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when one cannt bare anymore sufferings

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Is it true that, if we will take the holy name of lord krishna before leaveing this material body, can we go to his abode?, if yes is it ok to commit suiside after chanting his holy name, if we can not bare anymore sufferings of this material world. One day i have to die, so is it ok to die today, can we get moksha by leaving this body.

please let me know,

hare krishna.

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Hare Krishna.


Suicide is a great sin.


If you are suffering it's because of your past actions. You have to face the reactions to all your actions. You cannot skip your reactions.


It's good that you are KC now, but you will still have to face the karmic reactions to your past deeds. But the good news is that after your have faced the reactions (at death), you will go to krishnaloka.


If you commit suicide then you will come back and your next life will be worse than the current one.


Just hang in there, at any moment Lord Krishna will free you from the pangs of material life.


Listen to the Bhagavad-gita at www.gitamrta.org

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Hari Bol,

what difficulties do u hav??

do not think about them,just chant the Hare krishna Mantra.

if u suicide u will nt get moksha. so plz chant the mantra Krishna will clear all your problems in due time.. just chant his name ,trust him..

hope this helps.


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hare krishna,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Yes i belive suiside is a sin, but isnt it the sin to let our soul and body to suffer and to wait for natural death or calamities. Wasnt shri dnyaneshwar maharaj was taken samadhi, was it a sin?


if we kill this material body which is inert(already dead(as krishna said to arjuna in the battle field about opponents)), but the soul(chaitainya) is eternal... this can not be killed.


Hari bol.


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Hari Bol,

if suicide was better than letting our soul and body to suffer then Lord Krishna would not have asked arjuna to fight because arjun was also suffering as he did not want to kill his cousin,etc..He would have told arjun to just suicide.All the scriptures wud hav said taht the best way to be liberated is suicide. all those people out ther wud hav done it.don't u think so?

Do not wory chant Hare krishna mantra n u will be alrite..

everybody is suffering includng me. that is material life.

we shud tolerate it.Just like winter n summer comes n goes.it's the same 4 hapiness and distress .

u still haven't said what u r suffering from..mayb i can help..

Chant Hare Krishna .

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"Srila Sanatana Gosvami came alone from Mathura to Jagannatha Puri to see Lord Caitanya. Because of bathing in bad water and not getting enough food every day while traveling on the path through Jharikhanda Forest, he developed a disease that made his body itch. Suffering greatly from this itching, he resolved that in the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu he would throw himself under the wheel of Jagannatha's car and in this way commit suicide.


When Sanatana Gosvami came to Jagannatha Puri, he stayed under the care of Haridasa Thakura for some time, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to see him. The Lord informed Sanatana Gosvami about the death of his younger brother, Anupama, who had great faith in the lotus feet of Lord Ramacandra. One day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Sanatana Gosvami, "Your decision to commit suicide is the result of the mode of ignorance. One cannot get love of God simply by committing suicide. You have already dedicated your life and body to My service; therefore your body does not belong to you, nor do you have any right to commit suicide. I have to execute many devotional services through your body. I want you to preach the cult of devotional service and go to Vrndavana to excavate the lost holy places." After having thus spoken, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu left, and Haridasa Thakura and Sanatana Gosvami had many talks about this subject." Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya lila, Introduction

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hare krishna,


now am 23, guy. since my childhood i observed that, i havent got even ordinary talent, and i have mati-mand nature. I never practiced brahmacharya so my life became more painful.

Now i have some health problems.

Lack of self esteem and confidence

Inferiority complex

Bad communication skills


Not able to take decisions


The main reason of my problems, that i observed is the internal personality which i have got is not good, i think this is inborn problems. which are not created now..but from my birth.


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Hari Bol,

u kno u r not the only one in this world..u shud nt wory about these things..

ok ur nt talented.just accept it. am not talented either n am not worried about it.. u r not the mind .dnt listen to it.. u r spirit soul.. n u belong to Krishna u do not belong to ur mind..

u say u've neva practice bramcharya zat's ok although it's painful to practice it it's ok.. U want Krishna dnt u?? to achieve him u must be prepared to go thru all these..

my horoscope is libra.. n u kno librans r nt able to make decisions.. but i accept it.. the thing is u shud nt look at these as bad,it ur mind who is thinking ' oh zat's bad,am nt worthy blah blah' but y dnt u look at this way ' ok i can't take decisions.zat's fine zat's nt a problem'.

when i fist started Krishna consciousness i din't hav any confidence in myself.. but it's my mind whos is thinkin all that.am much betetr now although i still think zat i lack confidence but so wat.

chant Hare Krishna mantra n associate with devotees..

the hare Krishna Mantra will clear all ur problems n doubts in due time..it won't do it straight away but it will.. u msut persevere..we r so covered zat we identify ourselves with the mind.. n we let the mind control us.. we shud let krishna control us.. zat's y the mantra is there.. also associate with devotees..devotees will help u. u msut go to the temple n associate with them..

i hope this helps.

