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I always knew that my parents were against Krishna Consciousness, but it seems to be getting worse. Like you said, I tried to do things around the house to please them so that they wouldn't complain about me going to events. Despite doing lots of hoovering, ironing, cleaning etc, more than I ever normally do, they are still just making new excuses to try and stop me from going places. For example, recently they told me not to go to a house programme. They were saying ridiculous things like 'what if they put something in the food to brainwash you?' and things like that. I try to stay calm, but an argument always seems to start. I'd love to move out for next year, but I'm still financially dependent on them. Have you got any tips about how to deal with them?

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Hare Krishna,


I think you need to explain them, that what they have heard about ISKCON is wrong. You may have to explain that this is an authentic religion from India which is thousands of years older than Christianity. Tell them that there are lot of decent people leading normal lives(with wife and children) from different ethnic background following this faith.


Perhaps you need to show some proof that the followers are not street bums. Something tangible like a photo of a family and something to show that the family head is working in some decent industry.

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Hare Krishna,


Before doing the above, may I know why your parents are against Krishna Consciousness ?


If they are staunch christians then nothing will work. Chant the names of GOD and tell them firmly that this is what you believe. That nothing is going to change.


May be the Lord is testing your faith. HE always tests everybody's faith in some way. Perhaps you should talk about this with your fellow devotees.

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OK, try to deal with it... My parents had some problems with it too some years ago... just try not to chant it front of them, or to be or seem fanatical, show them you're still the same and happy and balanced... but for that you have to really be like that...

the other problem is, all what they have heard about Iskcon is not wrong... So it is not the best to say that it is not true when they can have proof it is true, know what i mean ? people are not stupid. Better admit the mistakes of SOME people in the movement and show that most of them are not like that. personnaly i choose not to be a part of the institution Iskcon but all this it's up to you...

And when you can, get a flat and do what you like /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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i made original post...


basically my parents are from hindu background...


they don't really mind me chanting, etc...


It's the fact that i am actually involved with the youth group, and going to loadas of events...


They say: 'just do it all at home, theres no need to go to anyone's house'


...i tell them that i need the association, but they then put guilt trip on me, saying: what so we're not good enough assocaition? what makes u think we don't love god? what gives u the right to tell us we're not spiritual enough for u...


even though that's not what i'm saying to them...


more importantly, next year i'm heavily committed to university preaching...i'm starting to think that was a mistake...cos if my parents are giving this much grief now, how will they react when i have even more responsibilities...


i know i should have faith that krsna will arrange...but what if i'm not devoted enough, then why would krsna help me?


its catch 22 - i need to do service to be more sincere...but parents are limiting the amount of service i can do...


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I on the other hand have no idea how to even go about telling my parents about Krishna Consciousness. I don't know if I ever will either, unless I move out to go to a temple or something...

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i have no authority, but to suddenly tell them about KC when u move out is a but unfair on them isn't it? At least introduce it to them - even if it is gonna mean some tension between you and your parents...

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Hare Krishna.


It seems to me that your parents just want to keep you out of trouble because they don't know very well the persons that are organizing the KC home associations. It seems that your parents care a lot about your safety and that's why they are telling you to practice your KC at your own home.


So my suggestion is that you better invite the KC people to your own home so your parents can meet them and then arrange a KC session of kirtan and lecture and japa at your own home so your parents can see by themselves what's exactly what you are doing with your KC friends.


Take care. Hare Krishna.

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But if you are following then you will be a nicer person and they will notice and link the two, both better person and Hare Krishna.


Both my parents became understanding after time. I joined when i was a teen and now nearly 50! My mom was very conscerned and checked on me when I first joined and then after some time she wrote a letter saying that atleast my diet had become what she considered perfect.


She now understands that our "religion" is very old and bonafide. And questions the "faith" of her's = catholic christian

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"i have no authority, but to suddenly tell them about KC when u move out is a but unfair on them isn't it? At least introduce it to them - even if it is gonna mean some tension between you and your parents..."


I would tell them, but I know what would happen, my mom would declare "cult" and my dad would probably disown me, or deem me crazy or some junk. Today I was talking to him about something rather trivial and non-important and he deem me a shallow heartless person, it was a Kodak moment...

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{I would tell them, but I know what would happen, my mom would declare "cult" and my dad would probably disown me, or deem me crazy or some junk.}


I can relate. Although i am out of my parents home, and married, my dad is not very agreeable with KC. He pretty much told me that if I ever showed up in a sari, he would kick my butt right out the door. My mom on the other hand, has no problem at all with it. I am still ok with my dad, we just do not talk about that.


Sorry about the Kodak moment. Those kind of things hurt coming from your parents.

If you feel the time is right maybe approach the subject and feel them out. Maybe if there is a devotee restaurant nearby, take one or both of them there and see what they say about it. You might be suprised, they may be ok with it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

"He pretty much told me that if I ever showed up in a sari, he would kick my butt right out the door"


so there's no need to disturb your father, chant hare krishna privately ... that's all

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"so there's no need to disturb your father, chant hare krishna privately ... that's all"



I am smart enough to realize that. I was just trying to show the original poster that I understand what they are dealing with. Trust me, KC is a subject we do not talk about.

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  • 5 months later...

"he other problem is, all what they have heard about Iskcon is not wrong... So it is not the best to say that it is not true when they can have proof it is true, know what i mean ? people are not stupid. Better admit the mistakes of SOME people in the movement and show that most of them are not like that. personnaly i choose not to be a part of the institution Iskcon but all this it's up to you..."


An excellent reply if I may say so. It would be like oil on a hot fire to people who have a hostile or reserved attitude towards this religion to tell them the stories aren't true. The sad thing is that in Iskcon these things stay neglected and unaddressed, which is damaging for the reputation of the true devotees who do follow the scriptures and the Guru's instructions. It happens in all religions, but since those religions are already familiar to people they are less likely to be scared off from it. It's sadly a fact that religion not only attracts those interested in regaining their lost connection with God but also those of a demoniac nature. These characters are very hurtful and have, as it seems, spread like a tumor from inside the governing body commision. One can only conclude that such characters, of who are in a leadership position, can only be spreading a perverted and crippled version of Krishna consciousness. I guess they take very much to the gita ch.4 v. 36 which states that even the greatest of all sinners, if situated on the boat of transcendental knowledge, are still going to go back to Godhead. So they perform(ed) demonic activities, such as murder, drugdealing, child abuse and forced prostitution under the banner of this verse. Now I read this reply from Russia, and it leads me to the following question: Why does Krishna reward such miscreants?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

your parents have all rights to tell you what you can and can not do in their household. move out practice your faith untill then dont make your families life a living hell. your food demands are unnessary and your desire to practice out side of the house bothers them and rightly so. they deserve that much respect.

i was lucky enough to have a agnostic father and a buddhist mother, so they never fobid me my desire to follow KC.

my mother as a buddhist disliked hinduism and disliked her fathers hinduism.

as long as you live in your parents home respect them.

krishna will never fault you for that.


dont covertly do things against your family wishes.

all these people tell you differently are not helping you they are terrorizing your parents.

have faith that krishna will help you. be firm and tell them your desire but leave it aat that. they may come around but all the talking in the world may not help. it did not with mine. my mother sill was convinced that hinduism is a racist and dogmatic and nihilist form of belief. my father thought i was plain crazy. but how is my religion that much different them my mothers? with her father? he did not like her buddhism eather.


FYI i am a white american LOL isnt that different?


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