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I am Gay is that a problem

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Krishna consciousness is open to everyone, including the gays and lesbians.


Konw-one should be rejected, regardless of the sins.


It's the only hope for all of humanity, so we should not discourage anyone who from becoming KC.


While being gay/lesbian is wrong, they should not be hated or discouraged. Rather they should be respected as humans and allowed to develop love of God. Which will unltimately help them out of ignorance.

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Your in the wrong chatline , what you seek is not here.

Your better off going to those churches where they accept gays for the "right financial contributions" , your ideas are very offensive and I feel dirty just reading your filth.

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Making people realize that killing is wrong (meat eating) is very difficult.


It's the same thing with making people realize that being gay/lesbian is wrong.


When you realize that after 8 million births in the animal and plant kingdom, lasting billions of years (I was told 52 billion years). We get a human birth. So why mess-up with this very rare birth (human birth) engaging in lust for a peace of flesh and blood (human)?


Is it worth it?

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Obviosly you did not read what he said. I read that this person has an interest in getting to know KRSNA.I ask you,does KRSNA say follow the 4 regulated principles so that you can act as if your better than oyhers?No I kwow not.I have seen people follow the principles and further their realizations.I have also heard peole be chastised for not treating others with respect.Let us try to show by example not by verbally judging others.Everyone has there own PERSONAL relationship with GOD.It is my job to develop MY love for GOD and try to be more tolerant than atree,devoid of all sence of false prestige ,and ready to offer all respects to others,in such a state of mind one can chant the Holy names of the LORD constantly. HARIBOL!

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Gays are shopping around for a religion that accepts their lifestyle . If the religion does not accept their lifestyle

then they accuse them of being full of hate.

If they had any purpose of seeking God they would realize right away that they are living like animals ,



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If we where perfect we would not be in this suffering condition.We have forgotten our natural propensity of love for God.It saddens my heart that this person is being put on defense by rash comments.I am not condoning nor condeming his lifestyle,it is not my position to do so.I am just praying that I can show mercy to others as Lord Chaitanya has shown me in my life.



Back and forth arguments are really a waste of energy.My personal spiritual progress has taken time and is constantlyin the works. Ihope that no matter what others say you will link up with KRSNA.KRSNA has changed my life for the better and I am gratefull for all the teaching.




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I understand what your saying and where your coming from.I just want to add that when I first came around the KRSNA movement I did not think the sex I was having was illicit or that harmfull. Even when I realized that it was getting in the way of my spiritual progress I continued to struggle with the desire.I also continued to go to the congregattional chanting, classes,and meditate upon the vedic scriptures.I am so gratefull that the doors were open for me to go thru the process.I then realized I actually neede to change my lifestyle and behaviors.I did N_O_T_ realize this right away!The point being that we all learn lessons and make changes and hopefully progress at different speeds and levels.To expect someone to realize and make changes immediatly is in my opinion unrealistic.I also believe that I cant make someone change and coming at them harshly is not going to help them see another and healthier way to live. Again I dont have to agree with someones lifestyle but I should have respect for spirit souls. I also know it is important to represent KRSNA by being a good example and following regulated principles.which I am now finally doing.



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Although you said your last post I hope you see this post before you give up. You asked for help and I suggest that if you dont have a Bhagavad Gita that you get one.This scripture will explain the philosophy and has helped my life tremendously.I wish you well and please dont let others c

omments stop you from learning about KRSNA.

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I am so very disturbed by what I just discovered! Can someone help me understand?


I just was looking at another chat"My dillema" where a girl living in ashram had ILLICIT sex and is asking for help.So heres my dilema........I read responses to this girls problem and they were very supportive and understanding. Why then if the gay guy is having illicit sex and wanting to get to know KRSNA is he not being supported?I am not asking why you dont agree with his lifestyle,I am asking why this man is being treated differently? If it is because the girl realizes her behavior was wrong and this guy doesnt realize YET that hisis,Please someone explain this hypocricy to me.

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Hare Krishna.


I read the responses to that Girls article. She had illicit sex in the temple with another devotee.


The responses were forgiving the girl.


I am sure most devotees have no grudges with gays/lesbians. They should be allowed to KC freely.


We should always encourage everyone to be KC, including the gays/lesbians. As this is their best hope in life.


It's just a small minority who are willing to be merciful to all.

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Thanks for the response.I guess I just feel sad sometimes when people are mean back and forth, but I know KRSNA will give us all shelter.No matter what peoples deals are we all need KRSNA and I pray that ones that have come to know HIM will reach out to those who have forgotten.Those ones took my hand thru KRSNA and I am forever gratefull.


