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A Book

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Here is a conclusion to a book my father wrote. Post your views here. If you want the whole book you can email me. NASAkid8@aol.com



Dear Mary,


Here is the vision of a future we know of, one that was given to us like a gift from the unseen spirit of truth. It has been kept hidden by dark forces from mankind for a long time. Maybe it will travel now - with the aid of forces of light, leaking out to reach all those bereft of hope, of vision. As you know, this is our mission. It is a part of Creation's hidden plan revealing itself. I thought the time to release it was before the election - but I'm guided to do it now. So here it is, good sister. Do as you see fit with it. Share it with all who wish to see. Name or credit mean nothing. Only true service to Creation now matters. Godspeed to you. Adios.


J. P.




                         Illuminated Vision For Humanity From The Hill Of The Holy Beacon



     He was not sure why he had always dreamed of India. It just naturally seemed like the perfect place to conclude his long search for hidden wisdom. When he arrived in New Dehhi he was amazed to discover a culture so deep and rich that it bore visual evidence of thousands of years of daily use.


     As he rode along a wide, tree-lined road in a rickshaw, he seemed to blend into a painting that had not altered for centuries. It was a glimpse back in time, to a gentler day. He decided to go into one of the ubiquitous tea parlors leftover from the time of British colonial rule.


     He nibbled a crumpet while watching traffic stream by government offices and foreign embassies along the dusty road outside. Time’s edges seemed to blur for a moment. Sitar strings twanged in faint shadows. Delicate cymbals added a slow beat. A lilting flute traced a thin line beneath.


     He soon lost track of the present and could not have said where he was. He closed his eyes and envisioned a strange blue light gleaming in a hazy vapor. A holy man emerged in the faint light, with a wave and a smile. He sent greetings from the Hill of the Holy Beacon. He invited him to a temple on The Hill of The Holy Beacon.


     “Come to see Rimpoche Miram”. The strange man smiled - and then faded back into the haze.


     He opened his eyes. He had to find out if there was such a temple, or such a person. Outside in the street the first driver he asked smiled and nodded with understanding. He had expected more difficulty than that.


     But the driver was friendly and offered information about Rimpoche Miram, the same man he had seen in his strange vision. He also said there was a special Shambhala going on nearby.


     “So, this is a regular thing, huh, this gathering we’re going to?” he asked the driver . The driver looked in his rear view mirror. He seemed slightly puzzled.


     “Sir, sorry sir, this is last day of ten year Shambhala. Only one time in thousand years, this happen. Yes sir”. The man said that it was a celebration and meditation on Creation.


     Joshua felt a sudden wave of excitement. The driver then realized he knew nothing about the Shambhala. The man’s eyes lit up.


     “Maybe message for world coming, sir. Coming today, sir! I theenk so”, He nodded with uncontainable enthusiasm.


     “Are you a follower of the Rimpoche?” asked Joshua.


     “Oh, yes sir . . . very much, sir. Everyone follow - if they know, sir. Oh sure . . . yes sir”.


     A steep hill came into view. A high green meadow was visible outside the door of a temple at the top. A gleaming blue light sat above the white structure. Near the top of the path up the hillside, there were statues, carvings and fountains, many with small lights twinkling around them. It gave the Hill of The Holy Beacon and its temple an aura of magical aliveness.


     Aromas of incense blended with exotic flowers and baking bread to create a heavenly scent in the air. Music wafted on a soft afternoon breeze. The sun’s warmth felt perfect, almost like a kiss from the sky.


     He glanced back at the spreading green velvet of the jungle, as he climbed.

A river wound beneath the vast lushness, shining through small openings in the distance. Flute music and chanting grew more distinct as he neared the high meadow.


     Ringing bells and cymbals softly trilled in the background. The simple beauty of life emerged before him, as though a softer light had fallen. A loud gong sounded, breaking the quiet hum of contentment in the crowd.


     The temple door opened and Joshua saw the man he had seen in telepathy. He was wearing the same white turban with a blue sapphire in the center.


