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I am a novice, rather strongly relying on abilities of my own mind. Which deceived me seriously several times. I read and I chant. And questions arise.


First, rather non-spiritual concerning eggs. What about the food like bread or pasta, ice-cream or mayo. It all contains, in one form or the other, eggs. Offer or not?


I am strongly convinced about reinkarnation, which bears logical basis. However, there is one thing that troubles me a bit, namely scars. I cannot remember my birth, I agree I am changing my body every minute and my present body is not the one I had in childchood. Why do my scars remain?


Third and (this time) last one. The future body depends on state of our mind. How distorted had to be one's mind to become mentally disabled? How can one realize Krishna (use to full his human form) when so seriously damaged? How does it happen? How can somebody want or will such form or is it work of unconsciousness?


I am a Truth seeker and wander aimlessly these days. Please, whoever can, help me the way you are able to. God bless you all,


Hare Krishna!



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I am only a novice too, but will try to answer your questions with my limited knowledge.


No eggs or products containing eggs can be offered. It can

be very difficult avoiding eggs as they are hidden in so many products, and (in the UK) such products are marked as being suitable for vegetarians. Always read the label!


If unsure then best to avoid I think. I no longer risk eating ice cream and pasta at restaurants now, as there is a good chance they have egg in.

You may be able to buy egg free mayo at health food stores, and most dried pasta does not contain egg, its the fresh stuff you have to watch out for.


As for scars, they are like permanent imprints on your skin, and some smaller scars almost disappear as your body replaces itself over the years, but the replacement process cannot remove deeper scars, the skin just replacing the imprint left by the damage.


I struggle to answer the last question : karma is a very difficult subject - so simple in principle, but yet so subtle in practice.


Some very 'simple' or mentally disabled people can be far more Godly than the highly intelligent, and as you have noticed intelligence is sometimes a hindrance as it leads to deception of ourselves or others, and also to egotism. Those that are simple are less able to deceive, and are generally more honest than the intelligent.


To be Godly you need to surrender to Krishna, be kind and loving, compasionate, honest, generous etc. (I wish I had a lot more of these qualities). Many clever people are not like this, yet many mentally disabled are, so although not learned, they may have acquired the qualities they require to go to Godhead by their karma.


Forgive me if I am wrong, just expressing my humble opinion, and I hope I cause no offence.


Jaya Srila Prabhupada


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> I cannot remember my birth, I agree I am changing my body every minute and my present body is not the one I had in childchood. Why do my scars remain?


one cannot even remember the first four years of this life, what to speak of the previous one. however, the main reason we do not remember our past lives is because we are very attached to our present identity in this body. also, if we knew how and why we were punished, we would not be able to try and enjoy again. Krsna gives us the 'gift' of ignorance, so that we may try to become enjoyers in accord with our previous desires. these 'scars', or samskaras, remain connected to the soul after death via the suksma sarira, or subtle body.

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Maharaj Bharat , thinking of a deer at his time of death , came back as a deer, then after being a deer he again assumed the form of a man.. but rmembering his previous lives as a king and a deer he decided to present himself as deaf and dumb and mentally inept simply so he could do nothign else but remember Krishna and go back home to Godhead.



maybe that's one reason

I always feel they may be more fortunate than us because they are not so entangled in the material attachment as the so called able bodied people

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