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spiritual experiances

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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Please ignore these ghostji's who do not even care to sign their names. They clearly have their own ideas and do not even know what is spiritual, that spiritual means Krishna and so is all pervading etc and will continue debating to the end of the universe. I consider it highly improper that for one or two of ghostji's the other devotees should be bereft of the association of all others. I would like all the devotees who agree to simply ignore such posts. Thanks.

All sincere devotees are only getting "headaches" out of such discussion. I have taken Max prabhuji's advise to completely refrain from answering to junk posts whether by some christians or by some guests who claim to be in KC.


In particular i would love to hear from you.

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"All sincere devotees are only getting "headaches" out of such discussion"


all sincere devotees should be able to bring out philosophical points to demonstrate that an opinion is wrong


i have givn explanation of what i said, so be mercyful to krist prabhu, but be mercyful to me too explaining where i am wrong


find a way to explain better than mine the experience of krist prabhu to him, do not try to water our philosophy only for the sake to have one more member in the forum


show real love


(a big part of discussion was created by you attacking me feeling to defend a new devotee.. do not forgeti it)

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your correct. what was the spiritual part of the experiance was my coming to a little better understand of hinduism and begine getting rid of my mayavadi thinking and delutional thinking. so when that happend i had a eye opening experiance to the fact i need true spirituality. no more no less. it was spiritual no matter what anyone says, it changed me for the better and that is truely spiritual.


guest; well i forgive you. please for give me.

--there's no one to forgive... simply you have to understand that vaishnavism is philosophic. Everyone s happy of your decision to practice krsna consciousness, but ther's no doctrinal or philosophic way to interprete your experience as spiritual.. and there's the need to say it because no one has to think that drug experiences or nde experiences are spiritual


so go in any gaudya vaishnava temple or association you like and simply chant hare krsna... that's enough. When you'll be more advanced your being against western devotees and your feeling a victim because my opinion about your experience will disappear..


you have come in a forum... and a forum is meant to discuss

if you do not like to discuss.. do not come in a forum

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Dear devotee of the Lord

Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Please excuse me if you have been offended by any of my words. Although this has no relevance to the orignial post and the discussion regarding that is pointless but since you have brought up the question of philosophy, i will try to explain to the best of my ability for the pleasure of devotees.


You have confused different things. So let us analyze as Lord Krishna has done it in Gita. For example the (material) food is in one of the three modes. But the Prasadam is above the three modes, it is in shuddha-sattva. Similiarly if we give charity it is one of the three modes, but charity for purpose of Krishna is above the three modes. Likewise, our activities are in material modes but those in Krishna-consciousness are above the three modes in shuddha-sattva. If it were not so then there would have been no chance of coming to liberated platform, for material activities cannot lead one to spiritual realm.


When Srila Prabhupada was asked about the situation of devotees, this is what he replied:


Bob: Are the devotees beyond accumulating karma? These devotees--do they feel karma? Do they work in these modes? Are they in the mode of goodness?

Srila Prabhupada: They are above goodness! Suddha-sattva. The devotees are not in this material world. They are in the spiritual world. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita:


mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena

bhakti-yogena sevate

sa gunan samatityaitan

brahma-bhuyaya kalpate


["One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down in any circumstances, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman."] Devotees are neither in goodness, passion nor ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities.




He doesn't mean to say that all the devotees are uttam-adhikari neither is he referring to only uttam-adhikaris. So Srila Prabhupada repeatedly gives the example of iron rod coming in contact with fire which will become like fire. Which means that by performing spiritual activities our mind,body,ego,intellect will gradually become spiritualized. So when Kristji talks of the vision of Lord Shiva asking him to take to KC, he doesn't pretend that suddenly he has become transcendental in nature or has the transcendental eye to see the transcendental form of Lord Shiva; he sees only a material reflection. He made it clear in subsequent replies that he does not imagine so and also said that the NDE may be real or not, but without reason you continued to put him down.


So when you said that they are not dreams of Krishna, you are right in the sense that we have not seen the real form of Krishna and no one disputes that fact but the thing is that since we have remembered God it is a spiritual activity. Similiarly making fun of Hare-Krishna is not a spiritual activity but taking the Name of Krishna (even when not directly relating to Him) is spiritual activity and what is known as ajnata-sukriti (remember the example of Ajamila). Lastly when you say that we connect to God indirectly, you are right in the sense that we have not attained the spiritual senses to be able to see Him, but still the Guru is a transperant via-medium of God so as good as God. Serving him is serving Krishna and is a spiritual activity. There is no question of watering the philosophy for getting a member in forum, but your attitude of trying to only find errors in the name of philosophy even when he says he agrees with you is what is really problematic.

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George Harrison said (and I agree from personal experience in my youth) that psychedelic drugs were NOT the way to find God but that these experiences could open ones eyes to the fact that we are not just our bodies, but something more.


Such experiences, though dangerous, are for many people the first step of a spiritual search.


I had one such mushroom experience where I felt suffused by a pure and unconditional love, which, rightly or wrongly, I thought to be the presence of God. I felt so unworthy of this love that the tears pored down my face. A few weeks later my final experience was a flat cold, lonely empty one that put me off taking such risks again.


I read a terrible news story last year about a student in Germany who took some powerful psychedelic and cut off his tongue and another tender bit of his anatomy - so be warned anyone who may be tempted to try and find God the chemical way.


I was lucky in a way that I did not come to any harm, and shudder to think what could have happended to me


For many people in the west there is even these days, little in the way of spiritual guidance, and (especially in my case) many are searching for something (God) even though they do not realise what they are searching for, and do not know where to start their search.


Before my experiences 17 years ago I was very unsure about whether God/Heaven/souls even existed, but after I felt more certain they did, and very slowly began becoming more interested in searching for the absolute truth.


The ONLY ways I would recommend people to search is by meditation, reading (preferably Srila Prabhupadas books!),

and if they can, by finding a true devotee/guru.


As has been pointed out, God cannot be achieved cheaply by a pill.


Krishna created these mushrooms for some purpose I suppose.. and although such mushrooms are in the mode of ignorance, for me they did they kick start the process by which ignorance was dispelled. Perhaps like milk curd being used to cure problems caused by taking too much milk?


The real solution to my ignorance though, was through reading Srila Prabhupadas writings, especially Bhagavad Gita As It Is, NOT mushrooms.


Please forgive me for my foolishness,

my humble obeisances and apologies to real devotees.

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