Plz 4give me if i am wrong about wat i said n i was only trying to help. am a very fallen soul asosciate with devotees they r less fallen souls..

may the Lord 4give me..

tk care

Chant Hare Krishna..


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hari bol,


i am not the mind thats true but the intellect that i have got is it mine? why it is dissimilar? what bad deeds i have done so i am getting suffered? to get knowledge one should have a good intellect, if he hasnt got then there is no difference between him and animal because the only difference betn them is intellect. by observing brahmacharya one becomes the yogi and he becomes medhavan, buddhiwan and because of this medha he get the knowledge of supreame.



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Hari Bol,

intelligence is also different from the mind...read Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3..

First of all..r u chanting??

r u reading the Bhagavad Gita?If u have read reread it . read the one from AC Bhaktivedanta Swami only.

do not lament for ur state.. bcos it is ur karma.. u worry too much..

Chant Hare krishna Mantra bcos it is the only way.

lamenting n worrying will nt help to stop ur suffering..onLy chantingg the Mahamantra will.

I kno it's difficult to not listen to the mind but u shud do it.. concentrate on Chanting instead of thinking y ur suffering so much..

the best thing to do is to try chant the Mahamnatra all the time .do not let urself think of ur probs..just chant. thinking n worrying won't do..

chant chant chant..

hope this helps 4give me ..

Hare krishna

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I can tell you chanting definitely clears away all anarthas - unwanted things. Krsna says in BG 9.22 - But those who worship me exclusively, meditating on my transcendental form - to them I carry what they lack and I preserve what they have. Please work a little more on your chanting as suggested by member absolute truth and you will find results as Krishna conciousness is a science - bound to give you results if you follow the rules.


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May be this may not be the first time you are so critically speaking about yourself. You might have done this before in a different occassion, till someone comes & tell you nicely, the way how they see your life and that it's o.k.


Feeling good from such things are good, but can be addictive as you might time and again want others to scrutise you, judge you & conclude that your life is o.k. worth living.


This may be considered as a habit, as in your true self, you need none of these assurances from others. You are free and God's child precious birth. This is basic. Please take good care of your self-esteem and avoid debates which involves judging of yourself or judging others in comaprison.


Read bagawad geetha and just experience life. Connect yourself with krishna's teachings. Be firm, and seek moksha from other's opionion/judgement of yourself first. State facts and avoid answering questions like Why. Avoid taking judgements seriously or making judgements. Focus on actions, which boost your self esteem.


Develop the viveka and learn the confidence to be indifferent to thing which doesn't lead to the divine path, but leads to the egoistic path.

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u may need medications suicide is a horrible fate for a person not suffering with a horrible illness and extreme physical suffering.


mental suffering is not any reason to extingish ones life no matter what barring prison a sentance guilty or not.

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eh, i wouldn't go the suicide route.. you'll just be reincarnated again. Best to just ride out this life and do the best you can. In the end, that effort will mean a lot in terms of your next incarnation.

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I hear this psuedo dharmics answering everything as because,,,, do you know why..., if you can tell me why, then I will agree... etc.


This is no sat-sang, this is ego-sang.


Now let's stop reasoning why we all should be alive, or why one of us should contemplate death.


This is the futility of education without viveka. Without viveka, one learns reasoning so well that one even starts rationalizing each moment, why should one be alive, what'll people say after one is dead etc. This is all nothing but ego which blinds the individual.


Ego it is because the individual tries to take more things into ones own hands through reasoning & then puts on a seperate act of surrender. When krishna's speaks of surrender, he means just leave every moment in sense of surrender, as though it's not yours, you are doing all (or perhaps more) that you can in terms of duties.


Suicide is no surrender, but's it's a dangerous play of ego & the ignorance of once own spirituality. The society which considers the act of surrender as true surrender, will wrongly see suicide also as a surrender, but then apply corrective clamps that it's a sin and highlight that the next janma won't be good etc.


Learn to see the paradise in the moment you live-in. See the futility in considering the current as hell and spent all your life as work-in-progress to get towards a paradise of tomorrow (be it next janma). 'The Eagles' is right, as they sing, 'Learn to be still'.

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