     The Rimpoche surveyed the crowd slowly, searching their faces without words. They simply returned his gaze as he walked silently among them.


     Loving-kindness emanated from him - and appeared to transpose to those who reached for it, as he passed among them. Clear nurturing was evident in those receiving the Rimpoche’s benevolence. Healing and joy flowed directly from him, without so much as a word.


     This was the kind of truth he had hoped to find from the beginning, a truth without limit. Seeing it now only confirmed the value of it. The Rimpoche turned away from the crowd in the distance and began walking back toward the temple.


     When he reached the steps, he stopped and turned toward him. The Rimpoche's eyes became dark pools of shifting information. Then he realized the guru was communicating with him again, calling him over. He pointed at himself. The Rimpoche nodded and smiled warmly.


     A path through the crowd opened before him. The walkway was covered in soft fresh flower petals. He stepped onto the flowers, then stopped and stepped back.

He remembered something from another time and removed his shoes, before stepping again barefoot onto the soft cool petals.


    He focused on the blue sapphire on the Rimpoche’s turban. It sparkled evanescently, as if it were alive. He then heard supernatural sounds that seemed to emanate from beyond the width of the sky.


     At first it was a low rumble, like a foghorn of impossible proportions. The immensity of the size it suggested passed beyond known dimensions. He gasped as he understood what the sound had been. It was the voice of vast Creation, in the courtyard of the universe.


     A blade of light burst from the top of the sky, enclosing him and the Rimpoche in celestial radiance. The wise man merely smiled, totally at ease. His heart pounded rapidly. The Rimpoche lifted his rod and touched his forehead.


     Immediately, a vast unseen dimension spread open to his view. In the enormous space, all events past and future, were continuously unfolding, evolving, within moving spheres.


     They spun in all directions, forming vivid patterns and shapes, like galaxies and spiral nebulae. Constellations of events, and the nature of their component elements, were spread across multiple levels and dimensions of perception.


     Individual experiences were accessible simultaneously. It was a peep into absolute experience. The essence of the Akashic record, the divine record of all karma, was opened.


     The gentle guru touched him again, removing the vision of frightening vastness.


     “What you saw is beyond knowing. You were allowed to see by Creation,” he concluded.


     He felt frozen, as though he must break free of something. It felt as if he were covered with a light film or membrane. When he was able to move through the resistance, he became almost weightless, floating for an instant.


     The Rimpoche merely smiled and nodded. He understood without words. They had entered the spirit domain.


     As they moved among rapt attendees on the green meadow, he saw that they were not aware of any interruption in the flow of time. He and the Rimpoche had passed beyond physical limits.


     He now understood why there could never be an adequate explanation of such experience. By its very nature and context, it surpassed all previous angles of examination or measure by quantum considerations.


     The Rimpoche smiled in a mysterious way, gazing into his eyes. He looked back at him, surprised to see his probe into the nature of reality being received and understood by the Rimpoche.


     He became aware of his deep abiding love for Creation. It was the central fire that had burned unquenchably for so long and surged now, to full force, in his soul.

The Rimpoche suddenly seemed enraptured with something he saw. He turned to see what it was.


     A scene of heavenly glory lay spread before him. Divine beauty was revealed in a breathtaking moment. Now the Rimpoche stood frozen in place, in the same way seekers on the meadow had seemed stopped in time only moments earlier.


    He realized he had entered yet another dimension, one unknown even to the overwhelmed Rimpoche. He tried to steady his trembling hands.


    He looked across the meadow but saw only a slight breeze stirring in the shimmering golden light. In the distant sky beyond, lights twinkled. They seemed far beyond measurable distances away, like gathered stars.


    A clear geometric design infused the entire view. Shimmering edges softened, revealing an interconnected design throughout the fabric of the universe.


    “My friend,” said a soft voice behind him.


    He turned to see a smiling man, standing on the footpath. His casual dress and attitude suggested comfort. The gently smiling man was more than relaxed, yet he was standing in the most electrifying display he had ever seen.


