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A jewish man 'dies', meets God/krishna, and comes back to life

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please read this people.

This is what you must do. this is my faith.

This is a NDE of a jewish selfish male, he mocked God of all religions all the time. Most, he mocked a hare krishan who was always chanting in the college campus. What appears is that this hare krishna monk was most exalted in God eyes, above the christian evangelists even, not because hare krishna religion is better than christianity, but because the monk personally had the greatest love for God-more than his very life!

quite interesting i should say and it answers tons of questions about much things you can ask here.




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This is one of the ways that some wicked Christians will try in order to deceive and convert others.


A day before an Islamic festival, the Muslims feed goats the very best food and pamper them. The next day they are slaughtered and eaten.



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you must have not read well... how could this man be trying to convert to christianity, when he states bluntly you dont have to be a christian to serve God? when he states that of all the religious people he mocked in his life,(he was wicked, now hes not) the Hare Krishna Monk was Most Exalted in His Holy Eyes, because the monk had greatest love for God? this man lets us know God is in ways apparant in different religions.

and all those monotheistic religions have truths and falsehood mixed. I sure can't wait till the thousand year reign of ChristVishnuKrishna, when all Lies and Demons shall be gone and there will only be 1 religion. which is:the TRUTH. (and then, the emphasis will be on Kalki, not christ, not krishna, at least not those incarnations)


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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


I did read this and agree with most of it. However, i cannot say that i agree with all that he has written. Even at the risk of giving the impression of a fault-finder i will give important points where i disagree.



When the Eternal One created human beings, it was a massive experiment where He trusted us with the gift of free will. Free will, by nature, is something outside of God's control. He assumes that most of us will choose the right road by striving to live humble and righteousness lives. This is why we were created. God would then be able to bless our lives and we would be greatful to Him. In the same way that love wants to share with others, God loves to bless and to share His glory with those who merit it by consciously choosing to walk the right road. But God is also a righteous Being and will only bless right action while punishing selfish actions - actions that violate the way of Love.


Sadly for God, His massive experiment turned into a massive nightmare! Most of humanity chose to misuse their precious gift of free will by rejecting the right path - the path of taking up the cross of denial-of-self and, for His sake, living humble and righteous lives. Instead, most of humanity chose to live their lives for their own enjoyment and against the divine order of things.




The God is completely Perfect and there is no question of His experimenting and definitely no question of experiments going wrong. Additionally it implies that souls were created in some past in the realm of material Time (which is three-pronged as in past, present and future) which is not the case since the jivas are manifested in the realm of Absolute Eternal Time (only eternal present) i.e. they are eternally accomplished. If you want to know the Vedic position on this please ask and i will try to explain it to the best of my ability. The main confusion is that it preconceives that human bodies are a novelty in that they have been created for the first time when the Vedic timeline clearly delineates that all this (creation then dissolution) has been going on in cycles like the weather since time immemorial.


The more important point is that he has not addressed the main issue at all. It is of how to develop pure love of God. He gives no analysis of how the Hare Krishna devotee actually developed so much love for God that he become situated on the transcendental platform of love of Godhead loving God more than his life, when we find love even on the mental platform as difficult to attain. This is the crux of the whole matter, and as long as we are not clear as to how to attain that love we will not make great progress.


I fail to understand one thing.


You do not understand the love of God if you say that. How could god even forgive if he didnt feel our sins? but he did. and he chose to forgive for those that believed he was God. its his right. he can do what he wishes.

and he wishes us not to suffer but to be and receive good.




Do you mean to say that just believing in God and doing all kinds of nonsense otherwise is okay? If the God is omnipotent then why can He not make everyone believe Him just like this person and thus all will attain salvation thereby fulfulling His desire. No we have perfectly logical and complete answers to these, i am just asking your viewpoint.
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Hare Krishna and may christ bless you


dont worry about faultfinding, I like honesty and love to debate this NDE.


I dont see why not. God is completely perfect. we are not God. So we go wrong.

Of course, god reveals only parts of himself to this man, as krishna himself says:out of 1000 devotees only 1 truly knows me (something like that?)

well, i remember being in heaven and in the Eternal Now, but still there is 'some' kind of timeless time there.

but i love to know your ideas my friend.



but when did it start then? how far can we go back? shouldnt we all have reached brahmaloka by now if what you say is true?


Well, he gives plenty of actions we can do. (the krishna monk sang, the christians preach, and the crippled have a humble attitude. )


i think love speaks for itself, i know when i care more about someone else than about my own desires. action helps to form a good heart, but what comes first? the action or the heart?

Love is inexplainable. what would you have expected.


no, i dont believe that. Christ himself preached a whole teaching of how to love behave act feel and think.

(and you might wanna read the gospel with prayer im sure it will be very insightful)

i dont know the answer, apart from saying:free will.

but id love to know your answer to your own question.




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