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Srila Prabhupada on Sadhana Bhakti

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1. In spiritual strength there will be no scarcity of money.


2. Please do not neglect yourself in the prescribed duties for maintaining your spiritual strength. Without keeping spiritual strength there is no question of any accomplishment.


3. If this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do.


4. Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved.


5. If this program is strictly maintained amongst the devotees, they will remain pure.


6. I am confident that if you simply take our principles very seriously and follow them rigidly, everything will come out successfully.


7. I am very glad to note that you are seeing that the devotees are maintaining the devotional practices. This is the secret to success. Therefore, I am stressing it.


8. Make certain that your routine work is going nicely, then all other programs will be successful.




1. Follow the simple process or be victims to women and wealth.


2. Please do not neglect to engage yourself in the prescribed duties for maintaining your spiritual strength. Without keeping spiritual strength there is no question of any accomplishment.


3. If we are not very careful to always stick to the point of regulative principles and purest standards of high living, then everything will spoil very quickly and the whole show will be a farce.


4. But if this our regular Krishna consciousness program is allowed to slacken, then everything we try will fail.


5. If we neglect even for a moment our routine work, if we allow the regular program to become slack, then everything else we may try will fail.


6. If you yourself remain always pure, then your preaching will have effect. As soon as there is little impurity, the whole thing will deteriorate and go to hell.


7. The smallest neglect or inattention to these matters of routine practices will cause our other programs to fail.




1. Monetary matters are secondary. On principle, we should better starve than neglect our rules and regulations.


2. Everyone must rise by 4:00 a.m. and attend mangal arati.


3. All the temple members, without exception, must rise by 4:00 a.m. and attend mangal arati.


4. My instruction is that all of my disciples must attend mangal arati and chant 16 rounds daily.




1. Managers must remain vigilant that everyone follow sadhana.


2. All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that.


3. You must be the perfect example of Krishna conscious devotee.


4. If temple worship is not attended better stop the press.




1. And if you simply keep to our standard program that means chanting daily 16 rounds, rising early, attending mangal arati, like that, if this program is strictly maintained amongst all the devotees, they will remain pure, and if preaching is pure, automatically leaders, managers, funds, everything will be given profusely by Krishna - without doubt.


2. That is of utmost importance, do not fail to chant 16 rounds daily, rise early, come to mangal arati, come to classes, and follow the four regulative principles. In this way your life will become free from all anxieties.


3. I am also glad to hear that in your temple no one misses mangal arati and that everyone is becoming steady and peaceful in their service...Life will flourish.


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