    The divine being lifted his hand in a gesture of kindness and invitation.

It was a gesture as light as a butterfly. Joshua felt a soothing reassurance fill him. He pointed to the distant twinkling lights. They immediately became more visible.


    He saw millions of angelic beings emerge from an unseen dimension, one that was now clearly real and present. He recalled the phrase, ‘Lord of Hosts’, as he looked across the vast assemblage of spirit beings.


    The casual, kindly man gestured for Joshua to walk with him along the path. He leaned slightly and moved to the side of the gentle Being. The smiling teacher looked again at the distant lights. 


     When he looked again he saw a gleaming ship of crystal. The enormous vessel seemed to enter the entire horizon. Stars or suns could not compare to its size. It’s immense stack of levels and decks had a dazzling sparkle. The Teacher smiled pleasantly as though enjoying his reaction.


     Then he saw the wheel of the ship. It was encrusted with jewels and metals not known on earth. Thousands of eyes dotted the circumference, shining more keenly than the jewels.


     He looked back again at the smiling man. As he did so, he entered yet another pathway, an opening within the gaze flowing from the gentle eyes. He saw his future path through coming years revealed. It unfolded like a vast multi-framed, intricate movie.


     Painful casualties and losses appeared in his vision through time, but he could also see that there were steady gains. Upward steps led all the way to a glimpse of himself actually delivering his message, achieving his mission.


     He saw, that at last, he would be able endure and deliver Creation’s beautiful gift to suffering hearts, to those searching for the spirit of eternal truth.


     They would get to see it emerge and rise high above the flood of lies. The fruit of gentle peace would one day be given. There would be joy for those bravely clinging to their faith, through unexplained sorrows.


      The divine gift, one hidden by dark forces for so long, would become known as a beautiful, rich treasure when revealed. Its true nature provided an endless bounty that included all mankind. The beautiful Blue Island in space was created as an intricate, beautiful school.


      A divine university lay unused. A setting ideally suited to the attainment of enlightened mastery had been overlooked. Growth and progress were to be achieved through unlimited years of humble service and dedication to Creation, and to fellow students aboard the beautiful learning ship.


     Creation had provided a brilliant means of attaining mastery. The invisible elevation of spirit was available to all. It was magically possible by divine design, to beings struggling to survive on the outer crust of a blue sphere in space.


     Self-discovery of this holy kind would someday enrich and uplift souls around the world. This mystical enrichment, once it began occurring within the hearts of every individual, would initiate the time of it being on earth, as it is in heaven.


     He now had the precious keys of understanding he had searched for all his life. It had exceeded even his deepest hopes and dreams. In another moment, the vision of the future was gone. The smiling man faded from view.


     Then the Guru began moving toward him again, unaware of any pause. The crowd stirred and murmured once more in the background. He walked to the Rimpoche’s side.

The Guru told the waiting crowd that he was the messenger they had been waiting for.


     He spoke to them on the meadow in a way that felt new to him. His voice seemed to possess unusual fullness, enabling him to speak clearly to all, without shouting. He told them of the coming day of peace and dignity. A new agreement among nations would mean the end of war and lies as a way of life.


     There would be a chance to choose another way to be. Liars must be cast out. Fear mongers, war machines and their advocates must be removed from all societies.

He told them that those in power would not accept the divine offer of peace, but that no revolution or bloodshed would be needed to overthrow them.


     In the fullness of time, Creation would expand the scope of human vision, making lies visible. On that day, snide minions of evil, used to fooling large numbers of misguided masses, would find themselves exposed, seen doing evil by all eyes, deeds formerly hidden and kept secret.


      The crowd absorbed his words and waited for more. 


     “The whole world will see this beginning at the first great election after the millennium”.


      The crowd appeared to understand the strange information. They had all been trusted with a message for the future. It would instill hope in a time to come, a time when there would be little to find. He left them knowing their unseen work would become an important part of the hidden plan in the future.


