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karma, freewill and Krishna`s will?

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hellp dear devotees and friends of Krishna~

this might be a strange question; please correct me if I am wrong,is it so that there is Karma, Free will and Gods will, can I see these 3 things are separated ?


I mean if for example my karma is to be healthy but my free will is that I am not taking care of my body...so in due course of time I become sick

or that My karma is to get have a care accidient but my Krishna`s mercy and will I ll be saved?


so is it right that karma action can be more influanced on a rare base acourding to my free-will ( wich is most of the time damaging) and that things can change acourding to Krishna`s will and mercyfull arrangements...?


\I am asking this becouse we need to make disions in live and I am never sure if its my mind, my free will to choose or that its Krishna who wishpers me the right choise...


....I would like to be more confident about choises and happings and feel peacefull and full of trust ...as now I am never sure If I am doing the right thing (* concernin study, work, etc) how do I now for sure where Krishna wants me to be...and that I am listing to Him?



thank you for reading this.

a wannah be- bhaktin-

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


Karma, free will and God's will.


Separate but yet related.


Karma is defined as fruitive result which means what you get today (good or bad) depends on your karma.


Now, free will is the choice you make in life (good or bad).


Your karma may be bad and so your brain may be distorted due to your bad karma. For example, let us say you had a bad childhood experience due to bad karma and now you are an adult. But, due to bad childhood experience (which is due to bad karma) you make the wrong choices in adulthood. These choices are voluntarily made by you which is free will but they are bad due to your bad childhood which was due to bad karma.


So you see how karma is linked to free will. Although karma has nothing to do with free will, MAYA is such that you will react to your past mis-fortunes in the form of wrong choices (which is due to free will) and these wrong choices will lead into more bad karma and the cycle will continue.


Now, your question about making the correct choices in life-that is why we need Guru(spiritual teacher) and Shastras (vedic literature). we take and seek guidance from the Guru and shastras so we know and are confident we are making the correct decisions using our free will.


That is the significance of being born a human being. We inquire from higher authority as to how to lead our lives and what choices to make. Based on our ability, we make the choices.


Where does God' will come in all of this? His will is for us to follow Guru and Shastra so we can serve God Himself.


Yes, God's will is the ultimate will and if He desires He can change anything for everything is under Him.


I will give an example, say you use your free will to go to the movies. Due to bad karma, something wrong has to happen to you at this juncture of your life. So, God's will is such that He sanctions the wrong thing to happen and He uses various tools to accomplish His will. Say, you were supposed to meet with an accident. You use free will to go to the movie. Then, God uses His will to implement your karma.


Now, for example, same situation, that is at this juncture of your life, you are supposed to experience something bad, now say. unlike the above example, you dont go to the movie (using your free will) you do something else, God again will use His will to implement the bad karma on you through some other agent. The point is, may be the situation will change but bad karma will impact you by the grace of the Supreme.


Now, you can revert this bad situation by performing certain auspicious activities as per the Vedic scriptures and prevent the bad from happening. That is why in India, people frequently visit the temple to please the Gods so the Gods protect them and give them opulance.


That is selfishness, so Srila Prabhupada says, whatever bad happens we should not care becuase we should always depend on Krishna to protect us and have faith He will protect. So, he asked us to always chant


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rana Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


So, karma, your free will and God's will all are related but spearate.


So chant and be happy!






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dear unregistered,same here ,i got some stuff going with making choices,and karma...It seems to me that Krsna has wanted me to behave for a very long time,however I had to go through repeatedly making the wrong choice until I finally gave up my motivation for my actions...I suppose in that way karma is not a cruel thing or a meaningless punishment.When we suffer it is God repeatedly trying to get us to go back to Him and be happy.

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haribol spiritsouls

All glories unto Srila Prabhupada!!!

wauw thanks --yes its getting more clear now that its all about action and reaction- so I should (try to) focus my mind on Krishna, that will in due course of time influences on my so called intelligents and that is at least one step towards making the right choises.


And further more its that I must engaging myself in devotional service so Krishna might notice me and to ask (serious)advices to seniour devotees as well- ?

and that suffering becouse I think I did the wrong thing is part of karma could be Krishna`s mercy so I will remember Him more !?


okay I will keep this in mind, as now its still theory and I hope soon I will live more by it ...and not to wander and have thousands of doubts!

have a nice Krishna Counsicous Day (KCD)


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ..



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