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Argh I thought it was in the Science Of Reincarnation but I can't find it now. I know if an animal is killed before it's natural death then it comes back as the same animal until it finishes its meant number of days in that type of animal body. But I'm not sure if the same can be said of humans who are killed, and killed while still in the womb none the less.

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Coming Back: The Science Of Reincarnation page. 129;


7. Krishna conscious persons should not engage in illicit sex, i.e. sex outside of marriage or sex not for the purpose of conceiving a child. It should also be noted that abortion carries a special karmic reaction -- those who participate in killing unborn children may be placed in the womb of a mother who chooses abortion and themselves be slaughtered in the same horrible way. But if one agrees to no longer commit such sinful acts, one can become freed from karmic reaction by in-offensive devotional chanting of the holy names of God.

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Hare Krishna and dandavats


As Max prabhuji mentioned, abortion is murder. Actually, the question of belief does not arise because by any rational standard abortion is murder; just because someone is not to be seen as having full body does not make the crime less heinous but more just a killing a small child is condemned. It is all the more heinous because mostly the parents themselves participate in that and so as Srila Prabhupada says such persons are paid back in full kind by the nature.

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