     Operations of the spirit kingdom were far more intricate than he had imagined. His glimpse of divine truth, a truth kept hidden throughout human history, had cleared things up for him in a rush, like pieces of a puzzle all coming together.


     The Dominion of Creation, the spirit of truth, was gathering massive force, outside the view of any perception. Hidden procedures were underway. These forces of Creation were so vastly powerful in nature, that galaxy generation systems were invisibly manifested into bands of time and matter with ease.


     In his strange vision of the future, he had also seen silent, cold gray skies of a dying world. There, the mistakes people made, the lies and wars and death they had supported - had led to terrible outcomes. They were forever laden with the saddest of memories. There was no bottom to their suffering.


     He saw faces, some familiar, shivering in dark huts, huddled beneath blankets with swollen eyes. They appeared to be too sick and weak to stand or walk. He realized the suffering he saw on their faces was a result of evil they had done to the weak and innocent of the world.


     Now, souls were paying a dreadful price for mocking the greatness of Creation. Sadness took on a new definition. Those who insisted war could not be stopped, or that the misery of the weak was justified by the wealth of the strong, were all included in the suffering masses. Those who violated the innocence of children fared worst of all.


     The vileness of such behaviors left marks on souls, no matter what their excuse.

Those who chose the Lie, would be all be revealed, they would be seen as cruel and judgmental, lacking kindness or grace. They would be exposed as having no redeeming virtue at all. And no amount of money would be able to help them.


     Those who believed their evil deeds were unknown, would see the corruption in their souls revealed as clearly as blood under black light.


     At that point, the once safe kingdoms of paper, pretense and ill-gotten gain, along with fear-controlled silence, would become blowing chaff in the whirlwind.


     Unbridled greed and self-absorption, would give way to a new level of human understanding. The awakened world would find itself in perfect alignment with good will and peace.


     He had glimpsed a Foundation Document in the crystal ship. The principles it stated were already written in the laws of the heart and would become the new operational mode.


     He had also seen an untapped field of joy awaiting the human race. Gladness would arrive when all accepted the offer of peace and truth. More preparation would be needed while awaiting the signal.


     He knew he must go opposite the normal path, getting steadily stronger, well past normal retirement age, in preparation. Years flowed past as easily as seasons. The Hill in India faded into distant memory.


     Even decades spun off like so much forgotten churn, in the accelerating wake of his passage. He felt himself gliding on a timeless ribbon, outside calendar time, sailing smoothly into the new millennium.


     He hurried his preparations in daily life throughout the years, expanding his awareness and strength. He watched as the turn of the century passed without event. It would not be much longer.


     He was standing on the beach one day, in the first year of the 21st Century, before the speeding momentum of time and events seemed to glide to a halt. An unseen conclusion had been reached.


     It seemed as if the silence that surrounded him when he began his quest, had at long last returned. Only now it was a soothing quiet. The long, loud inconclusive movie of life had filled itself in. He smiled and took in the cool ocean breeze.   

Surreal gold blended with sunset orange across the entire horizon. The ocean became iridescent blue, as though a light shone beneath it. 


      That night he dreamed of a garden. He did all the right things to make it perfect. It was the garden the old man in his dreams had foretold, long ago. When he awoke the following day, he began work.


     Within a few weeks it was thriving. After the garden was in full bloom, he had another shock of awareness. He felt an urge to begin writing. Then he felt it again, like a jolt.


     A simple phrase crossed his mind.


     “Write it down and turn it in”.


     It was the signal he’d waited for all his life. At last, the spirit kingdom would use his work, just as planned and known from ages past. The power of the spirit of truth would reach through time and be released. It would be placed back into the hands of the people. Chaos would lead to the truth being known. He smiled.


     Magnificent spirits of goodness from the unseen, would assist in restoring the Dominion of Creation to purity and truth. The earth would celebrate freedom from lies and war. He was grateful to be an instrument in the fulfillment of divine destiny.


     He wrote it down and turned it in. This is it. Pass it on.








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