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If someone has been meat eating and other negative actions for many years, then suddenly realizes Krishna and the teachings and stops, hasn't his/her Karma already been negatively affected to the point that no matter what is done now, you can't fix it?


In other words, can you clean up bad Karma in this lifetime?

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Hare krishna.


Most hare krishna followers including myself (even though born a hindu) were meat eaters and thus you are not alone.


It is said that if one listens to the Bhagavd-gita sincerely, all sins can be burnt to ashes.


For a self-controlled person who seriously studies this Bhagavad-Gita scripture, not a trace of sin remains - either from the previous or present life - since all his sins are burnt to ashes.


Read more at www.gitamrta.org/gloryofgita.htm


But having said that. It does not mean that you will not suffer from the pangs of material life. Devotees also suffer from old age, disease and death. By becoming KC, we stop our sinful activities and become purified. Our karmic reactions become diluted but not evaporated. It all depends on how sinful we were in our previous lifes too.


So the best thing is not to worry about the past just be KC now and think of the future, back to krishnaloka. Lord krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, those who think of him at the end of life go back to him, even if they think of him in the last hour of life only.





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I had been to a bookstore. I knew, of course, about Krishna through of all people, George Harrison. When I picked up the Gita, it made so much sense to me, in a spiritual way. I really didn't understand anything in it, particularly as I came from a Greek Orthodox (Christian) background. But the Gita really spoke to me and I am very motivated to continue learning.


As far as being a veggie, I was at the PETA website (people for the ethical treatment of animals), and saw the videos of animals being murdered so we can throw a steak on the grill. That pretty much did it for me, no meat ever since.


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