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Traveling to Vrndavan

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Haribol. I'm trying to plan a trip to the Sri Krsna Balaram Mandir in Vrndavan, India. I was hoping I could get some feedback and suggestions as to where to stay, what your individual experience was, the dangers of traveling in India etc. I've never been to India before so this will be my first time. I look forward to hearing what you might have to say about Vrndavan. Thanks so much for your help and suggestions. Hare Krsna.


Your servant,


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Hare Krishna.


The main thing is the food and water. Only drink bottled water and don't eat food sold on the streets. It's very tasty but your stomach is not used to it so it will reject it.


There are plenty of places to stay in Vrandavan, but best to get advice from someone at the ISKCON temple.


The taxi drivers and others are generally looters, so be very careful.


Overall it will be a great experience, but there is plenty of poverty. But don't lament, it's due to karma that people suffer or enjoy.


Good luck.




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Hare Krishna Mark!


All glories to Srila Pranhupada1! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


I have never been to India but iam an Indian and so i know the place in general. My advice for travelers in India....just stay away from the water...drink only proper bottled water cos now days...even bottled water is dirty or is not authentic...so might want to drink only the right company water...or perhahps you can see the quality difference of bottled water in the rates....the prices are generally high for good bottle water and this you can find in any bigger store. I can think of Bisleri bottle company....i think it is good.


Eating out should also be prevented....but if you want to feel the real Indian and feeling of India....you should eat out and be ready to face the consequences.


But since you are on a spiritual journey...my advice...stay away from too much outside eating.


But India is a very colorful place and you will have the opportunity to meet many humble people...although nowdays difficult to find such people in big cities and urban areas.


But surely have fun by seeing the place and enjoy the people in general. Also stay away from auto people...if you can walk...i suggest..you walk...no autorickshaws or taxi people...they are the no 1 looters....


the rest...you will enjoy the minute you land on the country. Again....dont expect anything.....just enjoy it as it is.


You will have fun!





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Hare Krsna!!


Thanks to all of you who responded to my message. I really appreciate that you took time to let me know how things are in Vrndavan. The main things it seems that I have to look out for are the taxi drivers, the food, and the water! Thanks for letting me know.


I was also looking at possibly going to Mayapur instead. From the website it seems like it may be a little less hectic.


Any thoughts on Mayapur?

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Hare Krishna!


Time of Gaura Purnima is coming.


Srila Prabhupada wanted to build a city in India that is protected from many vices. He wanted to build a place that would be like a spiritual heaven, without many worries so we can focus on chanting, meditating, reading and associating with sadhus.


Sridham Mayapur is perfect place to begin with. All the good luck.


Yashoda dd (Cro)

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