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My dad is one of those liberals who gets all his info off the Internet about the American government. I somewhat believe in what they say but not all of it. My dad got crazy info that if we stayed we would not live. So he wanted to move to New Zealand. Our family was not going to move. My dad got so angry he was ready to divorce and go off by himself. I was so sad and whom did I turn to? Krishna. One day I told my mom that if we all "prayed" we could help him. They had no idea how much I knew bout this stuff. I explained Krishna consciousness to them both while my dad was asleep because he went to bed early. They were very impressed on what I knew and were willing to try the chant I told them about. Of course it was the maha mantra. So, I told them to sit with their legs crossed and think about whatever troubles were on their mind. So of course we al put my dad on our mind. Then I played a recording of Krishna das and of him chanting the maha mantra. I told them to just listen and chant along. So this went on for the next 15 minutes. We chanted and released our problems and begged for Krishna to help us. After it all my sister and mom said that they felt very strong and happy. I told them to go to bed and just keep my dad in their mind and think the maha mantra. The next day I had to go to school and my dad wasn’t up yet. But even when I was in school I knew my dad was healed. When I came back, everything in the house was calm and I went to take the trash out with my sister. She told me that my dad had totally changed his mind bout the whole thing. No divorce, no move and its all thanks to Krishna. So, I hope you like my story. HARE KRISHNA!


P.S this is a story about me

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