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ISKCON wedding

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I am 27 years old and desire to have a Vedic marriage at an Iskcon temple. My girlfriend has agreed to this. We are both strict vegetarians and do not smoke cigarettes. However, I do, very rarely, smoke a cigar and on rare occaision we both drink wine, but we do not do this to get intoxicated.


It took me a very long time to go strict veg and quit smoking cigarettes, but I have been clean for nearly two years and I will never turn back. I know that I cannot be initiated but will any of this prevent us from being married in an Iskcon temple?


Thanks for your thoughts!



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Hey bro !


i'm 29 and we got married with my girlfriend too. don't worry, marriage has nothing to do with the regulative principles.


i'm a initiated devotee but my girlfriend is protestant, she eats meat and smoke or drink sometimes....


i don't know if they'll agree to marry you but at least you'll find someone i think.

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Hare Krishna.


Being vegetarian is very good. I don't see why any temple would not let you marry in the temple.


The regulated principals, if followed is very good, and I would say the main one is being vegetarian. Since you both follow this you should have no difficulty in marrying in a temple. Even if you eat meat, still there should be no difficulty. Most Hindus eat meat and they all get blessed in temples.


Bhakta Kamlesh Patel


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