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Haribol all of u!


all glories unto Srila Prabhupada-

I do not know if its allowed on this forum to post general and personal-questions aswell, but

I really like to hear how people joined the movement, or at least how you joined-into spiritual life.

The story how you met the devotees!!!or how you met your Guru...

these are such a wonderfull arangements and I consider it as very inspiring ---and nice te become awere of the fact that God is op mercyfull...to give the oppurtuntity to got to know Him!!!

sooo what is your story?

Hare Krishna -

your curious servant


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's my "story"....


Im from the typical indian family....demigod worship. We used to go to a Durga temple here in chicago, and would only to the iskcon temple once or twice a year for any special occasions. However, one visit changed my life. From this day on i was on my path to Krishna. I was only 12 years old at the time, but even at this age i was curious as to what else was beyond demigod worship.

I was sitting in the temple room during the lecture, and someone asked, "maharaj why is it that many people worship demigods without ever realizing that Krishna is above them?"


This was the same question that i was trying to figure out!!! The maharaj explained that if we choose to pray to demigods, we should only ask them to bring us closer to Krishna.


...another person asked, "won't the demigods be offended if we stop worshiping them?"


Another question that i had!!!!....the maharaj said, "just ask them to bring you closer to Krishna, and i promise you they will not be offended, in fact, they will be more pleased with you"


that night before i slept, i made a choice. I asked Durga devi to take me to Krishna...i wanted to see if She would really help me.....3 days later a local devotee called our house to ask if we wanted to join there sunday bhagavat gita class....She said she had gotten our phone number from a family friend...but the thing is, no one we knew knew this devotee.


Since then we have been Krishna conscious. Take one step to Krishna, and he will take hundreds towards you.

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Here is my story,

During my childhood days i used to worship demigods and also

krisna,that time worship for me was only material gratification to fare well in exams,have a good career path

etc.But i used to visit nearby Krisna temple whenever i used to get time,years passed.I was god fearing man but not followedthe rules, i used to have non-veg,ocassional partying etc.sexual desire was the most i couldnt control.Every womeni used to have a glance.Fortunately I got married at 25 sexual instinct curbed little bit.But Life changed after i went to Tirupathi,and my way back i Accidently got a chance to visit Hare Krisna temple that changed my lifei got one to read "the Science of self Realisation".I got answers to all my questions which i was looking for all the years.

From that day I turned to vegetarian,stopped looking at females.always the thought came i used to imagine i carry a sword and and cut all the evil thoughts

I stopped viewing Films and TV that carry seductive images

and only tune to channels teaching bhagvad gita.Mean time I started practicing Yoga that was helpful in curbing all my urge.But i have not completely got of rid of habitd

ocassionally iam forced to have a party.but i have cut it down once in two months and avoid all hard liquor

i believe i can stop it completely by a year or so

i feel i had a presence of Krisna in my life.And given me lot of oppurtinities and i feel in my past life iue to mypious activity he has given me so much oppurtunity.I hope i would have realised much befor,but there is a saying " Better Late than Never"

Hare Krisna




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Jai Shri Krishna !


I have always been seeking spiritual happiness since I was 20 or 21. I am now 45. Read and heard almost every spiritual guru in India. Attended the Transandental Meditation classes - nothing worked.


In August of 2003 I was in the bad-patch of my life. After having attended an interview and not being happy with the outcome I said to myself 'let me just go to the ISKCON temple in Juhu (which was nearby from the place I attended my interview). So I went there. I sat there in the Sankirtan chanting the Mahamantra and while returning I bought Srila PP's book 'Matchless Gift' (Anupam Bhet) - I could not keep down the book during my entire journey of one and a half hour back home. I REALLY FELT TOP OF THE WORLD THAT DAY (inspite of me not having a job)... hahahahhahaha well... this is how I got into it.


In September 2003 I got THE BEST JOB a person could ever dream of with the No.1 Company in India.


AND TODAY with Krishna's Mercy I am in his direct service -overseeing the arrangements to be made for the Overseas Indian Devotees attending a Hari Mandir opening in 2006.


My day in and day out experience is that Krishna does all the good things through me (Nimmitta) but passes on all the credit to me.



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In 1979, a friend took me to Bhaktivedanta manor in england, and I thought it was the most wonderful place with such wonderful friendly people.

Sinc then I have worshipped Lord Sri Krishna and by the divine grace of Lord Krishna, will continue to do so.

I am so gratefull to that friend, I never met him since, but if your reading, Mike from dublin, Hare Krishna.

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