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Bollywood Is Demonic

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Bollywood Is Demonic


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Most Bollywood Movies are filled with lusty and materialist scenes. These lusty and demonic scenes do not represent India, it’s culture or religion. The aim of most Bollywood movies is simply to destroy morality and India. Please don’t support this rape on morality and righteousness by watching such movies.


If you want to keep your righteousness values, avoid Bollywood movies. Until around the late 70’s, Bollywood movies were ok, but now they have simply become stupid, silly, and demonic.


1. Excessive immoral values are portrayed in most Bollywood movies.

2. Sexy dance and music scenes.

3. Portraying Materialism and Modern (western) culture as the goal.

4. Getting away from Indian/Hindu culture and tradition.

5. Depicting sexual lust.


For your information:


1.Bollywood movies show nothing but violence, sex and immoral values. Lust, Greed and Anger are the three gates to hell. Materialism turns an intelligent person into one of total ignorance.


2. Sexy dance and music scenes turn one into a materialist person with total ignorance to the truth.


3. What is Modern culture? Partying, sexy dancing, eating meat, drinking alcohol, having relationships before marriage, having relationships after marriage, having no respect for the elders and no responsibility for ones actions. Enjoy today and forget about tomorrow, as though there is no tomorrow.


4. Hindu culture is the richest and most peaceful of all cultures, people watching Bollywood movies truly believe that they portray Hindu values, this is completely false. Bollywood movies are nothing but anti-Hindu. But foreigners don’t know this, as these demonic movies originate from Hindustan and thus the Hindus. The makers of Bollywood movies are taking part in destroying India, it’s culture and it’s true identity.


5. Love marriages are nothing but marriages based on lust. The fact is that most love marriages end in a divorce. While most arranged marriages are successful, the alternative to love marriages.


The Qualities of Demonic People "Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance-these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Påthä." Lord Krishna to Arjuna (Bg. 16.4)


Materialism carries away the Righteousness qualities in a person. Modern lifestyles (partying, sexual lust, lust for material objects, greed, ego, desires, relationships), western culture and Bollywood culture, western pop music and Indian pop music turn a person of intelligence into a person of ignorance. Materialism slowly and unknowingly drains away the righteousness qualities in a person.


"As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence." Lord Krishna (Bg. 2.67)


"While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool." Lord Krishna (Bg. 2.62-63)


What causes one to engage in sinful acts? "Arjuna said: by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force? Lord Krishna said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world." (Bg. 3.36-37)


The Three Gates to Hell "There are three gates leading to hell. Lust, anger, and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul." Lord Krishna (Bg. 16.21)


Alternatives to the Demonic Bollywood Movies and Serials


Everyone needs some entertainment; simply give up demonic Bollywood for devotional CDs and DVDs.


Here are some recommendations:


- Chopra’s Mahabharat DVDs, just search on the Internet. There are many vendors. My family and me have seen these DVDs many times and my kids just love them.


- Vishnu Puran DVDs. Just excellent.


- Abhhay Charan. The story of Srila Prabhupada, excellent.


- Devotional movies on DVDs, the top most spiritual knowledge. I love Harishchandra, Malik with Rajesh Khanna, and That’s Life with Sanjeev Kumar. Available from www.krishna.com


- Srila Prabhupada’s MP3 CD set. Listen to his excellent lectures. Available from www.krishna.com


Devotional TV Channels


Aastha TV


This channel has 24/7 devotional programs in mainly Hindi and some in English. Bhagavad-Gita lectures and discourses, Krishna katha. Live devotional program from India and so on. This channel is available on Direct TV.


ETV Gujarati


This channel has programs in Gujarati and live coverage of festivals from India. I personally saw Janatha Ratha Yatra live from Puri, Krishna Janmasti festival live from Dwarka and Mathura. Live Navratri from Baroda, Ahmedabad and Mumbai. This channel is available on Direct TV.


I personally have the devotional CDs, DVDs. Aastha and ETV Gujarati channels and would highly recommend them to everyone.




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Hare Krishna,

You are absolutely right, Bollywood is Demonic. The one exception in recent times is animated movie called 'Hanuman'. Its an excellant movie for every one to watch. Few years back an animated movie on Ramayan was shown on national channel, even that was good. I have heard that Bollywood is trying to make a movie on Mahabharat, now this can hurt; As the actors of our Bollywood Industry have no dignity, culture, morale values..... & these guys would potray someone of the past like Arjun, Bhishma, etc.. disguisting for a Hindu.

Hare Krishna

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  • 2 months later...

I really do agree with you that this bollywood is demonic. Now a days these people have lost all their culture..I hardly see any religious or cultural movies..The only thing I see is young girls and boys doing lusty things...They are trying to be modernized in a very negative way. You can't even sit down and watch some of these indian movies with your own family because everything is mostly about sex and lust.

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