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Greek Gods, Gays, WVA And Xena

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Well the World Vaisnava Association has certainly gotten its kaupins in a knot over the prime time television program Xena, The Warrior Princess.


It seems that there is an episode about to play which puts the heroine in India where she has to call upon Krsna to save her friends and slay the King of the demons. Sounds all right so far does it not? Right out of Krsna's Dvaraka lila, rescuing Princesses and slaying demon Kings.


But no, wait a minute. There is more to it than meets the eye. The WVA claims that Xena is a lesbian! You know, a woman who prefers her carnality with women as opposed to men. Similar to a homosexual male who prefers his carnality with other men, only different., In fact, apparently one of their membership has read in the gay rights magazine The Advocate that the actress who portrays Xena stated that she is happy to be an icon of lesbian admiration.


How an association which claims to be representative of the worlds Vaisnavas can drag such dirt into its living room goes beyond comprehension. And this in the name of protecting the One without a second Bhagavan Sri Krsna from defamation.


How does one go about getting the service of reviewing gay rights magazines looking for inflammatory remarks by media personalities who may one day have a portrayal of Krsna in an entertainment media anyway?


And to make matters worse Xena also associates with Greek gods like Zeus or Neptune maybe.


Certainly those even slightly aware of the Vedas know that such parochial histories such as Greek gods, Adam and Eves and mystic ascetics all stem from the Vedas themselves. So what's the big deal?


Well the WVA claims that Krsna is real and that He is the Supreme Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead. Fine - tell me something I don't know. It seems that according to the WVA, The American Hindu Against Defamation league and various other groups (ISKCON is now in on the ballyhoo I hear) Krsna should not be associating with these types and vice versa.


The kicker is that the show had not even aired yet and nobody (amongst the protesters) knew how Krsna was going be portrayed!


I am of the opinion that prime time exposure of Krsna is a good thing. Millions of viewers around the world hearing the Transcendental Name of Krsna and seeing His Transcendental bluish form (my wife saw a preview) on the television is giving the unsuspecting public inconceivable spiritual benefit.


Because the WVA does not agree with some devotees of similar opinion one Vidagdha Madhava das of the WVA Publishing Committee calls into question the devotion of the dissenters and by association their Spiritual Masters. Are Vidagdha Madhava das and the WVA the wielders of the Divine Right?


Do they wish to censure the world? Are they being a little too over zealous in raising a furor over a television program, which they had not even seen?


I just think there are better ways to justify your existence.


Dandavat pranams. All glories to the assembled devotees. Take no offence please.


Ramacandra das



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