Only bottled water.

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