Jaya,Jaya Siddhaswarupananda

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Hare Krishna.


When Srila Prabhupada was in India before he came to the west. Many were against him going to the west to give Krishna to the westeners. As the westerners were cow eaters.


But Srila Prabhupada was merciful to all. He came to the west and gave Krishna to all the cow eaters.


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"I pray that ones that have come to know HIM will reach out to those who have forgotten."


This is the final message of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. Those who give krishna to others become most dear to Krishna. Regardless of their qualities. Yes regardless of their qualities. Each word of krishna is absolute, there should be no additions or interpretations.

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Prabhupada accepted not only meat eaters but also homosexuals as devotees. Are you so much more advanced than Prabhupada that you can discriminate?


Dont' you have anything better to do than put down other conditioned souls like you are so pure?


We are ALL fallen or we wouldn't be here.

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Let me tell you, if these devotees who criticize you for being Gay could look into their own vast Karmic account, within their own causal body they would also find that they too had been gay many times before.

The mind will try everything it can before it comes to spiritual life.


You are perfectly fine the way you are. Don't let any fanatical devotee tell you otherwise.


God bless you

Lawrence Richardson


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Hare Krishna.


Yes we are ALL fallen or we wouldn't be here.


The gays/lesbians/cow eaters and others have the right to be KC.


It's only a minority of devotees who are not merciful to all. So please don't feel bad about yourself or the hare krishna movement. You are welcome, we have all sinned to some degrees.

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No disrespect, but man is for woman, and woman is for man.I can`t believe what I am hearing.

Loving the same sex person, yes, I can understand, but wanting sex with them , well, I cant understand anything but the idea of lust. Love and lust are entirely different, arnt they?


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Hare Krishna.


Becoming KC is the only hope for all mankind in this age of terrorism, wars, ignorance, and materialism.


Who is better?


One who is KC and gay or one who is not KC and not gay.

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One can be gay and desirous of one of the same sex without acting it out. So in essence, desire is the human weakness. If I fantasize about murder or rape its ok - if I don't actually committ these acts - I don't think so! we are all human and subject to its frailities. Personally I will not judge what another man does in the name of scripture or religious practice. Because mans ego flws the original intent or meaning. What is good practice for living is the expression of love. Man is not perfect and shall never be. Desire is not bad, since desire leads us to god. Religious practice and ego leads one to telling another what he should be doing in his or her life. Humility spends time in not believing we know everything. Be one with love and and let others find their way in life. Everything has degrees when it comes to acting ungodly. I am more concerned about hateful intolerant dialogue then those who have sex with the same sex for desire instead of procreation in the name of love.


Please think about what you are writing!

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One can be gay and desirous of one of the same sex without acting it out. So in essence, desire is the human weakness. If I fantasize about murder or rape its ok - if I don't actually committ these acts - I don't think so!


We are all human and subject to its frailities. Personally, I am apprehensive about what another man does in the name of scripture or religious practice. Nothing that man preaches can be ABSOLUTE because mans ego unintentonally flaws the original intent or meaning as we can see in this dialogue. What is good practice for living is the expression of love for everyone and all living things. Man is not perfect and shall never be which is ABSOLUTELY apparent. Desire is not bad, since desire leads us to god. Religious practice and ego can lead one to telling another what he should be doing in his or her life and that doesnt ever turn out good.


Humility spends time in not believing we know everything. Perhaps being gay is not right, but that does not mean that I will correct those people or tell them what they should be doing or how they may experience god. Be one with love and and let others be one with love too. Everything has degrees when it comes to acting ungodly. I am more concerned about judgemental intolerant dialogue then those who have sex with the same sex for desire, instead of procreation, in the name of love.


When we start quoting scripture to justify criticizing others bad things happen...such as war and dividing people.

It looks like many of the posts have created division and and have acted ungodly. Instead of creating inclusion and love.


Perhaps we can ask ourselves why this has happened?

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sum devotees may not like u because that u are gay, but that shouldnt stop u from joining.. when I was at my Temple the last time, a man who was gay with much make-up and so forth came up and sat himself infront of Smita Krsna Swami, and the Temple was full of devottes, and he asked, im gay is that a problem? and Swamiji said smileing, no!


again he asked, that he have heard that he will be born as a cat or sumthing in hes next life because he was gay and sum people started laughing.. and again Swami said: we DO NOT look at the body or the sexuality as being gay, but we do not approve of sex outside the marrige.. and the gay man asked if he is welcome and Swami smiled and said Yes!


so ALL people are allowed to become devotees!

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